The Seals had problems all season finding the net, and those troubles continued as the Frogs won the season Derby with a 2-0 victory in the final match .

Before the match the Seals recognized their player, Ben Gucciardi, for his volunteer work with youth in the local communities, as well as in other countries through his non-profit organization; Soccer Without Boarders.

After the game the Seals hosted a barbeque for the Frogs, and Seals players, and invited all the fans to participate. Donations were made to Ben's Soccer Without Boarders, and another $165 was raised at the BBQ. A great time was had by all.

Seals volunteers, Antonio, Paola, Daniel, Paul Roma, and Paul Sheirich closed up the park, as they have after each game for the last two seasons as the fog rolled in.

And we close the books on the 2007 season!

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