• Steubenville, Oak Glen, Indian Creek, Middle Beaver, Wellsburg, Follansbee,Pleasant Hill, Wellsville
  • OVGSL celebrates 13 years of softball in 2022!
  • Good Luck to All the GIRLS!!!
  • Welcome Players, Coaches, Parents, and Sponsors!
  • Cadiz, Weirton, Ohio Valley


The OVGSL will have 30 teams competing in Fall Ball 2024 in 3 age divisions: 8U, 10U, and 12U. Season starts the August 26th and will run until mid-late October.  Games will be 90 minutes for 8U, 6 innings or no new inning after 1 hour 45 minutes in 10U, and 7 innings or no new inning after 1 hour 45 minutes in 12U.  Please confirm with coach exact dates/times for games as some games may be moved. 

2024 OVGSL Spring Season Info - April 22 Opening Day


🥳Happy New Year!


The OVGSL 2024 Spring Season starts the week of April 22. The OVGSL continues to expand in 2024 and will include a new 18U age division along with new communities. Last year the OVGSL had 62 teams competing across 4 divisions. The OVGSL is meeting monthly so stay tuned for more updates. If interested in joining the OVGSL, please reach out to Butch Brown at 740-497-3792. 

  • 8U Coach Pitch
  • 10U Beginner's Fastpitch
  • 12U Division
  • 14U Division
  • 18U Division - New this year and will begin in late May!

2024 Spring Season Starts APRIL 22


The OVGSL is excited to announce the start of the 2024 Spring Season! There will be 81 teams competing in 5 age divisions in 2024 from over 19 communities across the Ohio Valley. 


  • Opening Week for 8U/10U/12U begins April 22
  • Opening Week for 14U/18U begins May 13th
  • Playoffs start at end of Regular Season with TENTATIVE Dates below:
    • 8U Playoffs:  June 3-8
    • 10U Playoffs: June 10-15
    • 12U Playoffs:  June 17-21
    • 14U Playoffs: June 24-28
    • 18U Playoffs: June 27- July 2
  • Schedules posted on schedule tab  **** check with Head Coach to confirm as some games may change due to inclement weather/field availability/etc. 
  • Head coaches contact info is listed on team page.
  • Rules posted below. 


Below are the league contacts for each age division: 

  •   8U League Rep:  Tim Phares (330-383-8473)
  • 10U League Rep:  Eric Smith (304-904-0795)
  • 12U League Rep:  
  • 14U League Rep:  
  • 18U League Rep: 

Play Ball!




2024 OVGSL Rules – 8U Coach Pitch Division

8U Division will follow USA rules unless otherwise noted below:

Regulation games are 6 innings with 10 fielders using 11" ball and 35' pitching distance. Girls playing in 8U must have been born in the year 2015 or later. Eight players needed to begin game. Remember this is to teach the girls the game of softball, keep it POSITIVE and FUN!

PLAYING FIELD – Bases are 60 feet apart. Pitcher’s plate is 35 feet from home plate and Pitching Circle is 8 feet radius around the pitcher’s plate. Outfield is an area behind a straight line from the back side of each base from 1st to 2nd and 2nd to 3rd shall be designated as the outfield. Coaches must pitch with one foot in the pitching circle.

TIME LIMIT - 90 minutes (no new inning can begin after 90 minutes - new inning begins as soon as 3rd out is recorded after home team bats).

FIELDING - Each player must play at least 2 innings in the field.

SCORING - 5 runs max per inning (play is dead when 5th run crosses plate) except 6th inning (entire batting order can bat or until there are 3 outs, whichever comes first).

MERCY RULE - 12 runs after 4 innings and 10 runs after 5 innings.

BATTING – Continuous order and all girls must bat in the same order. If a player comes to the game late, she will be added to the bottom of the batting order with no penalty to the team. A batter shall receive 6 pitches or 3 strikes (whichever comes first). Note a batter cannot foul out on the 3rd strike so proceed with another pitch. All batters must wear a helmet with a face guard. Only bats that have an ASA-approved stamp can be used, no more than 34 inches long or 2 ¼ inches in diameter. Wooden bats are NOT allowed. No bunting allowed.

