(Bring all permit and approval letters to the campout because we have been questioned in the past about having received the proper approvals. Put in plastic covers and post.
THIS PROCESS SHOULD BE STARTED IN EARLY TO MID-NOVEMBER [for ELKS] to allow sufficient processing time for all individuals involved.
r Contact ELKS to reserve date. Make sure you get ALL of Saturday night thru Sunday morning until at least 11am. Make sure they do not book any other party!!!! 908-647-9744 or or Kelly Mazzocchi [Kelly was contact in 17 and 18] Elks has a town wide garage sale and Boy scouts have flower sale and need to avoid those dates.
r First, you must obtain a Certificate of Insurance [COI] form from the Patriots Path Council at Must contact 30 days in advance at minimum. The contact person is Brenda Sonzogni[‘18]., 973-765-9322. She can be reached at Brenda will send you a Certificate of Insurance Request that you need to fill out and send/email to her.
r When you get approval, go to the town website to print the Fire Prevention Permit. You must indicate that there will be a campfire, grill and sternos used. The fee for the fire permit is approximately $54. Drop the form off at Town Hall. The Fire Official will process the application and mail you a hard copy of the permit.
r Contact Michael Lisbona to see if he can organize games with the kids. Invite him to dinner, sleep over and bring his kids with him. $100 cash fee in ‘18
r Contact Lets Jump LLC 973-777-0158. In past have had Extreme Obstacle course and Grand Castle Bounce House. Bounce house goes right below the main building [near the Porta John] and plugs into the basement outlets Obstacle course goes near the shed - there is power there. Pay online using the pack debit card. We have also had a rock climbing wall – which is another option. Set up 3to 4pm and break down is usually around 9pm. Must be staffed by adults in ½ hr slots – utilize SignUp Genius
r Contact Reverend Vikki at All Saints to invite her for Dinner and to say the dinner blessing.
Order the Porta-John at least three weeks in advance. You will need a volunteer to meet the delivery truck the day before the campout to show the driver where to place the unit OR place orange cone and they will drop. The cost $273.00 in ‘17&’18. Make sure the Elks know it is coming on Friday. The delivery location is 1138 Elks Lodge, Valley Road, Stirling, NJ 07980. Give check day of delivery.
Description: SLT Unit – Solar Light
Customer ID number 4996-3 [they should have as tax exempt]
Contact Name is Cub Scout Pack 56.
Fire Pit
The fire pit is stored behind the Boy Scout shed on the Elks property. Bring wire and a sledge hammer to put together. Pit behind Troop 56 shed with cylinder blocks. Short fence posts go on each side and wire-tie into holes. Put cylinder blocks in the center under the hole to support. The metal gets hot – put caution tape around fire. Images below are not accurate but helpful.
Food Tents
All tents are in All Saint’s Attic. 2 pop up tents and 2 others with poles and canopies. Boy Scouts have additional tents in trailers at Elks – if need have to contact Boy Scouts in advance.
Picnic tables – use the Elks tables. They need to be stacked back up if they do not have another event the next day.
Fire Safety/Fire Watch
Parents will need to volunteer for fire watch. We need volunteers covering the time from 7:15pm-11pm in ½ increments. This information will be sent out in the Campout Schedule to the pack – Sign-up Genius. Need buckets to put out fire. Buckets are in All Saints attic. Water and hose is near exterior building at Elks and fire pit should be set up within reach of the hose.
Games Stations
We need parent volunteers to supervise the games in addition to Mr. Lisbona. If parents supervise, here are some ideas for the kids to play:
- Capture the Flag
- Kickball
- Capture the Handballs
- Tug of War
Activity Stations
- Knot station – need table for this [run by Boy Scouts – need to contact them at least 2 months in advance so they have the date]
- Bow Saw Station – optional – has not been used recently
- Rock Climbing Wall: contact – Mike 908-879-0050 @ His fee is $220 per hour with a 2 hr minimum. See exempt form.
- Readyman/First Aid Station – need table for this [run by Boy Scouts – need to contact them at least 2 months in advance so they have the date]
- Whittling Station for Bears and up. (Parent must stay with their child during this activity and must take the knife away upon completion of the activity.) Have not used this station recently
- Drum Guy – Mark Wood . His fee is $250.00. Can accommodate up to 50 kids - optional
- Tennis Ball Toss – Tennis balls in All Saints attic – need water bottles /cans/boxes/etc. Set up on table with throwing line. Get baseball hitting net to set up behind the targets.
- Bows and wooden arrows – in All Saints attic – need targets – boxes/cans / etc. Must be supervised and set up caution tape around area to create a safety buffer.
