2018 By-Laws

The 2018 Coventry Men’s Softball League Official By-Laws

Section I. Organizational By-Laws

Mission Statement: The primary objective of the Coventry Men’s Softball League (CMSL) is to; promote competition and symmetry throughout the league, promote and/or maintain membership, while preserving the integrity of the league and its by-laws. The CMSL’s main responsibility is to the organization itself and to the players it encompasses. The CMSL is not concerned and will not take into consideration the concerns of other leagues, organizations and sponsors. 

I. By-Laws Reign Supreme: The Coventry Men’s Softball League (CMSL) is structured upon the guidelines set forth in Roberts Rules of Order (Newly Revised 10th Edition) for parliamentary procedure. The CMSL’s by-laws are to be considered the Supreme Law of the Land in reference to all matters concerning the CMSL. In any instance that shall arise, the by-laws expressed here within shall supersede any other rules associated with this organization, including but not limited to the USSSA Softball Rules and Roberts Rules of Order. 

A)          The by-laws are the governing rules of the entire structure of the CMSL, and due to the extreme serious nature of this principle, there shall be no changes made to any by-law unless it is done at a meeting by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote of ALL eligible voting members. Any meeting where a by-law is scheduled to be added, amended or removed, adequate notice shall be provided to ALL voting members. Adequate notice shall be at least one (1) week in advance of the meeting and shall be done by posting the meeting on the league website at www.leaguelineup.com/coventry and by calling each voting member (manager) and making them aware of the purpose of said meeting. Any amendment to, addition or subtraction of any by-law must be recorded by the secretary. The secretary must then amend, add or subtract said by-law. 

B)         Any instance arising which is not covered by the CMSL by-laws, Roberts Rules of Order shall take precedence. If any instance shall arise that is not covered by the CMSL by-laws or Roberts Rules of Order, Custom (past practice) shall prevail. 

C)        Playing rules governing the CMSL are within the official USSSA Softball Tournament Rule Book unless they conflict with CMSL existing by-laws. Any infraction of any by-law will result in a game forfeit to be preceded by an official protest in accordance with by-law 

II. Membership: Membership in the CMSL is voluntary and at will. Any member who does not act in accordance or violates any of the by-laws expressed here within is subject to having all rights and privileges enjoyed by membership revoked. Ignorance of the by-laws is not considered an excuse and it is up to the member to familiarize himself with the by-laws. By-laws shall be available to all members on the league website. A team or member considered in good standing is a team or member of the CMSL whom has not violated any of the by-laws and does not owe any outstanding fees and/or fines. 

A)          CMSL is not responsible for any injury occurring to any of its members due to fields, equipment, or rules made by the CMSL. Membership in the CMSL requires all members signing a waiver form in conjunction with this by-law. Signing said waiver form is considered acceptance of all the rules, use of fields and use of all equipment that is used by the CMSL. If a member does not agree with any of the rules, use of equipment, and use of fields the member has the right to withdraw from playing within the CMSL. 

B)          To secure membership in the league, returning teams must pay a registration fee of $400.00 which will be due as stated during the team meetings.  New teams must pay a registration fee of $450.00 which will be due as stated during the league meetings.  Before a team can register, all teams must pay any past debts and/or fines incurred by said team prior to the season beginning. League deposit amount will be determined during the league meetings and deposit due dates will also be determined during the league meetings.  The registration fee will be applied to said team’s entrance fee. All fees and deposits are NON-REFUNDABLE

a.    New teams are considered any teams where majority (more than half) of players are not returning players from the previous year   

II. Membership (continued):

C)        A team in good standing is guaranteed a place in the league each year as long as the team has fulfilled the following league requirements:

1)         The team has 9 signed contracts from players whom played on the team the previous year. 
2)         The team has a simple majority of contracts from players whom played on the team the previous year. 

D)        If a team’s sponsor wishes to drop the team he/she is sponsoring he/she will be allowed to do so providing that the players whom played for his/her team the previous year are guaranteed a position in the league, or have no objection to the sponsor starting a new team. If no positions are open for new teams, the sponsor has the right to either withdraw sponsorship or continue sponsoring his/her previous team. If the sponsor withdraws sponsorship, the team/manager of the team will have the option to assume the sponsors position if the following criteria is met:

1)         The team/manager has 9 or more signed contracts of players whom played for the team the previous year. 

2)         The team has a simple majority of contracts from the players whom played for the team the previous year. 

            a)         When calculating the majority, players must meet all league requirements from the previous year meaning dues paid and necessary games played.

E)         If a team wishes to leave a sponsor for any reason, the team must meet the following criteria:

1)         The team must secure 9 signed contracts from players that played for the team the previous year

2)         The team must possess a majority (more than half) of contracts from players that played for the team the previous year.

            a)         When calculating the majority, players must meet all league requirements from the previous year meaning dues paid and necessary games played.

F)         In such a case where both the sponsor and the team have met the league requirements, the position in the league shall be rewarded to whom retains the majority of contracts of players whom played for the team the previous year. The other shall be granted the first available position in the league.

1)         In the event of a split, the exempt players will choose on which side they will play. The majority will retain seniority and field, but will receive no new exemptions. The remaining players will retain all rights earned by the team the previous year. The exempt players will be required to fulfill the remainder of their contracts on the team they chose in the split.

III. Membership defined:

A)    A member of the CMSL is defined as:

a.    Any player, coach, manager, or scorer who has reached 18 years of age

                                                  i.    If said player’s age is in question, proof of age must be furnished to be allowed to compete in the CMSL. 

b.    Is affiliated with and appears on the roster of any team within the CMSL

c.     Has signed the most recent registration form/waiver

d.    Has paid their annual player’s fee (if said fee’s apply)

e.    Whose team is in good standing with the league.

B)    Non-voting member: is defined as:

a.    Any player, coach, scorer or any other member of any team within the CMSL who is not designated as the team’s manager.

                                                  i.    All members have the right to attend and speak at a regular meeting in accordance to Robert’s Rules of Order, but will not have the ability to vote at said meetings. 


III. Membership defined (continued):

C)   Voting member: is defined as”

a.    Any manager or manager’s designee from any team whom has been expressly named as their team’s manager.

                                                  i.    Only the team’s manager has the right to vote at a meeting. If a team’s manager is unable to attend a meeting where a vote is being taken, the manager shall be allowed to send a representative in his stead.

1.    When this occurs the manager must contact either the President or the Vice-President and alert them to the fact that a representative will be taking their place. The manager should also alert the President or Vice-President as to who the representative will be. Each team is only allowed one (1) manger/voting member.

b.    Other voting members:

                                                  i.    Any officer of the league who is also serving as their team’s manager will still be able to vote and does not have to abstain from any vote because of a vested interest in the outcome of the vote.

1.    A league officer may abstain from voting if he/she so chooses, but is not compelled to abstain from any vote due to his/her position as an officer in the league, per Robert’s Rules of Order. Officers and committee members whom are also serving as managers are only allowed one (1) vote. In the event of a tie, any motion being voted on will be decided by a coin flip.

IV. League Officers: League officers for the CMSL are considered to be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Rules Commissioner. These officials shall be elected by the voting members (manager’s) each year. Said officials shall assume their newly elected positions at the first meeting after being elected. The outgoing officials should make every effort to ensure a smooth transition and will turn over any documentation, checkbooks, ledgers; notes and information that are considered to be essential to the league and/or are in fact the expressed property of the league. 