DEFENSIVE POSITIONS - No more than six (6) infielders including pitcher and catcher may occupy the dirt infield. Infielders must remain within six (6) feet of the baseline until the ball is hit. The baseline is the straight line between the bases. All outfielders shall be positioned in the outfield AND must stay at least ten (10) feet behind the baseline until the ball is hit. The player-pitcher shall take a position within the pitcher’s circle and not be directly in front of the coach/pitcher.

FIELDING - Play stops when the player-pitcher or infielder gains possession of the ball within the infield and calls time. The coach umpire will call time and instruct the runners to advance or retreat to the nearest base. Hash marks will be drawn at midpoint between bases to serve as the decision point for awarding bases. Runners that are ON or BEYOND the hash mark when time is called by the coach umpire will be awarded the next base.

NO INFIELD FLY rule in effect.

OVERTHROWS – Only one base is allowed on an overthrow to a base runner where a play is made on them. Note they are live runners and can be tagged out if they choose to advance. All other base runners can advance at own risk until time is called.  (i.e. If there is an overthrow at 1st base, a runner may only advance to 2nd base – even if a play is made to get runner out at 2nd base and another overthrow occurs.). Reset and pitch to next batter. Teams will actively work to limit game chaos.

RUNNERS - No stealing or leading off is allowed. Base runners may not leave base until the batter puts the ball in play. If a runner leaves early, 1 warning is issued per offending player and then all other occurrences result in an out for that specific player.

EQUIPMENT – All pitchers are required to wear a face guard and heart guard.  All 3rd base players are REQUIRED to wear a face guard. And all other infielders are highly encouraged to wear face guards and/or heart guards for safety.

2024 OVGSL Rules – 10U Division (Revised 4.18.21)

10U Division will follow USA rules unless otherwise noted below:

Regulation games are 6 innings with 10 fielders using 11" ball and 35' pitching distance. Girls playing in 10U cannot turn the age of 11 before January 1, 2024. Eight players needed to begin game.

TIME LIMIT - 1 hour 45 minutes (no new inning can begin after 1 hour 45 minutes - new inning begins as soon as 3rd out is recorded).

SCORING - 5 runs max per inning (play is dead when 5th run crosses plate) except 6th inning (entire batting order can bat or until there are 3 outs, whichever comes first).

MERCY RULE - 12 runs after 4 innings and 10 runs after 5 innings.

PITCHING – Each team must use at least 2 pitchers in a game AND a second pitcher must pitch one (3 outs or 5 runs mercy rule) of the first 4 innings. A pitcher can only pitch a maximum of 4 innings in one game (an inning is 3 outs – 1 out is 1/3 of an inning. If a pitcher gives up 5 runs prior to obtaining 3 outs then that will constitute an inning). These innings do not have to be in a row. Free substitution otherwise. All pitchers are required to wear a face guard. High School (NFHS) pitching rules will be used (one foot in contact with mound) for the starting position of the pitcher before delivery.

NEW PITCHING RULE (effective April 2021)


  1. Once a pitcher has thrown ball 4 to any batter in an inning, the following rules will be applied:
    1. A coach from the batting team will come into pitch the remainder of the at bat.
    2. The batter will retain the number of strikes.
    3. The arc of the pitch from the coach must remain under six (6) feet.
    4. The coach will have up to four pitches to complete the at bat.
    5. If a pitch from the coach results in a swinging 3rd strike or any other out, the at bat is over and an out recorded for the batting team, regardless of the number of pitches the coach has thrown.
    6. If the batter fails to make contact with the ball on the fourth pitch, she will be out.
    7. The umpire does not call coach pitches balls or strikes. The umpire can declare the pitch illegal if arc is above 6 feet; if so, dead ball and the pitch counts as one of the 4 pitches.
    8. If the 3rd strike is fouled off, the batter continues to bat until the ball is put in play, she fails to swing at pitch four or greater, or the batter is out.
    9. Once the batter’s turn is complete, the pitcher may re-enter the game for the next batter or another pitcher may take the mound.
    10. NO stealing of bases when a coach is pitching.


