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Author TOPIC: league not doing the right thing
Bradley F

June 6, 2015
1:02:50 PM

Entry #: 4169128
I am not going to say which teams this affected just the outcome of what happened. I know this does no good but I want everyone who reads this to know what could happen to your team. This season was so crazy with all the rain. So we missed games and practice because of it. We played a team that went into the third inning and was stopped because of the rain. The game was not counted as a win or lose and not made up later. Our team was winning. The game that I am mad about is when we did not even get out of the first and the game was called because of the weather for another team we played. We were losing and they called the game as a win for the other team. This is not right. The league should not be able to pick and choose what games count and which ones do not. I know the league did not want to make this game up as well. They should have made the game up or not counted it at all. The commissioner said he did not have enough information but all three teams that was affected in both games were at the same place at the same time at a different date. He just didn't want to do the work to do the right thing. This would not have been right for this to happen for any team and not just ours. I feel anyone who had this happen would not be happy. I see and hear more and more people leaving this league and I can see why. There is a rule book for a reason. Why have a rule book if your not going to follow it.

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