1. Jewelry - No metal hair clips are allowed in the hair; no ear rings, ear/nose/cheek studs, and no lip/knee rings. This includes no Band-Aids covering them. No wrist bracelets, "Armstrong" bands, etc. may be worn by any player. No exceptions, no excuses, no jewelry. Ensure all parents are notified of this rule upon initial contact.
2. Coaches ID Badges and North Texas Rosters - Each coach must have their Coaches ID Badge at ever game. Coaches without a valid ID badge will not be allowed to coach or be on the team side of the field. Each coach must have a current North Texas roster with them at every game.
3. Playing Time - All players attending a game shall play a minimum of 50% of game time, however if arrives late will play 50% of the remaining game time.
4. Coaching Area - All coaching will be confined to an area of a minimum of three feet away from the touch line and fifty percent of the length of the field on one side of the midfield line. They must remain on the players side of the field and cannot cross the midfield line. PARENTS (without a coaches card) ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THIS AREA.
5. Red Card/Send-Off - As per NTSSA Rule,, and, any player/coach receiving a send-off (Red Card) must sit-out the next scheduled game that the player’s team is involved in. In order to verify that the offending player/coach serves his/her game suspension, this form must be completed by the coach, assistant coach, or team manager and the referee must sign off on the fact that the player/coach did not participate. Player/Coach receiving send-off must then submit this report to the tournament headquarters and/or team’s playing league. Player must present himself/herself before and after game to the referee for credit for sit-out. Coach not allowed on complex while he/she sits out.
6. Referees - If a referee is a no show, you also need to contact the personnel at the concession stand or officer in charge as soon as possible. These individuals are your first point of contact.