FIELDING - Each player must play at least 2 innings in the field. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture by the offending team. NO INFIELD FLY rule in effect and NO advancement on dropped 3rd strike.

BATTING – A team can choose between 2 options but must declare which option prior to game:

1. CONTINUOUS order - all girls bat and must stay in the same order

2. MATCH Order – all girls must bat but a team can match the order of opposing team and substitute all remaining girls the second time through the order. For example, if Team A shows up with 10 players and Team B has 14 players, Team B can elect to “Match” Team A and bat 10 players through the order. Team B must bat the remaining 4 players the second time through the order in any predetermined spots (i.e. 6th, 7th, 9th, and 10th spot).

MATCH ORDER MUST BE DECLARED AT BEGINNING OF GAME TO UMPIRE AND OPPOSING TEAM. The girls in the sub spots will alternate each time through the order. If a player comes to the game late, she will be added to the bottom of the batting order with no penalty to the team. All batters must wear a helmet with a face guard. Only bats that have an ASA-approved stamp can be used, no more than 34 inches long or 2 ¼ inches in diameter. Wooden bats are NOT allowed.

RUNNERS can lead off when ball crosses the plate. If runner leaves early, one warning will be issued to the entire team and the runner must return to the original base. A 2nd team offense will result in the runner being called out. No player shall intentionally collide with any other player while running the bases or fielding the ball. If a close play exists, the runner coming into that base must attempt to avoid contact or be called out (umpire judgment).

RUNNERS DO NOT HAVE TO SLIDE. Runners cannot advance on an errant throw from the catcher back to a pitcher in the circle. During play, if the ball is returned to the pitching circle, the runner must make commitment to proceed or retreat or will be called out. A walked batter must stop at 1st base and cannot advance to 2nd base until another pitch is thrown.

STEALING - permitted only when ball gets passed the catcher. If the catcher knocks the ball down to the side or keeps the ball in front of them the runner is not allowed to steal(umpire judgment). Player cannot advance to 2nd base on a walk. No advancement on overthrow by catcher to 2nd or 3rd base. Stealing HOME is permitted only on a passed ball.

BUNTING is allowed, if batter shows bunt they may not pull bat back and swing away (automatic out).

FACE GUARDAll pitchers and 3rd base players are REQUIRED to wear a face guard. And all other infielders are highly encouraged to wear one for safety.

2024 OVGSL Rules – 12U Division

12U Division will follow USA rules unless otherwise noted below:

Regulation games are 7 innings with 10 fielders using 12" ball and 40' pitching distance. Girls playing in 12U cannot turn 13 before January 1, 2024. Eight players needed to begin a game.

TIME LIMIT - 1 hour 45 minutes with international tiebreaker in effect if game is tied before time limit is reached. No new inning can begin after 1 hour 45 minutes and new inning starts as soon as 3rd out is recorded. If game is tied before time limit is reached, use international tiebreaker rule (last batter out starts extra inning on 2nd base).

SCORING – 5 runs max per inning (play is dead when 5th run crosses the plate) except for 7th inning which is unlimited.

MERCY RULE is 12 runs after 4 innings and 10 runs after 5.

PITCHING - free substitution and High School (NFHS) pitching rules will be used (one foot in contact with mound) for the starting position of the pitcher before delivery. Pitchers are highly encouraged to wear a face guard.

BATTING – A team can choose between 2 options but must declare which option prior to game:

1. CONTINUOUS order - all girls bat and must stay in the same order

2. MATCH Order – all girls must bat but a team can match the order of an opposing team and substitute all remaining girls the second time through the order. For example, if Team A shows up with 10 players and Team B has 14 players, Team B can elect to “Match” Team A and bat 10 players through the order. Team B must bat the remaining 4 players the second time through the order in any predetermined spots (i.e. 6th, 7th, 9th, and 10th spot).