A)    The President’s duties defined:

a.    The president is the presiding officer at all meetings unless he designates the Vice-President to do so or is absent.

b.    Calls the meetings to order and determines if a quorum is present. 

c.     The President reads his report and then motions that the membership accepts president’s report as being read. 

d.    Asks the other officers to read their reports and motions that the membership accepts reports as being read. 

e.    Bring new business or unfinished business before the membership.

f.      Recognizes those whom are entitled to the floor and those whom are not.

g.    Present all legitimate motions before the membership.

h.    Enforces all rules of debates and discussions.

i.      Calls votes on all questions and announces the results. 

j.      Rules on improper motions.

k.     Asks questions on motions that he feels have not been adequately addressed by membership or omitted. 

l.      Concludes meeting and announces adjourned when voted on by the membership.

m.   May appoint members from the chair to committees and sub-committees. 

B)    The Vice-President’s duties defined:

a.    Scheduling of all league games

b.    Securing permits for fields

c.     Securing insurance for the league

d.    Purchasing of balls and/or equipment for the league and chairing all active committees and sub-committees.

e.    The Vice-President shall be able to appoint committees and sub-committees at his discretion.

f.      The Vice President shall act as President at all meetings when the President is unable to attend or at the President’s will.

                                                  i.    If for any reason the President is unable to fulfill his obligation to the position or vacates the position before his term is over, the Vice-President shall assume the Presidency for the duration of the former Presidents term until the elections in August.

IV. League Officers (continued_:

C)   The Secretary’s duties defined:

a.    Keeping the minutes of each meeting

b.    Reading the minutes of the previous meeting

c.     Recording attendance, votes, and motions made at each meeting.

d.    Preserving the by-laws and recording each change to the by-laws and the vote by which the addition, subtraction or amendment of any by-law was passed.

e.    Preserving a written copy of each meeting and forwarding it to the webmaster for posting.

f.      Ensuring the President has a copy of any new and old business that will be presented at the next meeting.

g.    If for any reason the President and Vice-President are not able to attend a meeting, the Secretary shall be the presiding officer of that meeting. 

D)   Treasurer’s duties defined.

a.    It is the Treasurer’s fiduciary responsibility to keep copious and accurate records of all incoming dues/funds and all outgoing expenses and purchases.

b.    The treasurer shall issue no check without the consent of the league through a simple majority vote of the membership where a recognized quorum is present, except for the following reasons.

                                                  i.    The treasurer may issue each team checks for umpire fees.

                                                 ii.    The Treasurer may issue checks for balls at the order of the President or Vice-President.

                                                iii.    The Treasurer may issue checks for league insurance at the order of the President or Vice-President.

                                                iv.    In all other instances the Treasurer must gain league approval for any issuance of funds.

                                                 v.    The Treasurer must record all transactions and read his report at each meeting.

1.    The report will include any and all transactions, and changes to the account balance.

2.    The treasurer will make the treasury report and all records of league finances available to the membership at each meeting.

E)    Rules Commissioner duties defined:

a.    Assist with retrieving game results to ensure timely updating of league standings

b.    Assist with determining which games had one umpire versus two

c.     Review and resolve any questions or issues relating to league rules or bylaws

d.    Assist with creation and upkeep of league documentation

V. Voting:

A)    All issues/motions that require a vote be taken during a CMSL meeting will require a Quorum be present and acknowledged by the President, prior to any voting being conducted.

B)    Once the Quorum has been acknowledge and accepted by the membership, the issue/motion must be recorded by the secretary as it was presented (verbatim) and read back to the membership.

a.    The motion must be accepted by the membership to avoid any confusion as to what is being voted upon. Once this has been established the vote may be conducted in one of two fashions. 

C)   In cases concerning nominations for office or actual elections, the vote shall be done by written ballot.

D)   In cases concerning simple motions such as to adjourn, table an issue, accept a motion, by voice.


VI. Player Eligibility:

A)            Players that play in the CMSL are not permitted to play in any other softball or baseball league in which rosters and schedules are maintained during the course of the season unless the player has played (1) year in the CMSL starting with the previous year.

a.    Players who have had a plate appearance in at least eight (8) games the previous year are eligible to play outside of the league the next year.

