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KickAbout Africa 2010 - Ethiopia

The Kickabout Africa 2010 team are in Ethiopia, and heading for Kenya.  The following is an update from one of their recent stories.
Right To Play: Yekatit 23rd Special Needs
By Lorrie Fair

Amazing. Simply put, without exaggeration: amazing. There is no better word to describe the positive work that is being done at Yekatit 23rd Special Needs Primary School with the deaf and mentally disabled. The kids are so happy and enthusiastic and the energy and tactile support that the staff members give them in return is remarkable. There is so much hand holding, hugging, singing, signing, and kisses going on that it’s easy to forget that school is in session.
At this Right To Play site, the staff takes Right To Play curriculum and tailors it specifically to the needs of its children. These students are children who have different learning styles and physical abilities than those of the kids in the mainstreamed school and the customized application and adaptations have proven to be more successful in reaching this audience.
Right To Play lessons resonate with the students at Yekatit 23rd because they have been personalized to each individuals learning requirements; teacher’s animatedly sign for the hearing impaired, hold hands to guide those that require physical support, and offer up boundless energy to keep students engaged.
To follow along, as our very own Tom Simpson and Lorrie Fair continue through Africa on their way to the World Cup in their quest to celebrate the game, and it's impact throughout people's lives in Africa and the world, you can click on the KickAbout Africa 2010 link in out "Headline" section at the top right corner of our website, or bookmark the following sites:
Kickabout: Africa 2010 is a grassroots, do-it-yourself expedition, and the team has invested its own resources to make the trip a reality. We have been supported by the wonderful folks at Nike, Los Angeles FC, Plus 3, and our closest friends and family members. If you or your company would like to support Kickabout, there are several ways you can donate and help.   Click HERE to learn more about how you can help!