
Helena Softball Association
Home of Adult Softball Association for Lewis & Clark, Jefferson, and Boulder Counties





Want to start a team for the upcoming season?

Team registration for the upcoming season will be in early April. Now is the time for new teams to be looking for sponsors for next season. Teams must have at least 10 players and be able to pay team fees at registration time in April. Most teams have a "Sponsor" to pay for team fees. What has worked well in the past to find a sponsor is to contact a business early and discuss terms of the sponsorship. Restaurants and drinking establishments are popular because they help you out with team sponsorship and you can help them out by frequenting their business. Anytime you can reciprocate a sponsor by supporting them first always helps. 

If you have any questions please contact us at


Looking for a player or team?

If you are a player looking for a team, click here and complete the pre-season form. All submissions will be given to team captains at team registration in April for them to complete their roster. 

Also, if you are a team, email us at and we will provide you a list of pre-registered individuals who registered during the pre-season.


Minor participation in slow pitch

Minors can play in HSA regular season COED and Women with the following requirements: 

  • 16 and above can play with consent from parent.
  • 15 and younger can play if approved by the board.
  • Anyone younger than 18 years, must wear helmet or face mask at all times. (batting, in the field)
  • Umpires can remove a player from the field if they are questioning age of player.
  • All minor waivers will be kept at the concession stand for review.

Complete the Minor Waiver form and the Minor Applications/Approval form and have your team captain provide it at registration night. Alternative delivery options will be available soon. Each application will need to be reviewed and signed prior to minor participation in league play. 


Official Bats for this year's league and tourney play

HSA enforces the use of ASA certified bats for league and tournament play. To review a list of all certified bats for this year's season go to