                                          i.    Playoff games are not considered part of the regular season

b.    Once the regular season has concluded, a player will be permitted to play in other leagues and will have his commitment to this league fulfilled. 


a.    Players that play five or more consecutive years will be allowed one year of non-participation and retain their vested status.


A)            Defined as:

a.    Player’s new to The Coventry Men’s Softball League and who play softball/baseball in any other league which keeps rosters and/or statistics

                                          i.    Has been given approval to play in the CMSL pursuant to the following criteria specified in this by-law.

                                         ii.    Exempt players whom are granted permission to compete in this league must commit to the team that they opted to play on for the duration of no less than three (3) years. 

                                        iii.    Exempt players must have plate appearances in one half plus one (1/2+1) of the regular scheduled season.

1.    If criteria is not met, it will not be considered a vested season for the exempt player and that season must be repeated.

2.    Any exempt player not meeting the aforementioned criteria will not be eligible for the playoffs.

B)            Any Exempt player that does not wish to continue to play for the team that he originally opted to play for may play for another team providing the following criteria is met.

a.    The manager of his team has no objection to the exempt player leaving his team. 

                                          i.    If the manager of the exempt player has no objection to said player leaving his team, the player has the option of playing for one (1) of the teams finishing 16-10 the previous season.

1.    The exempt player will be offered to teams starting from 16 and proceeding upward to 10.

2.    The team that selects the exempt player must have an available exemption spot available on their roster in accordance to the specified criteria expressly stated in this by-law.

3.    If the exempt player refuses to play for the team that selected him, he will have the option of returning to his previous team and fulfilling the remainder of his obligation to said team or sitting out two (2) full seasons from the Coventry Men’s Softball League.

a.    After a duration of two (2) full seasons, said player may return to play in the Coventry Men’s League and will be considered a new player and will be subject to the by-laws that govern new players

4.    If the exempt player accepts the offer to play for the team that selected him he must fulfill a two (2) year obligation to that team.

a.    In return the team must make in good faith, every effort to ensure the exempt player is given the opportunity to fulfill his obligation and meet the (½+1) criteria specified in section (VII, A, iii ) of this by-law.

b.    If a manger for any reason wishes to release an exempt player from his roster or refuses to take the exempt player back on his roster, said player than shall have the option of playing for one (1) of the teams that finished 16-10 the previous season

                                          i.    The exempt player will be offered to teams starting from 16 and proceeding upward to 10

1.    The team that selects the exempt player must have an available exemption spot available on their roster in accordance to the specified criteria expressly stated in this by-law.

2.    If for any reason, no team 16-10 opts to take the player on their roster said player will have the option of appealing to the league and may be allowed to play for a team that finished 10-5 the previous season.



3.    The player will be offered to teams with available exempt positions on their roster, starting at 10 and proceeding through 5.

a.    This will only be done if there the teams ranked 16 – 10 opt not to pick up said player.  (This can also be considered on a case by case basis. )

b.    It will also require a 2/3 vote by the managers.

4.    Under no circumstances shall an exempt player be allowed to move from any team to a team that finished in the top four (4) the previous year.

5.    ONLY in a case where an exempt player is denied a position on his previous team’s roster and no remedy can be found through the processes specified above, said player can return the following year as a new player and shall be subject to the by-laws that govern new players.

c.     If an exempt player has committed to a team that folds for any reason, said player will be given the opportunity to play for a team of equal or lesser standing than his previous team.

                                          i.    If said player has another team of equal or lesser standing, that he wishes to play for, the player must appeal to the league in person at a manager’s meeting.

1.    The manager’s will take into consideration the circumstances and vote on the issue

a.    A 2/3 majority vote is required for this action to occur.

                                         ii.    If said player has no prospective team that he wishes to play for, said player will be offered to team 16-10 in accordance to the process specified in these by-laws.

1.    If the matter is voted down by the managers, the player has the option of finding another prospective team within the same constraints specified in the by-laws and that matter will be voted on.

2.    The player has the option of being selected by the teams finishing 16-10 the previous year. In all instances the teams that vie for the player must in fact have an available exempt position on their roster.

