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Author TOPIC: 2 players are finished???

May 8, 2007
12:34:28 AM

Entry #: 2125351
Why is this posted under the score of a mens soccer game... I hope this just means for 1 additional game... red cards were given out but they were for 2 yellows and were for not giving 5 ft on a kick and cussing... The cussing will be addressed with my team but red carding people for standing to close to free kick is ridiculous..
Many cards have been given out this season to many teams but not once was that posted on the site... Whats up with that??

** My players are not the ones who put on huge rings with fake diamonds to threaten people on the soccer field like #9 on Dutch Passion with the tattooed arm or were we the guys smoking pot in the party lot right after our game like the dutch either????


May 8, 2007
10:25:08 AM

Entry #: 2126139
We will try to handle with the " after the game " incidents. We do play on a city park and stuff like drinking or drugs are not allowed. If those players that were doing this then they will be talked to.

Your 2 players , i guess, threatened the ref and that i'm pretty sure that is why they are no longer with us.


May 8, 2007
11:10:24 AM

Entry #: 2126241
I didn't hear his players threatin the ref. I thought they were given two yellows a piece for not giving an automatic 5 yards on a few different free kicks. They shouldn't be kicked out for that. We as a team, over the past few games finally got it in our head that the refs have the final say so. Dave Please try and give these players another chance. I don't think they did anything to be kicked out of the league. The wanders seem to have a pretty controlled team. I think they played great, it seems that twards the end they lost a little focus, but still had the fire inside to want to win. Good job wanders, I Hope this situation gets better for you.


May 8, 2007
12:48:59 PM

Entry #: 2126487
If a ref is threatened by players, those players will be removed from our league. If we don't have refs, we don't have a league. These guys obviously are not having fun. I have a 3rd party witness to the threats in addition to the refs.

As for the publicity, that is the new way of dealing with red cards, out in the open. It will be in the game notes. If a red card is given because of lanaguage or physical abuse it is earned.


May 8, 2007
6:43:46 PM

Entry #: 2127277
The ref was never threatened!!!! My players did say something at one of the officals after a bad call but the that ref did not like our team from a previous game and i believe that was why he was yellow carding my team for not giving 5 yds????... Come on---yellow carding people for 5 yds??? if that is in the same class as a dirty foul then who ever made the rules seriously needs to reconsider the rules on that matter please...

One of the refs had no problem with our team ask him what was going on please.... The ref with the long hair that does not care for our team and ran all the way across the field and overuled the other ref and was completely wrong on the call. the other ref made a comment after the guy left outloud that he hated working with that ref because he does not know the rules!!! If your own ref doesnt think the other ref knows the rules how can we expect to understand his calls????

Please give my players another chance..... They are good guys who lost there tempers!!! They did not hit anybody and are not trouble makers...


May 8, 2007
7:29:05 PM

Entry #: 2127378
FIFA actually made that rule. Under Cautionable offenses 5. Fails to respect the required distance when play is restarted with a corner kick or free kick or throw in. New law change from 2007


May 8, 2007
8:44:13 PM

Entry #: 2127571
Yes FIFA does have a rule that states it is a cautionable offense to not respect proper distance but its not new i dont believe...
On quick restarts sometime guys dont have time to get 5 yds on the small field and i believe this should be considered...

It just seems most refs in this league will either restart the play or let the play go because it does not create an advantage most of the time but one in particular is so quick with the yellow and this is now a severe penalty playing a man down and is frustrating to many teams not just mine.

I understand that it is a rule like any other but the discretion of the refs i believe should be to let the players play unless game altering violations have been committed...

Lastly I dont believe it is fair that players with no previous troubles are being made the example because of other teams and the fighting that has occurred.... These players on my team have never been given a warning and to just ban them from the league is just way to harsh and a knee jerk reaction to previous events that had nothing to do with these players...

I beg for the league to reconsider this matter!!!!!


May 9, 2007
8:29:53 AM

Entry #: 2128249
You know what Capt Your right it is not a new rule. But now it is a cautionable offense. I used to give a USB if someone countinually did it.
But that wasnt why i replied to the post this time. As far as that particular ref goes he accused me of threating him before. I saw him before the next game and talked to him and told him. " if you felt threatned by me i apoligize i did not mean to intimidate you by any means." If you knew me i am not a threatining person.
this was a season or so ago. I guess what i am saying is it might be that particular ref. I dont know your whole story i wasnt there but good luck.

Vic Vega

May 9, 2007
10:23:45 PM

Entry #: 2130269
On 5-6-07 I was issued my second yellow card of the game for not giving 5 yards. I never threatened the referee with violence; I have far too much to lose. I did, however, point out to him that he is a terrible referee and that every team in the league recognizes this fact. It is the referee’s job to maintain order in a soccer game, not to cause disorder by making erroneous calls that are clearly wrong. You can throw me out for the season, but I assure you, I will fight this. This was my first time ever receiving a yellow card in the two seasons that I have played in this league. I do not advocate violence on or off the field. I have played this game at the club level, varsity level, and college level, and I have always been a respected captain of all my teams. The referee in question is taking things personal when he is not supposed to. He does not give players warnings; instead he makes threats of flashing yellow or red cards. As far as a witness who heard me make threats, we have laws in the United States that prevent people from slandering one’s reputation. In closing, I just want to say that I fully intended on sitting out one game for my poor judgment, but by no means am I going to sit by and let one bad referee take away the thing that I love to do the most in this world.


May 10, 2007
5:13:51 PM

Entry #: 2132378
here at dutch passion we have been given plenty of chances and we are still working very hard to improve. I do not know if the two players from wanderers threatened the ref and i was at the game. we have all established that the refs arent the greatest. but one thing i have learned is that is how life goes. we ALL need to work on this together. i would like to see those players reinstated and given another chance just like we have been given second chances. if they did threaten the ref that should be dealt with. and the last thing we need is the refs fighting with each other. they are all just as bad as the other. some games they are on ur side and some games they are not. o well

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