Player Team Waiver

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San Joaquin Valley Football League


2021 SJVFL                                   Player Contract:


I ________________________ agree to play for the _______________________(team).


I will follow the Team rules as well as the league rules. I also understand that I am responsible for my own equipment and team fees, and personal medical insurance. I assume full financial responsibility for my injuries at practice, games or SJVFL events. By signing this contract I agree to be a member of the above team, am unable to play for another team unless I am formally released by the above team. There will be a deadline date to transfer to be determined by team. Any player that is released from team can play for another as long as that player does not go past team’s deadline date. If player plays for another team past that date the team will be penalized by S.J.V.F.L. (fine to be determined by Board of Directors). Player will be removed from roster for the year.







Team Owner__________________













Official 2011 Player Contract Waiver Form: