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  • Home of the 2017 90lb and 105lb Champions
  • Registration is now open for the 2020 Season


Registration for the 2021 Season can be done on our new website


Thank you


Registration is Open

We are now accepting applications for registration for all teams for the 2021 season:


Tackle Football and Cheerleading Price for registration is $75.00 per first Child, $50 for all other children.  

Mandatory fundraising fee of $100 must be paid at registration

All players are required to do a mandatory fundraiser and each family must volunteer 

a minimum of 2 hours


 65lb team - 6/7 years old   8 year old special if born between May and August 2013

 90lb team - 8/9 years old   10 year old special if born between May and August 2011

 105lb team - 10/11 years old  12 year old special if born between May and August 2009

 125lb team - 12/13 years old

 145lb team - 14/15 years old

 Cheer - 4 and older