Side Throws 1. Stand with feet hip-width apart; place left foot approximately one foot in front of right foot. 2. Hold medicine ball with both hands and arms only slightly bent. 3. Swing ball over to the right hip and forcefully underhand toss ball forward to a partner or wall. Keep the stomach drawn in to maximize proper usage of muscle. 4. Catch ball on the bounce from your partner or wall and repeat according to
Squat Throw from Chest 1. Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Knees should be slightly bent. 2.Hold medicine ball at chest level and squat down to a parallel position. 3.Quickly explode up and jump as high as you can. As you start your jump you should start to shoulder press the ball up and reach full extensions with the arms when you are at the peak of your jump. Push ball as high as possible into the air. Try to minimize the time spent in the squatted position. It should be a real quick squat and jump. Catch ball on the bounce and repeat according to prescribed repetitions.