- Glow sticks – order glow sticks / kid tattoos as additional activity when it gets dark
Send sample schedule 2 week before the event with a suggested “What to Bring Camping” list. Send to Tiger Dens well in advance so they know what to expect.
2014 Campout Schedule Saturday, May 18th
9:00 am
Bear Families meet at Elks to help unload supplies/ set up site/ canopies/ tables, fence by parking lot, etc.
12:00 pm
Due to the wet weather on Friday, we are asking that you arrive after 12 to set up tents so that the coordinators and stake everything out in the AM.
4:00 pm
Campers begin to arrive/ Bear families start organizing food
Bounce house items open
5:00 pm
Opening Ceremony/ Raising of Flag (Webelos 1) Ray Hall to lead
5:15pm – 6:15 pm
Games led by parents or Mr. Lisbona
Bear Families and other volunteers prepare food for dinner service/grilling
6:15pm - 7:00 pm
Dinner [should be keep open longer for late arrivals]
6:45 pm
Webelos 1 start the fire (Boy Scouts demonstrate fire starting options and lead)
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Activity Stations *(15 minutes each station/ leader and chaperones at each station) Megaphone will be used to signal change of stations
1. Rock Climbing Wall (Led by owner of company)
2. Bow Saw Station (led by Ray Hall)
3. Whittling Station** (led by Jeremy MaGuire)
4. Readyman/ First Aid Station (led by Ryan Schuler/Sam Litra Troop 56)
5. Knots (led by 2 Boy Scouts)
*Siblings of scouts should proceed with their brother to his assigned station. If your child is under 7 years old, please chaperone your child through each station
**Whittling is only offered to Bears and older. Each scout must have a parent with them at this station and must have a knife with a locking blade.
Chaperones for Activity Stations:
Tigers – Jamie Lerner & Matt Dorsi – report to Rock Climbing Wall
Wolfs – John Duffy & Joe Sahulka – report to Bow Saw Station
Bears – Charles Buscarino – report to Whittling Station
Webelos – XXXXXX – report to Readyman Station
8:00 pm
Drum Circle for those done with activity stations
8:30 pm - 8:45 pm
Everyone joins Drum Circle
8:45 pm
Lowering of Flag (Webelos 1) – Led by Ray Hall
9:00 pm
S'mores/ Desserts
9:30 pm
Campfire Story(ies) Led By Jerry Oleske
10:00 pm
10:15 pm
Lights Out
11:00 pm
Campfire extinguished
2014 Campout Schedule Sunday, May 19th
6:45-7:15 a.m.
Breakfast Led By Susan Dudzinski
7:30 a.m. – 10 am
Clean up/ breakdown of tents and help from ALL families to load cars/cart out supplies
2018 Campout Schedule Friday, May 18th
Bear Families meet at Elks to help unload supplies/ set up site/ canopies/ tables, fence by parking lot, etc.
12:00 pm
Open for tent set up
4:00 pm
Campers begin to arrive/ Bear families start organizing food
5:00 pm
Opening Ceremony/ Raising of Flag (Webelos 1) Bill Clayton to lead
5:15pm – 6:15 pm
Games led by Mr. Lisbona (to be confirmed)
Volunteers prepare food for dinner service/grilling
6:15pm - 7:00 pm
Dinner / Dessert to follow
6:45 pm
Webelos 1 start the fire (Boy Scouts to lead)
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Activity Stations *(15 minutes each station/ leader and chaperones at each station) Megaphone will be used to signal change of stations
1. Bow Saw Station (led by _______)
3. Readyman/ First Aid Station (led by Boy Scouts Troop 56)
5. Knots (led by Boy Scouts Troop 56)
*Siblings of scouts should proceed with their brother to his assigned station. If your child is under 7 years old, please chaperone your child through each station
8:45 pm
Lowering of Flag (Webelos 1) – Led by Ray Hall
10:00 pm
10:15 pm
Lights Out
11:00 pm
Campfire extinguished
2018 Campout Schedule Saturday, May 19th
6:45-7:15 a.m.
Breakfast Led By ______
7:30 a.m. – 10 am
Clean up/ breakdown of tents and help from ALL families to load cars/cart out supplies
During the April leader’s meeting, discuss the cost for individuals attending the campout. In previous years, children have paid $8.00 and adults have paid $10.00. Recently we made fee $10 per person for adult or child
In 2017’&’18 we used Sign-up Genius to design the invitation, send it out via email, and track what people were brining right from the Sign-up Genius website. It worked out well. Invitations should be e-mailed to the entire pack three to four weeks in advance. Contact last year’s coordinator for help-Joe Hubert in 18 and Karen Wills in 17. Update the date, contact information, and cost. Follow up directly with den leaders to ensure that all families have been contacted. It is best to send several follow-up e-mails to the pack as the event approaches.
