- At the end of the school year when setting up the Cub Scout calendar, pick a date for the event. The date is typically the Sunday following Super bowl weekend—as long as it’s not President’s Weekend (If so, go to the following weekend).
- As soon as you know the date, book the Hall and DJ, currently the Primavera and JoJo Russell. Set up the contracts as soon as possible and put down a deposit with the catering hall and DJ.
- A Webelos 1 Leader must send out an email to the Webelos’ dens asking for volunteers to help out at Blue and Gold. Volunteer positions are:
‒ 1 Basket Coordinator
‒ 3 Raffle Ticket Volunteers
‒ 1 Decorations Coordinator (this person just needs to make sure that the center pieces are in good shape)
‒ 2-3 Volunteers for Registration check-in
‒ 1 Invitation Coordinator
‒ 1 Program Coordinator
‒ 2 volunteers to coordinate collection of the money/responses and seating chart
- At the December Leader’s Meeting start discussing the event. SET PRICE for the adults and children depending on this year’s cost. Discuss who will be the guests (usually Boy Scout Scoutmaster and Committee Chairperson with incoming and exiting Boy Scout Patrol Leader, Rev. Vicki and her guest, and BSA person assigned to our area. Talk about inviting Troop 59 (2 leaders) to the event.
- Create the online invitation on our website using last year's version.
- Email pack inviting them to register online for the Blue and Gold by end of January.
- Send out reminder emails to the group to register.
- Purchase prizes from Oriental Trading. See how many crayons are left in the box before ordering.
- Contact Primavera 2nd week in Jan to set up a meeting to go over all details.
February (responsibility of a Webelos Den Leader)
- Check in with all the coordinators to make sure that everything is done.
- Meet with Primavera the Mon/Tues before the event to finalize all details.
- Email DJ to confirm and find out what dinner he would like (we pay for his dinner).
- Go over final details with Scout Master (they bring bridge and sometimes a laptop showing their events)
- Go over final ceremony details with MC (is usually the Cubmaster)
- Right after the June Leader’s Meeting when all dates are finalized, contact the Primavera to book the room for the following year.
- Compare last year’s contract with the current year. If everything looks good, sign the contract, get a deposit from the treasurer and bring it to the Primavara.
- Contact Primavara 2nd week in January to review event.
- Send seating arrangement and meal numbers to Primavara via email or hand it to them at the meeting the week of the event.
- Equipment needed is in the contract: screen, table for JoJo, table for arrows, table for projector, extra chairs for ceremony. We bring our projector.
- Contact Primavera Mon/Tues before event to finalize all details.
- Ask them to remove their center pieces, we have our own to use.
- The final amount is due the day of the event. Remind Treasurer to bring the checkbook.
- Once you confirm a date with the Primavera, contact JoJo Russell at
- He will send you a contract via email. Sign it and mail/fax/email it back to him.
- He gets paid in cash the day of the event from the raffle ticket purchase and we give him $100 tip. Take money from cash box for raffle tickets.
- Call him 1 week before the event to confirm and find out what he wants for dinner.
- Give a program to JoJo at the event.
- JoJo asked for chairs/table/screen to be off the dance floor at the start of the event so that he could entertain the kids at the beginning and reduce the downtime.
- Contact the Boy Scouts Scoutmaster beginning of January. They may want to put together a basket as well.
- Send out email with instructions to the pack beginning of January. Keep pack informed of each Den’s basket theme so there are no doubles.
Den Leaders:
As you know, in order to help defray the cost of the Blue & Gold Dinner, each den is responsible for making one “basket” for the Basket Raffle which will take place during the Blue & Gold Dinner on DATE.
Dens usually collect money from each family in the den which one person uses to purchase items to place in the den’s basket. The baskets generally have a theme which is suitable for either children or parents. Some past themes were: Sports Equipment, Camping Equipment, Fishing, Archery, Games, Legos, Harry Potter (Books and DVDs), Sporting Event Tickets, Dinner and a Movie Packages, Wine Tasting, Spa, iPod, etc.
Please pass this information to your dens and decide what type of basket you'd like to assemble.
Please respond to this e-mail by February 1 (with a copy to all leaders) providing your den number and a description of your den's basket as you want it to appear in the program. This will hopefully avoid too many similarly themed baskets and it will enable us to compile a list of baskets to be included in the program.
Each den must also provide an index card taped to the basket with its den number and a brief description of the contents of the basket which can be read by the MC when the ticket for the basket is being picked at the Blue & Gold Dinner. The baskets should be wrapped in clear cellophane. Please also include the name of one boy chosen from your den who will pick the winning ticket for your den’s basket. Tape the scout’s name in back of the basket.
The baskets will be dropped off with me a few days before the Blue & Gold Dinner so that I can arrive early and ensure that the baskets are displayed when people arrive. Further details regarding the drop-off locations and times will follow. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Name of Coordinator and phone number
- Ticket buckets are in the attic of All Saints. Check to make sure there are enough raffle tickets.
- Send out email 1 week before the event giving dates and times when leaders can drop off their baskets.
- Day of the event, bring baskets to Blue and Gold 1 hour before the event starts. The basket coordinator is responsible for setting up baskets and ticket buckets and for bringing baskets into ballroom when it is time to do the raffle. The coordinator will also help present basket and pick winner.
- The Cubmaster and Assistant Cubmaster are in charge of M/C and picking tickets.
