Gloucester County Basketball League Bylaws

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Gloucester County Basketball League Bylaws


1. Teams


1.1  Divisions


Minor: 3rd & 4th grade. To be eligible to play in the minor level, players must not turn 11 before October 1 preceding the season. Player cannot be in 5th grade or higher. Towns may elect to place 2nd grade players at this level.


Junior: 5th & 6th grade. To be eligible to play in the junior level, players must not turn 13 before October 1 preceding the season. Player cannot be in 7th grade or higher. Towns may elect to place 4th grade players at this level.


Senior: 7th & 8th grade. To be eligible to play in the senior level, players must not turn 15 before October 1 preceding the season. Player cannot be in 9th grade or higher. Towns may elect to place 6th grade players at this level.


Freshman: 9th grade. To be eligible to play in the freshman level, players must not turn 16 before October 1 preceding the season. Player cannot be in 10th grade or higher or play at the junior varsity or varsity high school level.


1.2  Division Levels


There will be three divisions for the junior and senior levels:


A Division – consists of the best players from each community selected based on a tryout.


B Division – players who are not selected for the A division but have good basketball skills.


C Division – players who have very limited basketball skills. Mostly Intramural players.


There must be a minimum of 5 teams in each of the above divisions. If there are not at least 5 teams placed in a division, these teams will be combined with another division.


When a community places more than one team in the C or B divisions, every effort must be made to select the teams so they are equal in ability.


Splitting of Divisions:


When there are a large number of teams in a division, the division will be split into two separate divisions as follows:


American/ National or Red/White/Blue. Every effort will be given to keep teams from the same town from playing each other.


Minors play 12 games, meaning that at 13 teams, each team will play each other once. The Division will be split when there are 14 or more teams in the Division or if there are enough to make two equal Divisions.


Juniors play 14 games, meaning that at 15 teams, each team will play each other once. The Division will be split when there are 16 or more teams in the Division or if there are enough to make two equal Divisions.


Seniors play 14 games, meaning that at 15 teams, each team will play each other once. The Division will be split when there are 16 or more teams in the Division or if there are enough to make two equal Divisions.


The method by which a division is split will be determined by the Executive Board.


1.3  Placement of Teams


Each community will fill out a Level Request Form to request the division in which their teams will be placed. The Executive Board will have the final say as to placement of teams within Divisions.


1.4  Scheduling


Teams will play only within their division. Exceptions will be determined at league meetings prior to the start of the season.


All levels within a division will play the same number of games. The number of regular season games will be as follows:


Minor Level = 12 games

Junior Level = 14 games

Senior Level = 14 games


Once the schedules are distributed games can only be changed for the following reasons: (a) functions that result in the gymnasium not being available, or (b) weather. Any other changes will result in a $15.00 fine and an automatic loss.


1.5  League Champions


A regular season champion will be declared from the Minor Division, Junior A and Junior B Divisions, and Senior A and Senior B Divisions. A regular season champion will not be declared from the Junior C and Senior C Divisions.


1.6  Proof of Age


Proof of age must be provided by either a birth certificate or an acceptable document approved by the league.

This shall be submitted with the team roster.


Once a player is certified as eligible, the birth certificate is considered to be on file and will not have to be submitted again.


1.7  Team Rosters


Team rosters must be submitted at a designated league meeting. The league will supply a Roster Form that must be filled out in its entirety. Each missing piece of information will result in a $5.00 fine. Players may only appear on one team roster.


Changes to rosters will not be accepted after the start of the season. If a team roster falls below eight (8) players, the town representative may submit in writing to the Executive Board a request to add a player to the roster.


Teams that do not submit a roster with the required birth certificates will not receive their schedule nor be permitted to begin their schedule games but will forfeit each game until the complete roster and birth certificates are submitted. Each forfeit carries a $15.00 fine.


Players cannot move from one team to another team once the season has begun, with the exception of the team falling below eight (8) players and the town moves a player up from a lower team. Once that player moves to the new team, they must stay there for the duration of the season.


The only other exceptions is if their team folds or if they move to a new community.


Girls are permitted to play on boys teams at the minor level and ONLY if there are no minor girls’ teams participating in the GCBL.


