- The RAINIER RAVENS are proud to be apart of the NW Premier Junior Football and Cheer League.
- 2017 SENIOR CHAMPS THE Rainier White Ravens
- Season starts July 17, 2017
- Thank you for all the support this year.
Subscribe to our NewsletterDear Raven Families,
Welcome to the Rainier Ravens 2018 season! WE NO LONGER USE THIS WEB SITE FOR SIGN UPS PLEASE CLICK ON LINK FOR OUR NEW WEB SITE. http://go.toutapp.com/02b79038bd9275a618
for more info please call Vorian Lewis 206-7158197.
Thank you,
Ravens Board
Code of Conduct
Coaches Code of Conduct:
1. Coaches will promote a positive attitude and lead by example.
2. Coaches will be fair, respectable, and consistent.
3. Coaches will follow the rules of the sport and of NWPJFC and teach the fundamentals of football at level that incurs the best possible learning enviroment.
4. Coaches will not argue with parents or offcials, and will always demonstrate good sportsmanship.
5. Coaches will listen to their players concerns and try to help anyway they can.
6. Coaches will do the best they can to ensure each athlete is both physically and mentally ready for whatever task is asked of them.
7. Coaches will strickly adhere to the policies and procedures of NWPJFC, and set a proper example with thier actions for everyone to follow.
8. Coaches will stress teamwork, academic stability, and respect to each and every athlete.
9. Coaches will not allow anyone who has not filed a WSP background investigation form to come within (10) feet of any minor during practice, games and league events without proper parental consent.
10. Coaches will allow each athlete the opportunity to compete and excel.
11. Coaches will not be involved in physical or verbal altercations during league events including practices, games or anything in which they represent the NWPJFC.
Athletes Code of Conduct
1. I will consistently attend practices, games, and other team functions on time.
2. I will show respect toward all coaches, players, officials, and elders at all times.
3. I will demonstrate good sportsmanship on and off the field of play.
4. I will not fight, use foul language, or argue with coaches, teammates and officials.
5. I will stay within the established areas of the sidelines during games.
6. I will maintain passing grades and respect my teachers and others in my school.
7. I understand that I risk being ejected and/or suspended from a game(s) or further league participation if I incur unsportsmanlike behavior penalities.
8. I will be coachable and ready to learn and have fun.
9. I will be a team player and always put the team first.
10. I will obey the rules of NWPJFC.
11. I will carry myself in respectable way.
Parents Code of Conduct
1. I (parents) will support the efforts of the colunteer coaches of the league.
2. I understand the use of profanity, drugs, alcohol or tabacco is prohibited during any NWPJFC events.
3. I will set the example for my child(ren) by always displaying good sportsmanship.
4. I will not argue with coaches or officials during practice or games. Any complaints or concerns can be directed to Franchise Leadership or to NWPJFC, where it will be promptly investigated.
5. Understand that your child(ren) will be given the opportunity to participate: however, the safety of our athletes is our #1 concern.
6. Any parents who enters the playing field during a game risks their child being disqualified from futher participation.
7. Any parent who incurs unsportsmanship behavior penalty risks their child being disqualified from futher participation.
8. I will praise my child's effort and offer support.
9. I will allow my child to play and have fun.
10. I will not voice my complaints or concerns toward coaches, referees, or league officials in front of the children.
Open Board Positions
The Rainier Ravens are please to announce that we have the following board positions avaiable:
The Parent Coordinator shall serve as a liaison between the Board, the parents/guardians of RVFA participants and the coaches, the Parent Coordinator shall work under the direction of the Registration Coordinator when assisting with the collection of participation fees and other registration items, the Parent Coordinator shall work under the Concessions Manager for the coordination and maintenance of all volunteers for in the concession stand,the Parent Coordinator, in conjunction with each Head Coach, is responsible for identifying a Team Parent Representative for each team in RVFA., the Parent Coordinator shall inform and coordinate the Team Parent Representatives, the Parent Coordinator shall be responsible for submitting all relative paperworknecessary for participation with RVFA to the Registrar on parent volunteers, the Parent Coordinator shall coordinate with each Team Parent Rep and the Registrarregarding identification and reporting of any medical or behavioral issues that a RVFA participant may have to the Board. (i.e. asthma, contacts, learning disabilities).
If interested please contact Vorian Lewis at 206-715-8197 or VBL34@yahoo.com
Rainier Valley Football Association otherwise known as R.V.F.A.,, R.V.F.A. is an organization created to give inner city kids a chance to play, learn and build up their self-esteem. This program strives to keep kids off the streets and out of trouble by instilling our youth with self-esteem, pride and respect for each other, family and the community they live in. R.V.F.A. will accomplish this goal by teaching youth about the importance of education, skills to positively solve problems, why team work is essential and taking responsibility for their own actions. R.V.F.A. has envolved into a full fledged organization, taking our kids back from the streets, teaching the fundamentals of football and cheerleading to kids from all walks of life. Currently our local public school district does not offer football to this age group (6-14yrs) due to budget constraints.
The Rainier Valley Football Association will be serving over 300 youth in the 2014 season while competing in the Nisqually Junior Football League. With the increasing cost of league fees, insurance and equipment for the kids, we are seeking assistance to be able to provide this service at a continually low rate. We are a non profit organization with a 501c(3) and we are accepting any and all donations at this time to assist with out budget costs.

If you would like your child to get extra support, please contact Sean Jenkins at (206)679-9426 to set up time and dates.

Our organization is run by parent volunteers, so please help us to provide the best possible football & cheer program to all the children. There are many ways to get involved, from coaching to helping on game days with field set up and take down to becoming a team MOM or DAD. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for the 2014 season, please contact a board member for more information at rainierwhiteravens@yahoo.com.