The USA Softball rulebook shall apply except as modified herein.
· WCGSA is an informal association of member recreational organizations dedicated to providing young girls in Warren County the opportunity to learn and play softball. The WCGSA does not assume any liability for any games or events. The participants and attendees who attend any game do so at their own risk.
· Every member organization shall designate a representative, who will attend WCGSA meetings, and vote for the WCGSA officers at the annual reorganization meeting. WCGSA Officers will consist of a President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and at least one Vice President.
· When the President is not a town representative, the President shall act as a tie-breaking vote when a motion vote results in a tie. Otherwise, the President and any other officer (Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer) who is not a town representative may not vote.
· The WCGSA Officers shall notify each member organization of any WCGSA meeting, as well as conduct meetings, provide oversight of rules, organize schedules, and coordinate umpires, USA membership and WCGSA-wide events. Member organizations must provide valid insurance certificates and pay WCGSA fees prior to the first game of the season. Teams who have not met this requirement will not be permitted to play games until the requirement is met.
· Except for rules stated within these bylaws, town organizations are wholly responsible for identifying, selecting, training, and managing softball program adult volunteers.
a) Girls residing in the municipality sponsoring a team are equally eligible to play. Non-resident players (non-Warren County residents) must be approved by majority vote of the WCGSA representatives. Meeting minutes reflect these votes.
b) Players are assigned to levels by either their grade or age, defined as below:
Eligible Grade or age
Grade K – 2
or 8U
Grade 2 – 4
or 10U
Grade 5-6
or 12U
Grade 7-8-9*
or 14U
c c) 8U........... Cannot turn 9 before September 1, 2024
d) 10U......... Cannot turn 11 before September 1, 2024
e) 12U......... Cannot turn 13 before September 1, 2024
f) 14U......... Cannot turn 15 before September 1, 2024
g) Example: A child who is 5 years old, but not yet in kindergarten, may play at the Ponytail level.
h) Example: A child who is g rade eligible, but is older than the age limit, may still play at their grade level (i.e., 13-year-old in 6th grade may play Intermediate)
i) Example: A child may play at their grade/age level or play up to a higher level.
j) The WCGSA assumes no liability for rostering or substituting younger players up.
k) COACHES must be at least eighteen (18) years of age and head coaches must be safety certified with NYSCA, Rutgers or a similar youth sport organization.
l) UMPIRES must be at least 15 years of age. Umpires not assigned by the USA Umpire Assignor are the responsibility of the hometown’s softball organization and must demonstrate a good knowledge of the game, USA rules and these bylaws. Home team pays the umpire.
Member organizations with more than a single team at any level must divide the players by grade and ability to create equal teams. A team must roster at least 10 players. WCGSA officers may grant exceptions to this rule.
SUBMISSION DATE: Rosters must be submitted to the WCGSA President no later than two days prior to the start of the season and may not be changed after the season starts (see 2nd grade exception).
SCHEDULING: The WCGSA will schedule games. Coaches must, to the degree possible, adhere to the published WCGSA schedule. See “RESCHEDULING GAMES” for WCGSA requirements.
· Visiting team is permitted a 15-minute warm-up prior to the start of the game.
· The umpire will announce the start time of the game, and the home book will record the start time.
of Play*
Start Time*
Scoring per USA Rules for time-limited games
Monday & Saturday
Weekday 6PM
Saturdays per schedule
6 innings or 90 minutes, and finish the inning. Game drops dead at 7:30PM.
Scores not reported to the league
Tuesday & Thursday
Weekday 6 PM
6 innings or 90 minutes and finish the inning.** Games drop dead at 8PM.
Jr., Int., & Sr. - winning coach reports score to League:
Forfeits reported as 7-0 by home coach
Wed & Saturday
Weekday 6 PM
Saturday per schedule
6 innings or 90 minutes and finish the inning.**
Thursday & Saturday
Weekday 6 PM
Saturday per schedule
6 innings or 90 minutes and finish the inning.**
* Subject to change season to season based on league members vote.
** “Finish the inning” only if the Visiting team is ahead. Even if less than 6 innings and the Visiting or Home team is trailing by more than 5 runs (Intermediates) or 8 runs (Seniors) and less than 12 runs they will be allowed to bat if they so desire and conditions allow.
RESCHEDULING GAMES – Home coach is responsible for rescheduling postponed full or partial games as soon as possible. Interrupted games will continue (at a later date) at the exact time/point at which they were stopped. Once a reschedule date and time has been agreed upon immediately contact the WCGSA Umpire Assignor/Scheduler via text or email ( If no Umpires are available for the rescheduled date, then both coaches will need to come up with another date.
Coach pitch and Tee
Modified coach pitch (see rule)
Fastpitch, per USA
Fastpitch, per USA
11” Incrediball or other softcore
11” per USA
12” per USA
TEAM - A team will consist of ten defensive players (nine defensive players will be used at Senior level), but a game may be played with eight (8) players. Ponytail teams may play with as few as six.
· ALL LEVELS - modifications:
· REGULATION GAME: Any number of complete innings (unless the home team is ahead) at or after 90 minutes constitutes a regulation game, and the score stands.
· MERCY RULE: 12 runs constitute a win after 4 innings (3 ½ if the home team is ahead).