1.8  Player Eligibility


A player is eligible if the meet all League requirements regarding age and grade. All players must be residents of Gloucester County. Exceptions may be requested in matters of custody where one parent or guardian lives in Gloucester County and the other parent or guardian does not. In these cases, the child is not required to live in

Gloucester County.


In order for the player to be eligible, the Town must show proof that one parent or guardian resides in Gloucester County if the child does not (adopted October 2008).


If a community/program is entering a team in the League, an athlete from that community/program shall play for that team unless a release form (“waiver”) is signed and submitted to the league by the affected community.


1.9  Coaches

All coaches and assistants must be at least 18 years old. Coaches will be held responsible for the actions of their players and spectators.


1.10        Proof of Insurance


Each community/organization participating in the GCBL must provide proof of insurance. A Certificate of Insurance must be submitted to the Executive Board at the same time rosters are submitted. Failure to submit such certificate will result in a $10.00 fine.


2. Equipment


2.1 Uniforms


Team shirts shall be of the same solid color front and back. Numbers shall be on the back of the shirt and on the front (if possible). No players of the same team will wear identical numbers. Home teams will wear “pinnies” when jersey colors are the same as visitors. Every effort must be made to have legal numbers on the uniforms. Check the Official High School Rule Book for legal numbers.


2.2 Basketballs


Senior Boys A, B and C, Junior Boys A,B and C will use the 29.5 Men's regulation basketball. ( Nov 2022 Amendment)


Minors Boys and Girls, Junior Girls and Senior Girls use the 28.5 ball. (WNBA Indoor Game Balls Are allowed) ( Nov 2022 Amendment)



3. Referees/Official Scorers


3.1 Regular Season Referees


Each team will pay for onehalf of the cost of the officials for each game. If one or both officials do not show up for a game, the coach must notify the referee supervisor. Teams will not be charged for the cost of referee(s) in this situation. The total cost for referees must be paid prior to the start of the season. No team will be permitted to play until these fees are paid.


3.2 Timekeeper


The home team will provide the timekeeper. No one under the age of 18 will be permitted to keep time. In the event that the home team cannot provide a timekeeper who is at least 18 years of age, and the visiting team chooses not to provide a timekeeper who is at least 18 years of age, a timekeeper under the age of 18 may be used IF both teams agree, otherwise, the game will not be played.


The timekeeper must sit at the scorer’s table. If there is not an operating scoreboard, the timekeeper MUST notify both coaches when there is 4, 2, and 1minute left on the clock in each period. The visiting team reserves the right to have someone watching the clock.


3.3 Scorekeeper


The scorekeeper must be at least 18 years of age. The scorekeeper must sit at the scorer’s table or, if not possible, as close to the scorer’s table as possible. In the event that the home team cannot provide a scorekeeper who is at least 18 years of age, and the visiting team chooses not to provide a scorekeeper who is at least 18 years of age, the game will not be played.


3.4 Scorer’s Table


The scorer’s table will be placed somewhere out of bounds. Only the referees and coaches will be permitted at the scorer’s table. No players are permitted at the scorer’s table, except for normal substitutions. There shall be a copy of these rules, supplied by the home team, placed at the scorer’s table during every GCBL game.


4. Game Rules


4.1 Game Rules


All games will be played according to official High School rules, with the following exceptions. Any changes to the High School rules will be discussed at a regular league meeting.


4.1.1 If a team is not ready to start the game within 15 minutes of the scheduled starting time, because (a) they do not have enough players, or (b) they arrive late, they will forfeit the game. This rule does not apply if the prior game runs late. Forfeits carry a $15.00 fine.


4.1.2 Names (including the first initial and last name) and numbers of all eligible players must be in the official score book five minutes before game time.


4.1.3 Length of Games:


Length of games: all levels (minor, junior, senior) will play four 10minute quarters with a running clock, except for the last two minutes of the second and fourth quarters, and all overtime periods. At all levels, the clock will stop for all shooting fouls; for timeouts as allowed by High School rules; and at other times as directed by the referees (such as injuries) during the entire games, but will not stop for any reason, including the ball going out of bounds and non-shooting fouls, except during the last two minutes for the second and fourth quarters and all overtime periods as noted above.


For tournament games: SEE TOURNAMENT RULES


4.1.4 Overtime


In the event that the score is tied at the end of regulation play, consecutive three (3) minute overtime period will be played until one team wins. The entire three minutes of each overtime period will be played with a stopped clock.  Minors will play running clock.


