High Performance Training II

HPT II is a 7-day audio/video based program that can be used on the go via your phone or at home via your personal computer.  Please click links to watch videos.  

Unleash your power!

High Performance Training videos for wrestling coaches.


High Performance Training II Day 1: Volume

In this video, learn how to craft training plans with the
optimal amount 
of training in duration, minutes, & volume
to thwart under-recovery & overtraining.


High Performance Training II Day 2: Intensity

In this video, learn how to measure how hard your athletes 
are working over a sustained period of time.  Should you
wrestle hard or intensely the same amount all year?


High Performance Training II Day 3: Recovery

In this video, learn about one of the most important concepts
of periodization and how to implement breaks in training and 
throughout a Long Term Athlete Development plan.


High Performance Training II Day 4: Peaking & Tapering

In this video learn how to help athletes psychologically and physio-
logically consistently become ready to have their best athletic per-
formances based on the annual plan. 


High Performance Training II Day 5: Periodization

In this video learn how to create annual plans, marcocycles,
mesocyles, micrcocycles, & training sessions that lead to
optimal training for peak performances.


High Performance Training II Day 6: Fun

In this video, learn how to make a game out of training that helps 
coaches and athletes enjoy the process of reaching their potential.
Doesn't everyone want to have fun? 


High Performance Training II Day 7: Communication

In this video, learn how effective communication can be used
with your team, parents, administrators, sponsors, and everyone
who has a stake in your success.



How to use EGWF High Performance Training 

The Elias George Wrestling Foundation (EGWF) website is a compre-
hensive, systematic, High Performance Training plan for coaches & 
athletes.  EGWF was designed to... For more info, click image.




Copyright © 2004-Present, by Coach Shannyn, All rights reserved