Platinum Plus Painting
2007 Season

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2007 Season
Playoff Champs: Markham Outdoor Power
Playoff Finalist: Sam's Garage
Playoff Consolation Winner: Col. Mustard's
Playoff Consolation Finalist: Dodds Garage Door
League Champs: Dodds Garage Door
Victoria Square Champs: Sam's Garage

Pres-Peter Scudds, VP-Jim Dibblee, PastPres-Len Caldaroni,
Sec-Bill Daly, Sch/Permits-Wayne Crawford, Equip-Allan Grant, Tres-Zdenek Borovicka, Reg-Stephen Facey

Teams & Captains:
1.Col. Mustard's - Tom Begg
2.Dale's Pharmacy - Neil Bullock
3.Dodd's Garage Door - Brian Lind
4.Duchess of Markham - Chris Brown
5.Floyd's Barber Shop - Sonny Bessant
6.JTL and Son - Gary Steele
7.Markham Outdoor Power - Tom Smardenkas
8.Physiobility - Sandy Contento
9.Sam's Garage - Peter Kennedy
10.Sgt. Pepper's - Bill McCormick
11.Stephen Tar / Century 21 - Basil Gigliozzi
12.Unionville Motors - Hayden Coomber

Final (Official) Regular Season Standings 

Final Regular Season Standings 

 1. Dodd's Garage Door 
 2. Markham Outdoor Power
 3. Col. Mustards 
 4. Sam's Garage
 5. JTL and Son Ltd.
 6. Physiobility
 7. Stephen Tar / Century 21
 8. Dale's Pharmacy
 9. Unionville Motors
10.Duchess of Markham
11.Sgt. Peppers
12.Floyd's Barber Shop

Note: Standings have been determined by percentage, then wins, then head to head. 
Percentage is Calculated as (Wins + (.5 x Ties)) / total games.
1) JTL finishes 5, Physiobility 6 - JTL has more wins 
2) Stephen Tar finishes 7, Dales 8 - Stephen Tar has more wins 
3) Duchess finishes 10, Sgt. Peppers 11 - Duchess wins tie breaker (Coin Flip).

Playoff Divisions


Turtle Division
2. Markham Outdoor Power 1. Dodd's Garage Door 
3. Col. Mustards  4. Sam's Garage
6. Physiobility 5. JTL and Son Ltd.
8. Dale's Pharmacy 7. Stephen Tar / Century 21
10.Duchess of Markham 9. Unionville Motors
12. Floyd's Barber Shop 11.Sgt. Peppers

Championship Day - Sunday Sept 23 - Centennial North
Championship Game - Markham Outdoor Power def. Sam's Garage
Consolation Game - Col. Mustards def. Dodds Garage Door

MORSL is celebrating its 30th anniversary with an Alumni Game on August 19th, at Centennial Park North at 6:30 pm. We are inviting players from our past to participate, or even just show up, to meet and socialize with the current players, and we will have a game which these players may elect to play or participate in some manner.

The regularly scheduled games will be rescheduled as follows: the 6:30 pm games will be at 3:30 pm same location; the 8:00 pm games will be played at 5:00 pm stated location; the Alumni Game will be at 6:30 Centennial North diamond, and the 9:30 games will be rescheduled for 8:00 pm at their stated location.

Our objective is to have the "old-timers/veterans" of the league come out to meet friends they may not have seen for many years, but with whom they have spent many a good evening so to speak.

We will have a BBQ going from 4:00 pm until 8:30 so that all can really enjoy the social part of the afternoon and evening. Bring your family!

We have appointed two honouree captains for the teams, Gene Emes, and Bob MacLean, and they will be coordinating the day's effort in setting up the teams, and working out the logistics of players, substitutions, and "special rules" if necessary.

Can you help? You bet, especially if you know any of the following former players, please contact Jim Dibblee with their contact info if you know how to get in touch with them.

Further this is only a tentative list and we are sure we have missed some former players in our brainstorming session. So if you know of others we should try to contact, or contact addresses please help make our Alumni Game a real success by letting Jim know with some pertinent information of possible.

Some of the contact points below may or may not be correct, if you can update them, please do so, and add names.

The whole idea is to have a good time, meet some of the veterans of the league, have a social league picnic with your family, and your team. Remember if you know of other long time players from the league please contact us.

Thanks – Your Executive.
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