4.1.5 Minor level exceptions:


At the Minor Level the foul line will be 12 feet from the basket instead of 15 feet (which must be clearly marked), and minor players will be allowed 5 seconds in the lane instead of 3 seconds.


4.1.6 Pressing:


Minor Level: No pressing is permitted during any quarter. The defense is NOT allowed to set up beyond the top of the key. The defense is allowed to extend to half court only after the offense has advanced the ball beyond the midcourt line. Teams violating this rule will be called for a violation and the ball will be taken out of bounds. If a team continues to violate this rule, the official has the authority to call a technical foul.


Junior Level:


A and B Divisions:


Full court pressing will be permitted in the 2nd and 4th quarters of the game. For the 1st and 3rd quarters, the defense is not allowed to press the ball until the offensive player has passed the midcourt line (both the feet and the ball). The defensive player must allow the offensive player to cross the halfcourt line. If a pass is being made across the midcourt line, it may be intercepted.


C Division:


No pressing is permitted during any quarter. The nonpressing rule as described above for the Minor level will be in effect.


Senior Level:


A and B Divisions: Teams are permitted to press full court for the entire game.


C Division: No pressing is permitted during any quarter. The nonpressing rule as described above for the Minor level will be in effect.


In levels that do not allow pressing at any time (Minor Division and C levels), if, during the FINAL two minutes of the 4th quarter and during all overtime periods, a coach calls a timeout when his/her own player is in the back court, the ball must then be inbounded from the midcourt line into the front court. If the ball is inbounded to a player above the key, the defensive team must allow the ball to be inbounded successfully before beginning their defense. If the ball is inbounded to a player positioned below the key, the defensive team may begin their defense immediately, including attempting to intercept the inbounds pass.


4.1.7  3point shots


Minors – There is no 3point shot in this division. Any shot made beyond the 3point line will count as 2 points.


Juniors – Junior levels A and B or combined AB. Three Point shots are allowed if the gym has a legal three-point arc line in both the Boys and Girls' Divisions.  ( Nov 2022 Amendment)



A gym without a three-point Arch line will count all field goals as 2 Points. Junior Boys and Girls C Level (No 3-point shots allowed). ( Nov 2022 Amendment)



Seniors – Shots made behind the 3point line will count as 3 points in this division. If there is no 3point line in a particular gym, then there will be no 3point shots.


4.2 Postponements


Postponements of regular scheduled games will be made 24 hours prior to the

game, if possible. Postponements may only be in the case of INCLEMENT WEATHER, OR

LOSS OF THE GYM. No other reasons will be permitted. All canceled games must be made up. The home team will be responsible for notifying the referee assignor for both the canceled game and makeup date. Games must be rescheduled and the Commissioner notified of the rescheduled date and time within 48 hours.


In the event that a team refuses to schedule a makeup date, the team that is trying to reschedule is to contact the Division Commissioner and provide two dates when that team has a gym available. The Division Commissioner will then attempt to reschedule the game. If a team continues to refuse to play, a forfeit will be



Only the Commissioner or member of the Executive Board can declare a forfeit. Forfeits carry a $15.00 fine.


4.3 Fighting


Any player ejected from a game for fighting will be suspended for two games. A second offense will result in the banning of the player from the League.


Any coach involved in a physical altercation with another coach or referee during the game will be suspended for the rest of the basketball season and put on a 2year probation period, to begin when said coach returns.


Any coach involved in any other type of unacceptable behavior should be reported to the Executive Board. The Executive Board has the right to discipline as they feel necessary.


5. Coaches’ Responsibilities


5.1 Playing Time


All coaches are strongly encouraged to play all their players the equivalent of one quarter or more, with the exception of injury or disciplinary reasons.


5.2 Injured Players


Coaches must inform the other team prior to the game when they have a player who is injured or is being disciplined. These players cannot play in this game once the opposing coach has been informed.


5.3 Court Rules


Home coaches are to inform the visiting team and the referees of any court rule changes. Such changes may include (1) back court line, (2) outofbounds lines, and (3) foul line for Minor level games. Foul lines must be clearly marked with masking tape or by some other means.


5.4 Spectators


The coaches are responsible for the behavior of their spectators. The home coach, as well as the referee, has the right to remove any spectator who is causing a problem. No spectators will be allowed on the court at any time, including between quarters and between games.