The RSVP form includes a “volunteer” section. Pack members are asked to donate dessert, firewood, water, etc. or to sit on fire watch duty. It is the responsibility of the coordinating den to work with the volunteers to ensure that sufficient quantities of various items are accounted for. It may be necessary to contact individuals and request a change (i.e. bringing fruit instead of a dessert).
The coordinating den collects funds and provides a final headcount to the den providing the food. This must be done by the Monday/Tuesday prior to the campout so that food/supply quantities can be determined and purchased.
Order Grill
Past several years used the Elks Grill – just need to confirm it works. Elks Grill does not get Hot Hot so may want to bring 1 personal grill for chicken and other items if you have a large crowd. Chicken took a LONG time on Elks Grill.
Rental option is Taylor Rental Party Plus –Need 5 foot gas grill $125.00. Will not fit in an SUV or mini van. Need pick up truck or trailer. It is important to order the gas grill approximately ONE MONTH PRIOR to the event. Taylor Rental does not have many large (5 foot) grills. Smaller ones (4 foot) are available, but they are difficult to cook on (more flare ups) and are too small to accommodate grilling for over 100 people. The grill should be cleaned well prior to return in order to avoid a $30 cleaning fee.
Establish menu
The menu consists of hamburgers, hot dogs, sausage, marinated chicken, green salad, potato & macaroni salad, baked beans, chips/pretzels, watermelon, mac & cheese and s’mores. Feel free to change it as you like. In previous years we’ve tried other things like garlic bread (abandoned because it burned too easily on the grill).
Shopping is usually done at BJs or Costco and can generally be finished in one trip. In addition to food, paper goods and serving trays are purchased. Some incidentals are better purchased locally since bulk quantities are more than we need. The Excel spreadsheet provided indicates quantities purchased the prior year, quantities left over/remaining and headcount. Use this as a guide to determine what must be purchased for the current year.
Shopping should be done a few days in advance in order to allow chicken sufficient time to marinate. Most marinades are fine, just don’t get anything too spicy (we have to cater to the typical palate).
Many paper goods and other items are in All Saints Attic
Advance Food Preparation
Chicken – Thin sliced chicken breast works best as it marinates quickly and cooks evenly on the grill. Fifteen to twenty pieces of chicken can be put in a one gallon Ziploc bag with approximately one bottle of marinade. Give the chicken two full days to marinate.
Sausage – It is highly recommended that you parboil the sausage before you bring them to the site. This can be done the day before the event. The sausage will then grill quickly and there is less likelihood of giving someone undercooked meat. Place in a large pot (or multiple smaller ones), cover with water, bring to a boil and cook on a slow boil for about fifteen minutes. Pack in Ziploc bags.
The Day of the Campout
Pick up Grill – The grill can be picked up as early as 8:00 a.m. at Taylor Rental. Earlier is better because it is easier to coordinate volunteers to unload at the site in the morning than later in the day. The grill is heavy and requires at least four people to carry it. A utility trailer is the easiest way to move the grill. If one is not available, check with Taylor to see if they will deliver (additional charge).
Loading/Unloading – Getting the food and supplies to the site requires help. Get volunteers to meet at the Elks to unload.
Tables – Ask volunteers to provide tables. A minimum of six long tables is best, with a smaller one at the grill.
Chow Line Set Up – Set up steam racks, water pans and sternos. Save two steam rack set-ups for use with ice instead of hot water for cold salads.
Hot Water –Use the five gallon beverage coolers and fill with VERY HOT tap water prior to leaving home. Use this for the steam rack set ups.
Grilling/Serving – Heat grill 30 minutes before you plan to start serving and begin cooking at least 15 minutes prior. Enlist a volunteer to watch the food line and report what meats are running low. Hamburgers take longest to cook; plan accordingly. It is also helpful to have another volunteer watch the chow line and refill rolls, flatware, etc.
S’mores – Leave a little time between the end of dinner and making s’mores. It is a good “end of the night” activity that can help settle things down a bit. Have a volunteer hand out marshmallows and a couple more volunteers assemble graham crackers/chocolate for the boys as they finish roasting their marshmallows.
Clean Up – Clean up efforts are usually shared by everyone in the Pack. Take as many volunteers as you can get! Clean up as much as you can that night.
Breakfast – Orange juice, butter and cream cheese are purchased in advance by your designated shopping volunteer. Bagels, donuts, coffee and milk are picked up the next morning. Quantities are determined by the number of confirmed overnight attendees.