General Information
Subscribe to our NewsletterAdvertising Committee
Chairperson: MBL VP-Marketing
Contact and coordinate current and future advertisers for fence, scoreboard, uniform and dugout sales. Assist in the development of new venues and fundraising ideas. Active correspondence and collection of monies.
· Family Night
· Somerset Patriot Night
· Movie Night
· Open Day Ceremonies
· Championship Night
· Restaurant Discounts
Seeking all creative ideas for fundraising.
Timing: All year with peak times.
Due Date: By January 1 contact all advertisers.
Coaches Clinic Committee
Work with H.S. coaches and outside trainors to develop anr overall coaches clinics and specific drills clinic for spring practices.
Communications Committee
Information on upcoming events and announcements such as; Family Night, Opening Day Ceremonies, Movie Night, Travel Tryouts, etc., on the MBL website.
Timing: Year round...Workload increases during spring season
Concession Stand Committee
Contact/coordinate with parents to staff the McKnight Complex concession stand throughout the season. Volunteer contacting other volunteers. Preparation, cleaning, ordering of merchandise, etc. for season. All new ideas welcomed!
Timing: March through June
Meet with volunteers
Present at Parent's Night
Ongoing Staffing (througout season)
Field Maintenance Director
Chairperson: MBL VP - Fields & Facilities
Scheduler: MBL VP - Fields & Facilities
Oversee the maintenance of the Complex (field preparation, electricity, water, buildings and grounds). Coordinate the parent volunteers in work parties prior to and during the season. Recommend improvements to the Board. Opening and closing of baseball facilities.
Game Schedule Coordinator
Coordinate schedules and rain makeups with League Directors and Scheduling Committee.
Timing: Weekly
Players Clinic Committee
Develop a clinic / training plan to support MBL Rec and Travel programs.
Sponsor Recruitment Committee
Contacts local merchants and team parents to sponsor teams for the spring season. Collection of monies. Correspondence thanking them, with recognition functions (i.e., Opening Day recognition, Cocktail Reception, Year End Banquet). Work with Advertising Committe to ensure that proper communication and sharing of opportunities exist.
Work with Uniform Committee to match sponsor and player.
Timing: All year (Majority of work done in December/January)
Umpires Committee
Chairperson: MBL VP-Umpires
Training and Master Scheduling
Timing: Complete in March
Equipment Committee
Inventory equipment by League, store for off-season, set-up equipment bags for next season. Order new equipment as needed. Distribute equipment to League Directors for new season or clinics. Maintain and track all equipment.
Timing (Spring Season):
Inventory (early November)
Order (late January)
Distribute (mid March)
Collection (mid June)
Timing (Travel Season):
Distribute (n/a, use Spring equipment)
Collection (early September, if coaches are not coaching Fall Ball)
Timing (Fall Ball):
Distribute (early September, if coaches did not coach Travel Ball)
Collection (late October/early November)
Merchandise Committee
Inventory/Price existing merchandise, replenish supplies of "traditionally successful products," and explore new products.
Order in time for distribution at Parent's Night. This merchandise tends to only be sold this one night before the Spring season. Create season long merchandising program.
Order (January 15)
Distribute (late March / early April)
Parents Night Committee
Conduct information sharing opportunity, by league, to explain upcoming season, rules of the league, and parent expectations. This is when uniforms are distributed for the spring season, and is our biggest opportunity to sell merchandise and sign up volunteers. It is also the best opportunity for parents to meet MBL officials.
Note: Parents' Night is only held for the Spring season.
Success requires total coordination with League Directors, Uniform Committee, and Merchandise Committee.
Must secure two dates for MHS auditorium and cafeteria.
Secure gym/auditorium (December 15)
Begin meeting with Committees (early January)
Final event review (March 1)
Hold event (late March / early April)
Photo Night/Day Committee
Hold evening photograph session by League/Team, and possibly a daytime session for I-Ball and D-Ball teams (new idea for 2005). Coordinate with League Directors for game times (to avoid conflicts). Reserve MMS gym and ensure calendar is not in conflict with school activities. Need 6 volunteers at evening session (3 at daytime session) to direct teams, instruct parents, and maintain orderly movement.
Note: Photos are only taken during the Spring Season.
Contact/Hire photographer (late November)
Secure MMS gym (mid December)
Inform parents and distribute order forms at Parent's Night (late March / early April)
Conduct event (late April)
Registration Committee
Chairperson: MBL VP's Cal Ripken and Babe Ruth
Development of "backpack" mail, email, website material (MBL, Montgomery, Rocky Hill), Ch. 14 ad, and "paper" registration form. Opening, sorting, inputing of player/parent data. Work with League Directors and Committees for Equipment, Uniform, Merchandise, Umpires, and Sponsors regarding data.
Timing (Spring Season):
Develop "announcement" flier/ads, etc (early November)
Registration Opens (15 November)
Player Info to Directors (mid-to-late January)
Info to Sponsor and Uniform Committees (February 1)
Timing (Fall Ball):
Develop "announcement" flier/ads, etc (late July)
Registration Opens (early August)
Player Info to Directors (late August / early September)
Trophies Committee
Order trophies, by league, for each team.
Work with League Directors for distribution dates (during play-offs).
Note: trophies are only distributed after the Spring season.
Collect orders (mid-May)
Order (mid-May)
Distribute by beginning of play-offs (early June)
Uniforms Committee
Order, by league, uniforms for each team. These must have the correct sponsor's name on the back. They will be distributed at Parent's Night. Coordinate carefully with Sponsor Committee, Registration Committee, Parents' Night Committee, and all individual League Directors.
Note: Travel Ball uniform orders are a separate entity!
Note: Fall Ball uniform orders are a relatively simple order (generic, multi-colored MBL shirts only) completed in August.
Present choices (early January)
Oder (mid-January)
Distribute (late March / early April)