- Update online invitation with correct dates, cost, etc.
- Invitations will be sent out via email. See sample below:
Pack 56,
The Blue & Gold Dinner will be on Sunday, February 8th from 1-5pm at the Primavera on Valley Road.
For those of you who are new to scouting, at the Blue and Gold dinner we celebrate the crossing over of our Arrows of Light into Boy Scouts. We'll have the Arrow of Light ceremony, raffles, DJ, music and games. It’s a fun afternoon for the whole family.
Please go to the following link and register/pay online for this event. Please register by XX.
Good luck to the Arrows of Light who are advancing to Boy Scouts!
Names of Den Leaders
- At the end of January, go to the admin section of the website and create a spreadsheet from the registration form to track the number of people coming, who is getting the chicken, fish or a kids meal and if they are paid and table they are sitting at.
- Finalize who our guests will be at the December Leader’s Meeting.
‒ Vicky McGrath (our sponsor) and guest
‒ Jim Caparoso (current Scoutmaster) and Committee Chairman, Outgoing Senior Patrol Leader and Incoming Senior Patrol Leader should be invited. They will help Jim carry in the bridge for the ceremony, participate in the ceremony and remove the bridge after the ceremony. In most cases, we will have enough Boy Scouts in the audience to help out in the ceremony.
- There are SPECIAL invitations for the guests (ask coordinators from last year). Just email them to guests.
- Create spreadsheet from invitation on website.
- Create seating chart. Blank charts can be found on Primavera website. Password is primavera1080 for both.
Try not to add extra people to the table. Much too tight. You can always add more tables down on the bottom where it says music. Seating is not easy. Try to keep AOL together with other siblings' dens if possible.
DECORATIONS (and activity for table)
- Get the table decorations from the attic of All Saints Church 2 weeks before the event
- Be sure they are in good shape, if not, repair them.
- Arrive 2 hours prior to the start of the event to set on tables and put baskets in order.
- Find word searches, tick-tack-toe, dot-to-dots or another activity to keep scouts busy until the event begins. Have crayons at each child’s place setting. There should be samples in one of the boxes.
- Ticket Sales coordinator will need a cash box because they are the keeper of the money for the evening. Cash box should be in the attic with the raffle buckets and tickets.
- Tickets are in the attic of All Saints Church (should have 4 rolls in total), if not, need to buy from Party City.
- Coffee cans for the basket raffle are stored in the attic of All Saints. They should only have the den number on them. Check to make sure we have the right den numbers.
- Coordinator picks 2volunteers to roam the room and 2 volunteers placed near registration desk/hallway.
- Collect/keep track of the money and give it to the Treasurer at the end of the evening. Make sure you get the cash box back to put back in the attic.
- 25 tickets for $20 or $1 a ticket. Cub Scouts in uniform get 10 free tickets.
- Make up signs for ticket prices
- Contact the person who was responsible last year for the file
- Collect info from Popcorn Kernel & Pinewood Derby Chair people (top sellers/winners)
- List names of scouts advancing. Get those from the Den Leaders. Not all scouts will advance if they have not completed the necessary Webelos achievements.
- List Leadership Committee
- Obtain Basket Raffle list
- Add Calendar of Events remaining for the year
- List Program of Events and the time it will be happening.
- Printing of program at the Postal Annex. Bring tax exempt form.
- On programs, indicate name, table number, # of chicken, fish and kid’s meals.
- Put in alphabetical order and put in file folders for registration volunteers.
- Need 2-3 volunteers
- Arrive 1 hour before event
- Be in charge of checking people in at front desk. Organize programs into 3 folders (A-I, J-Q, R-Z). Make sure you post a sign at registration desk showing the 3 breakouts. (Signs should be in one of the boxes in the attic.)
- Give each family their program and mention raffle tickets.
FINAL PREP to be done by the Webelos Leaders
- Bouquet of flowers for Vicki McGrath (decide if you want to do this)
- Bring the projector.
- Bring scissors, tape, sharpies, pens
- Make sure the Treasurer brings with him a couple of hundred dollars in cash ($1, $5, $10
- Check in with all coordinators to make sure everything is done
- Send final headcount (which you will still be getting the day before) to the Primavera
- Go over details with Scout Master
- Be avail at event to fill in where help is needed
- Go over final details with M/C – Cubmaster
- Last reminder email to pack:
Pack 56,
As you know, this Sunday is the Blue & Gold Dinner. The program starts at 1:30 pm so please arrive about 1:00 to register, get your seating assignment, and purchase raffle tickets (don't forget cash—there are a lot of great baskets to bid on!) Tickets are 25 for $20 or $1 a piece.
Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts should all be dressed in full uniform.
I met with catering this week and they wanted me to remind everyone of a few things. First, please try to be seated at 1:30 because they will come to each table at that time to confirm your dinner order. Also, we are not eating until about 3:13 pm (after the Advancement Ceremony), so please be sure to plan accordingly. Also, please remember to remind the wait staff if your child has any allergies. If you indicated this on the registration form, then I have already provided them with that information, but I would recommend that you tell them again.
Your table number will be on your programs. Please DO NOT switch tables because that causes much confusion for the Primavara staff.
The DJ, JoJo Russell, is all ready for us; equipped with music & prizes!
Congratulations to the boys advancing to Boy Scouts!
See you Sunday!