MATCH ORDER MUST BE DECLARED AT BEGINNING OF GAME TO UMPIRE AND OPPOSING TEAM. The girls in the sub spots will alternate each time through the order. If a player comes to the game late, she will be added to the bottom of the batting order with no penalty to the team. All batters must wear a helmet with a face guard. Only bats that have an ASA-approved stamp can be used, no more than 34 inches long or 2 ¼ inches in diameter. Wooden bats are NOT allowed.

STEALING - permitted on pitcher's release. No player shall intentionally collide with any other player while running the bases or fielding the ball. If a close play exists at any base, the runner coming into that base must attempt to avoid contact or be called out (umpire judgment). RUNNERS DO NOT HAVE TO SLIDE. PINCH RUNNERS – courtesy runners are allowed for pitcher and catcher and must be last batter out.

INFIELD FLY rule is in effect.

Dropped 3rd Strike in effect.

NOTE:  STEEL Cleats are NOT allowed and pitchers/infielders highly encouraged to wear a face guard.

2024 OVGSL Rules – 14U & 18U Divisions

14U & 18U Divisions will follow USA rules unless otherwise noted below:

Regulation games are 7 innings with 9 fielders using 12" ball and 43' pitching distance. Girls playing in 14U cannot turn 15 before January 1, 2024 and girls playing in 18U cannot turn 19 before January 1, 2024. Eight players needed to begin a game.

TIME LIMIT - 1 hour 45 minutes with international tiebreaker in effect if game is tied before time limit is reached. No new inning can begin after 1 hour 45 minutes and new inning starts as soon as 3rd out is recorded. If game is tied before time limit is reached, use international tiebreaker rule (last batter out starts extra inning on 2nd base).

SCORING6 runs max per inning (play is dead when 6th run crosses the plate) except for 7th inning which is unlimited.

MERCY RULE is 15 runs after 3 innings, 12 runs after 4 innings and 10 runs after 5.

PITCHING - free substitution and High School (NFHS) pitching rules will be used (one foot in contact with mound) for the starting position of the pitcher before delivery. Pitchers are highly encouraged to wear a face guard.

BATTING – A team can choose between 2 options but must declare which option prior to game:

1. CONTINUOUS order - all girls bat and must stay in the same order 2.

MATCH Order – all girls must bat but a team can match the order of an opposing team and substitute any remaining girls the second time through the order. For example, if Team A shows up with 10 players and Team B has 14 players, Team B can elect to “Match” Team A and bat 10 players through the order. Team B must bat the remaining 4 players the second time through the order in any predetermined spots (i.e. 6th, 7th, 9th, and 10th spot). The girls in the sub spots will alternate each time through the order. If a player comes to the game late, she will be added to the bottom of the batting order with no penalty to the team. All batters must wear a helmet with a face guard. Only bats that have an USA-approved stamp can be used, no more than 34 inches long or 2 ¼ inches in diameter. Wooden bats are NOT allowed.

STEALING - permitted on pitcher's release. No player shall intentionally collide with any other player while running the bases or fielding the ball. If a close play exists at any base, the runner coming into that base must attempt to avoid contact or be called out (umpire judgment).


PINCH RUNNERS – courtesy runners are allowed for pitcher and catcher and must be last batter out. INFIELD FLY rule is in effect. Dropped 3rd Strike in effect.

EQUIPMENT:  STEEL Cleats are NOT allowed and pitchers/infielders highly encouraged to wear a face guard.

Upcoming Games
Monday, October 21, 2024
8U Fall Ball 2024
Langeloth 8U Blue @ Cadiz 8U Coffman
Middle Beaver 8U Campbell @ Oak Glen 8U Obanski
Langeloth 8U Pink Speicher @ Steubenville 8U Black
Toronto 8U Wilson @ Steubenville 8U Red
12U Fall Ball 2024
Follansbee 12U Bee @ Cadiz 12U Bryant
Middle Beaver 12U Sprouse @ Steubenville 12U Red
Richmond 12U Ingrim @ Steubenville 12U White
View Full Schedule