5.5 Complaints


If a coach wishes to bring an issue before the Executive Board, he/she must complete a complaint form and forward this form to the Commissioner within 48 hours of the incident. The coach must provide as much information as possible.


The Executive Board has the right to appoint a Commissioner who would review all complaints submitted and make recommendations to the Executive Board.


5.6 Reporting Game Scores


The winning coach of each game must report that score to the GCBL website,, within 48 hours of the game. Failure to report scores carries a $5.00 fine for each occurrence.


6. Postseason Tournaments


6.1 Seeding for Postseason Tournament


Only Minor, Junior A, Junior B, Senior A, and Senior B Divisions will be eligible to participate in the tournament. There will be no tournament for the Junior C and Senior C Divisions.


At the end of the regular season a seeding meeting will be held to determine which teams will participate in the tournament. Only those teams with representatives present at this meeting will be seeded for the tournament.


The Executive Board, along with the Division Commissioners, will place teams in appropriate brackets based on (a) record (b) scores (c) other factors as determined by the Executive Board.


Not all teams will be asked to participate. Teams are not required to participate in the tournament.


In the event that two teams are tied with the same win/loss record, the first tie breaker will be headtohead competition. If the teams did not play each other during the regular season, then their seeding will be determined by a flip of a coin or a drawing. If three teams are tied, the seeding will be determined by a drawing.


6.2 Tournament Games


These will be held at the conclusion of the season. Towns able to host playoffs must have a schedule of gymnasium availability schedule at the seeding meeting.


6.3 Referees – Tournament


Minor, Junior, and Senior level teams will use two paid referees. Each team will pay for one referee for each game in which they participate. Payment will be made to the referee assignor.


7. Registration Costs, Bonds, Scheduling Fees, and Fines


7.1 Registration Costs


Each team will pay a registration fee to play in the League. The cost will be determined at the October Meeting.


7.2 Bonds


Each town/organization will pay a bond fee, if required. The cost will be determined at the October meeting. Any outstanding fines will be deducted from the bond. At the conclusion of the season, towns may elect to be refunded the bond money or roll it over to the next season.


7.3 Scheduling Fees


A scheduling fee will be charged to cover the cost of developing the schedule. The cost will be determined at the October meeting.


7.4 Fines



No representative at League meetings

$15.00 per occurrence

Changing games without authorization

$15.00 per occurrence


$15.00 per occurrence

Missing information on a League roster

$5.00 per occurrence

Not reporting game scores

$5.00 per occurrence

Failure to submit Certificate of Insurance on time


All fines will be deducted from the organization’s bond. If the amounts total more than the posted bond, the League will invoice the organization’s treasurer. All fines must be paid prior to the seeding meeting or no teams from the organization will be eligible to participate in the tournament.


8. Mercy Rule


During the 2009 Season, the GCBL determined that a rule governing sportsmanship should be instituted. The rule shall govern “running up the score” as follows:


8.1 Runup scores


It shall be determined for investigative purposes that a score is excessive if one team scores 30 or more points over what another team scores.


8.2 Investigation


The Commissioner of the involved Division shall conduct an investigation that includes but is not limited to:


Interview with each Coach involved in the game in question.

Interview with the Referees from the Game.

Interviews with other parties that may have pertinent information regarding the situation.


8.3 Report to the GCBL Executive Board


The Commission shall report to the GCBL Executive Board either in writing or verbally within 7 days of the incident being reported.


8.4 GCBL Executive Board Action


The GCBL Executive Board shall, within 48 hours of the Commissioner’s Report determine if the incident is a violation of the Sportsmanship Policy to no “run up” the score. If a violation has occurred, the Executive Board will execute a penalty in accordance with section 8.5 of this rule.


8.5 Penalties for unsportsmanlike action “Running up the score”


If a Coach is determined to have violated this rule, the Executive Board may take the following actions:


First offense: Written warning to Coach and Organization Representative as well as a onegame suspension of the Coach if deemed warranted by the severity of the infraction.


Second offense: Automatic onegame suspension. Additional penalties as deemed appropriate by the Board may also be assessed.


Third offense: Automatic exclusion from Divisional Playoffs. Additional penalties as deemed appropriate by the Board may also be assessed.