C)           Military exemption

a.    Any exempt player actively in the military will be marked as “military exempt”. 

                                          i.    Military exempt players only need to record at bats in 8 regular season games for the year to be considered vested. 

b.    A military exempt player counts towards the teams allowed amount of exempt players. 

c.     Any exempt player returning from deployment can be added to a team during the season as long as that team has an open exemption spot to use. 

                                          i.    Said player must record at bats in 8 regular season games for the year to be considered vested. 

D)           Adding Exempt Players:

a.    Teams that finished 1st through 4th the previous season is entitled to two (2) exempt player in the upcoming season.

b.    Teams finishing 5th through 8th are entitled to four (4) exempt players in the upcoming season.

c.     Teams finishing 9th through 16th are entitled to four (4) exempt players in the upcoming season.

d.    Teams new to the league will not have an exemption limit but instead:

                                          i.    Must mark 8 players as exempte

1.    These players must play in the minimum amount of games required to fulfill one year of vestment

                                         ii.    Teams new to the league are subject to league vote before being allowed into the league

e.    New teams will be allowed four (4) exempt players.

f.      Any existing exempt player added to a new team counts towards their exempt limit

                                          i.    For example, if a team folds, any exempt players from the folded team joining a new team will count towards the new team’s exempt limit

                                         ii.    This would also apply in the event a coach releases an exempt player from their team

E)            DISABLED LIST for vested players.

a.    A vested player is a player that has fulfilled all league obligations.

b.    Once a vested player is placed on the " disabled list" he will NOT be able to play in any games for the rest of the season unless he secures a doctors note stating the reason he could not and that he is now able to play.

c.     The player will be able to play both in and out of league the following year. 

d.    Exempt players may be placed on the disabled list.

                                          i.    If caught playing in another league, player will be suspended one year date-to-date and must restart his exempt status once reinstated.

VIII. Rosters

A)            Team rosters, contracts, and player fees shall be turned into the league as determined during the league meetings.

B)            Each team roster may consist of a maximum of 22 players and 3 non-players.

a.    This is to include coaches and managers.

C)           All teams must have a minimum of 15 players on their rosters to start the season.

a.    If for some reason, over which a manager has no control, his team is in need of players because he cannot field a team, a special meeting must be called to discuss the situation.

b.    Team representatives present will decide if said team is in need of players and how many players the team is to have.

c.     A team must be down to eleven (11) players or less.

d.    A team cannot drop players just to improve their team.

D)           A player that chooses to go to another sponsor must return the uniform, equipment, etc. to previous sponsor before they are able to play for a new sponsor. The managers have agreed to co-operate with each other to have such items returned.

Section 2: Game play By-laws

A)            A team must have a minimum of nine (9) and a maximum of eleven (11) players on the field of play.

B)            TWO designated hitters (DH) may be used at the manager's discretion for a maximum of 13 batters.

C)           A team that FORFIETS a game will pay the league $100.00 to be paid before that team plays again. 

a.    In the event a team forfeits a 2nd time, team will lose that $100.00 and have to pay the league a 2nd $100.00

                                          i.    This must be paid before team plays again.

                                         ii.    This does not apply in the event that both forfeits occur during the same double-header

D)           The 3rd forfeit will result in suspension from the League. 

E)            If a team of at least nine (9) players is not formed at any scheduled or league make-up game, the game is a forfeit.

a.    However, with the approval of the opposing manager, non-playing coaches may be used so the game can be played.

                                          i.    If non-playing coaches are used, the team may only consist of nine (9) players and no substitutions; may be used unless a player is injured.

b.    If, after a game gets started, a team loses a player or players for any reason and there is no one on the bench, they may continue to play, taking an OUT for each missing player as the player comes up in the batting order until the team has less than nine (9) players.

                                          i.    Non-playing coaches and managers will not be allowed to play under these circumstances.