· FREE SUBSTITUTION, CINDERELLA BATTING: Defensive players, including the pitcher, may be substituted freely. All players present will represent the batting order (12 players present = 12 batters in the order).
· No penalty for collapsing the batting order if a player leaves the game.
· Late arrivals are added to the bottom of the order.
· PONYTAIL 8U Modified rules
The purpose of this level is to learn the basic skills, maintain a safe and fun game. Teams with less than eight players may participate in a game, and there is no penalty in the batting order.
- Each team’s coach before the start of the game is to agree upon the number of pitches by each batter’s coach (Usually around 5) with no playable hit made, that the batter would then hit off of a tee.
- The pitching rubber is 35’ from home plate, but coaches may pitch from anywhere within the pitching circle so long as it is in front of the pitching rubber.
- Runners may advance one base on an overthrown ball and then the ball is dead.
- There is no stealing, infield fly or dropped third strike.
· JUNIORS 10U Modified rules
1. Modified coach pitch:
a. Maximum 10 pitches per batter
b. Player pitches to a 4-ball count, and the batter's coach completes the count to a maximum of 10 pitches.
c. The pitching rubber is 35’ from home plate, but coaches may pitch in front of the pitching rubber to a maximum of halfway between the pitching rubber and the pitching circle, no further than 32.5’ to Homeplate.
d. Batter can be struck out swinging or looking by the defensive pitcher or her coach (pitching)
e. Batters must put the ball in play to advance to first (unless hit by pitch).
2. No infield fly rule, no dropped third strike.
3. Batters may advance one (1) base on an overthrown ball to make a play at one of the bases, and then the play is dead. Runners may not advance on an overthrown ball back to the pitcher.
4. “No leading. Stepping off the bag before the release of the pitch from any base constitutes an illegal lead and the runner is called out.” This is consistent at all levels, but must be called out at Junior level for clarity and emphasis.
5. Stealing permitted from 2nd to 3rd base only. Runner may not advance home on an overthrow to 3rd. The side is retired after 3 outs, 10 batters, or 5 runs are scored, except for the 6th inning, when there is no run limit. See Maximum Runs Per Inning, below.
6. 10-batter rule: Side is retired when play has completed on the tenth batter.
· INTERMEDIATES 12U Modified rules
· No dropped third strike. No infield fly.
· The side is retired after 3 outs, 10 batters, or 5 runs have scored, except for the 6th inning or "declared last inning", when there is no run limit. See Maximum Runs Per Inning, below.
· SENIORS 14U Modified rules
· Side is retired after 3 outs or a maximum of 8 runs have scored, except for the 6th inning or "declared last inning", when there is no run limit. See Maximum Runs Per Inning, below.
1. The side is retired after the third out or when play has completed on the tenth batter for the team at bat. If the 10th batter is walked the runner’s advance. But the 10th batter may not be walked intentionally.
2. Play is over when the Pitcher has the ball in the circle. A runner more than halfway (in the Umpire’s judgment) between 3rd and home will count as a run unless tagged out.
1. If the 5th (or 8th for seniors) run crosses on a steal the side is retired.
2. If the 5th (or 8th for seniors) run crosses after the ball has been put in play additional runs scored before the play is over will count. See last inning exception below.
3. Play is over when the Pitcher has the ball in the circle. A runner more than halfway (in the Umpire’s judgment) between 3rd and home will count as a run unless tagged out.
4. The maximum run limit does not apply to the 6th or last inning. If the last inning is ended early (before the home team has completed their at-bat) by the umpire due to darkness or weather the score reverts to the last full inning.
Playoff and Championship games will not be time limited. They will consist of six full innings. If the game is tied at the end of the full game, the International Tie Breaker rule will apply.
1) Head coaches are responsible for and may be penalized for the acts of any coach, scorekeeper, player or fan attending the game from the time of arrival until departure from the recreational area in which the game is played. Opposing coaches shall be notified of any player present not playing due to injury or disciplinary action.
2) Complaints of improper conduct must be in writing to the WCGSA president.
3) The complaint will be reviewed within two days by the Executive Board and a Member at Large selected by the Executive Board.
4) Smoking, alcohol, vaping, or illegal substance use is not permitted in the playing area or the immediate surroundings of any field while players are present. Persons who appear to be under the influence of alcohol or other substances should be asked to leave the premises. Coaches or players who appear to be under the influence of alcohol or other substances at a game will be suspended for the remainder of the season.
5) Coaches and players may not use cell phones while on the field or on the bench, except for emergency reasons.
6) Social media: negative or improper posts about any player, coach, volunteer, fan, or umpire involved in the WCGSA is a violation of the rules of conduct. The person responsible for such a post on any public or private social media account will be suspended from all WCGSA events for the balance of the season.
7) PENALTIES: Penalty for any offense is determined by the WCGSA Officers.
a) EJECTION BY AN UMPIRE FROM A GAME: First ejection places coach, parent or player on permanent warning and results in suspension from the next game.
b) Second ejection of an adult results in permanent expulsion from the WCGSA as a coach, umpire, or spectator. Players who are ejected a second time are suspended for the balance of the season from playing or attending games.
c) Third ejection of a player results in their permanent expulsion from the WCGSA.
d) Complaints registered against a team may result in notification to that Team’s organization by the WCGSA. Additional legitimate complaints may result in penalties up to and including probation. The WCGSA officers shall determine penalties and be responsible for notifications.