
Developmental Season Complete

Coaches, Parents, and Players,

As we approach the final games of the 2024-2025 season, I hope everyone had a fun and productive basketball experience this year. Good luck to all in the spring tournaments going on throughout the area.

Coaches, please check back on this site in the fall for information about the planning meeting for next season.

About Kids BB


Kids BB exists to serve the Catholic Schools, primarily in the South Hills area of Pittsburgh.  Our parish schools field  teams comprised of student/athletes from 3rd grade and 4th grade for both boys and girls.  We call these our Rookie Leagues, and they are available for players who are new to basketball, generally in the 3rd or 4th grade.  Our season normally runs for 12 weeks, from early December to early March. 

If you have a team in the Pittsburgh area that would like to participate in one of our leagues, please send an email to the director.  If you are a parent looking for a place for your son or daughter to play, please reach out to one of our parish schools for eligibility.