F)            Games are to be played on Sunday mornings according to schedule.

a.    Regular season games may not be postponed or delayed due to manager requests

b.    Due to the complex schedule this year, there will be no make-up games

c.     Playoff games will be played as scheduled.

d.    The home team of the first game has their choice of dugout.

e.    Home team must line field before each game. Lining to include pitchers mound and foul lines.

                                          i.    Dimensions are not normal USSSA dimensions

1.    60 feet between bases (instead of the USSSA standard of 65 feet)

2.    Pitching box front – 50 feet

3.    Pitching box rear – 55 feet (instead of the USSSA standard of 56 feet)

f.      Once ground rules are accepted by both managers, they must be used for that game.

g.    Home team must line the field or pay $50.00 fine for regular season games and $100.00 fine for the playoffs.

                                          i.    Regular season fines to be paid before playoffs or before the following season if a playoff infraction.

h.    If a scheduled game cannot be played because of inclement weather or emergency, home team must contact opposing team manager two (2) hours before the start of game to discuss the situation.

                                          i.    The home team has final decision and must notify the league president or vice president of that decision unless games have already been canceled by league officials.

G)           A first place trophy will be awarded to the team with the best record.

H)           A championship trophy will be awarded to the winner of the play-off games.



Section 2: Game play By-laws (continued):


I)             A trophy will be awarded to the individual with the highest batting average. 

a.    To determine batting average as follows:

                                          i.    12 teams or less----40 or more at bats

                                         ii.    13 teams------------45 or more at bats 

                                        iii.    14 teams------------50 or more at bats 

                                        iv.    15 teams------------55 or more at bats 

                                         v.    16 teams------------60 or more at bats 

                                        vi.    Walks and sacrifice fly balls WILL NOT be counted as an "at bat" for this trophy.

J)            League standings are to be printed showing positions at the end of the season.

K)            The time and place for the presentation of trophies will be determined by team managers and representatives.

L)            Any team filing a protest must pay a fee of $20.00 per protest.

a.    If the protest is lost, the fee is forfeited to the league treasury.

b.    The team filing protest must submit the protest in writing to the league president within 48 hours after the game in question.

                                          i.    When the league president has been notified of the protest, he must let the opposing team know that a protest has been filed and the basis of the protest.

                                         ii.    From that point, the opposing team has 48 hours to file a report.

                                        iii.    If a team puts in a protest to the umpire-in-chief and the opposing team walks off the field of play before the game is over, due to the protest, the latter team forfeit's the game.

c.     All protests are to be governed on by a permanent arbitration board after being screened by league officials. Board to consist of three (3) non-affiliated members.

M)           Any team using an illegal player or players forfeits all games in which the player or players were used.

a.    If an illegal player is discovered during the season, the team forfeits all wins he participated in.

b.    Illegal player is defined as:

                                          i.    Players not marked exempt that should have been

                                         ii.    Players without a submitted waiver

                                        iii.    Players not listed on the team’s roster

N)           Umpires are to be treated as guests by the home and visiting teams after each game. Striking an official means AUTOMATIC SUSPENSION for that player for a minimum of one (1) year from the date of the incident. Incidents that involve physical contact with any official will be dealt with by team representatives at meeting.

O)           There will be NO DRINKING OF ALCOHOL BEVERAGES on any TOWN field used by the CMSL at anytime.

a.    Any player or players caught drinking on TOWN fields will be SUSPENDED for the next two (2) games.

P)            Fights among players will results in a minimum of suspension for the rest of the year

a.    League will review and determine if additional discipline is required

Q)           Any member or manager in the CMSL ejected from a league game is automatically suspended from participating in the next league game.

R)           A member or manager ejected from a league game a 2nd time will be suspended from the next two (2) consecutive league games.

S)            A member or manager ejected a 3rd time shall be suspended from league for one (1) year, date to date. This included any and all play-off games.

T)            Bats are to be USSSA certified softball bats only.

a.    Titanium bats are not allowed.

U)           Each team is to supply one new ball per game.

