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Young skaters who have longed for a place in the city to show their stuff need to look no further than the Dennis P. Collins Park, home to the city's first skating facility.
Between First Street and Kill Van Kull, next to Little League Stadium, the grounds provide a place for children of all ages to use their skateboards and roller skates.
The facility consists of 7,200 square feet of galvanized steel skating ramps and stands in a fenced in enclosure.
There's a flat asphalt surface and activity areas known as "fun boxes," including one that is a foot hihg, designed for the younger kids. Older skaters can test their skills on a 2-foot fun box.
Three ramps - 3 feet, 4 feet, and 5 feet - are also available at the skate park. The skating facility is open when the park is open.
Rules & Regulations
Age Restrictions: No one age 12 or older are allowed in the skate park before 11:00am.
Those under 12 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Bicycles, scooters, and razorboards are NOT permitted within the Skate Park.
Glass is prohibited in and around the Skate Park.
No food or beverages are allowed inside the Skate Park.
Skaters must wear standard helmets, elbow pads, knee pads, and wrist guards at all times within the Skate Park.
Littering in the Skate Park is strictly prohibited.
The use of ramps, jumps, rails, boxes, bars or any other equipment, other than that which is provided by the City of Bayonne, is strictly prohibited.
Waxing of ramps, rails, boxes, jumps, bars or other equipment is strictly prohibited.
Pets are prohibited in the Skate Park.
Use of the Skate Park is prohibited when wet, raining or during routine Skate Park maintenance periods.
Competitive or demonstration events are prohibited unless prior written approval is granted by the Director of Public Works & Park and/or the Director of Municipal Services.
Skateboards are limited to 34 inches in length and in in-line skates are limited to a maximum of 4 wheels per skate.
Skate Park Etiquette
Anyone using the Skate Park does so at his or her own risk. Know your ability and skate with care.
Please help keep the Skate Park free of debris.
Be careful with your personal items. The City of Bayonne is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Be respectful and courteous of others. Please keep noise to a minimum
Report any broken equipment, loose ramp screws or other unsafe conditions to the Department of Public Works & Parks and/or the Recreation Division.
The City of Bayonne reserves the right to close the Skate Park for any circumstances deemed necessary. The City of Bayonne also reserves the right to restrict entry to the facility and to ask persons to leave the facility if any of the rules are not followed, or if unsafe behavior is observed.
Skateboarding and in-line skating are hazardous recreational activities. Use of this non-supervised facility may result in death, paralysis, brain damage, concussion, broken bones, or other serious injury. AN USE OF THIS SKATE PARK IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. It is not possible to design or build a skate or skateboard facility without hard surfaces. The same hard surfaces that challenge the skater pose significant risk of injury if theskater falls. The City of Bayonne does not assume responsiblity for injuries.