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Author TOPIC: leagues for winter co/ed softball

November 6, 2009
5:38:54 PM

Entry #: 3330665
rec staff will there be upper and lower leagues for winter ball?.


November 8, 2009
7:36:28 AM

Entry #: 3331713
what no one wants to see closer games? better matched teams would make for better games.

if the same team never get moved up then you'll see fewer teams signing up.


November 9, 2009
11:16:16 AM

Entry #: 3333258
Are you joking? for winter? there arent enough teams that play in the winter to divide them up.

Besides, even when the teams are divided into upper and lower there is always that one team that doesn't belong in the lower but can't hang in the upper - so they change their team name to try to sneak by.

regardless of what divison you play in, it should be fun. This is rec ball...go out, get exercise, have fun with your team.


November 9, 2009
5:41:17 PM

Entry #: 3333795
If we have enough for an 8-team league or bigger we use the two tiered playoff system so the end games are well matched. We've been using that system with great fun when the numbers add up.


November 10, 2009
10:52:48 AM

Entry #: 3334593
We currently have a 12 team coed softball league on Fridays... After the mid point of the season, the teams are divided by the top 6 teams forming the middle division and the bottom 6 teams forming the rec division.

This is all in the interest of fairness... Great idea and I like the format, only one question though...
Why is it that once the teams are divided for the corresponding divisions, the 1st and 2nd place prizes are SO different between divisions?

Everyone pays the same fees right? So if you divide the teams to form 2 leagues based on talent, why is the middle 2nd place price of $65 higher than the Rec 1st place prize of $60? That means the lesser talented teams will never have the same prizes as the upper teams.

How is that in the interest of fairness?

It seems like Victorville leagues are trying to save money by doing this rather than keeping everything equal... I don't think that's right...


November 10, 2009
6:34:39 PM

Entry #: 3335106
which leads back to my original topic .
everyone pays the same fees to play the team that wins everytime so really no team stands to be at the top unless the league is divided into upper and lower.
everyone knows what team or teams should play upper and what teams should play lower so.........


November 10, 2009
6:55:25 PM

Entry #: 3335128
Yes....I get the whole separating the divisions mid way through the season to have true upper teams play each other but that still didn't answer my question...

Why the different amounts in prize money to be won by each division once they've been separated???

If you've gone through the trouble to separate the level of talent in the divisions, why then are you penalizing the lower teams by giving lower 1st and 2nd place teams less than half the amount the top 2 teams win in the upper division?

You're giving me Scott Boras-like answers here!!!


November 11, 2009
2:09:59 PM

Entry #: 3336036
i totally agree the top teams of upper and lower should receive the same prize amount .

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