V)            A player in the CMSL may bring a loaded bat or bats to loosen up when in the "on-deck" circle.

a.    No donuts will be allowed.








Section 2: Game play By-laws (continued):

W)          Home runs will be limited to five (5), PROGRESSIVE.

a.    No team will be allowed more than five (5) home runs until the opposing team reached 5 home runs.

                                          i.    After a team reaches 5 home runs, any additional home runs will be an out until the opposing team reaches 5 home runs.

1.    At this point, each team will be allowed additional home runs, but, at no time will a team be more than one (1) home run ahead of the other.

a.    If this happens, any home run will be an out.

                                         ii.    The only exception to this rule is the home team is allowed to go up one home run only in the seventh inning (or any inning after in the event the game goes into extra innings)

b.    During play, a fair ball that a player touches and goes into home run territory without touching the ground will not be counted as a home run. It will be considered a 4-base hit.

X)            The CMSL will use the "run-ahead" rule

a.    20 runs after 4 innings

b.    12 runs after 5 innings.

c.     Complete innings must be played unless the home team scores the run ahead while at bat.

d.    If the visiting team reaches the limit in the top half of the inning, the home team must have their opportunity to bat in the bottom half of the inning.

e.    All innings must be completed.

Y)            Courtesy runners will be allowed with the agreement of both team managers.

a.    There is no limit to the amount of courtesy runners used

b.    Courtesy runners will be the last batted out

                                          i.    If the last batted out also needs a runner, the previous batted out will be the courtesy runner

c.     In the event there are no available courtesy runners that made a batted out or if there are no batted outs yet in the game, the last batter in the lineup will act as the courtesy runner

Z)            Players will not run out home runs.

AA)         Safety bags can be used at the discretion of the home team

BB)         PITCHING

a.    The arc will be the official USSSA arc of 3-10.

                                          i.    Three feet from release to a maximum of 10 feet.

b.    Fake pitching - There will be no fakes allowed.

CC)        C. SOFTBALL - The League voted to use the Worth ball instead of the Trump.

a.    USSSA mandates the ball be YELLOW and is .40 cor .325 compression.

DD)        Ground rule double on collision ball in outfield when back-to-back fields are used, with the umpire’s discretion. (When outfielders in two different games could collide).

EE)         TEAM STATS, BY INDIVIDUAL GAME. will be turned into the league within a period not to exceed two (2) weeks from date game was played.

a.    If stats are not turned in on time, the team involved will be fined $10.00 per game until stats are turned in.

b.    Negligent team or teams will be considered the visiting team at all games thereafter until fines are paid.

c.     The CMSL will consist of sixteen (16) teams maximum.

                                          i.    All players must wear team colors, JERSEYS, from the beginning of the third Sunday to the completion of the play-off games.

d.    Playing footwear can be rubber spikes or sneakers.

e.    The top eight (8) teams will play in play-off games.

                                          i.    First to play eighth

                                         ii.    Second to play seventh

                                        iii.    Third to play sixth

                                        iv.    Forth to play fifth

                                         v.    Best record to be home first game, opponent to be home second game, then best record for third game if needed

                                        vi.    After first round, best record plays worst record, seeded.

                                       vii.    In the event of a tie for eighth place, a one (1) game play-off will decide eighth place, to be played prior to play-off games.

                                      viii.    For a tie in any other position, head-to-head record will determine position.

                                        ix.    If teams in question split, a coin flip will determine top spot



Section 2: Game play By-laws (continued):


f.      Championship game to be played at Raven field or Nike field

                                          i.    Home team chooses


                                          i.    The League voted to run playoffs for up to eight teams finishing out of the playoffs.

                                         ii.    The structure will be the same as the top eight teams: 9-16,10-15, etc.

                                        iii.    There will be one umpire and one game ball provided for each game.

                                        iv.    Fields will be chosen after the top eight select their fields and will be chosen by seed.

                                         v.    After the first round, reseeding will occur.