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2023 Tryout Schedule

2023 Baseball

Tryout Schedule

March 6th -9th



Be Prepared to practice indoors or outdoors each day.  You should have spikes and sneakers each day.  Please dress appropriately for practice outdoors.


Monday, March 6th    

3:15-5:30 @ Varsity Baseball Field  (Weather Permitting)

*If field is not playable, High School Gym TBD


Tuesday, March 7th    

3:15-5:30 @ Varsity Baseball Field  (Weather Permitting)

*If field is not playable, High School Gym TBD


Wednesday, March 8th  

3:15-5:30 @ Varsity Baseball Field  (Weather Permitting)

*If field is not playable, High School Gym TBD


Thursday, March 9th

3:15-5:30 @ Varsity Baseball Field (Weather Permitting)

*If field is not playable, Gym Time TBD


Immediately following tryouts, each player will meet with the coaching staff to find out if they made the team.  Thursday will be a longer day because it will take some time to talk to all the players after tryouts.


Please check the Strath Haven Baseball Website daily for tryout schedule updates.



*Gym times are subject to change

2023 Coach Fili's Baseball Camp


Coach Fili's Baseball Camp will be June 26th through June 29th this year.  Flyer COMING SOON.

Looking forward to a great week of camp.

Coach Fili

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Pitching Rules 2018

 New Pitching Rule – Effective for the 2017 Season


The following pitch counts must be adhered to:

Total Number of Pitches Thrown

Required Days of Rest


3 calendar days


2 calendar days


1 calendar day


No rest required


If a pitcher reaches the maximum pitch count permitted in a calendar day during an at bat, that pitcher will be permitted to continue to pitch to that batter, or any substitute for that batter, until such batter is put out or reaches first base, or until a third out has been made prior to the end of that at bat.



  1. No pitcher may appear in more than two consecutive days of competition.

  2. Pitchers must adhere to a pitch limitation of 200 pitches in a Calendar Week.  If a pitcher is permitted to throw more than 100 pitches to complete an at-bat, that pitcher will be credited with 100 pitches for the appearance.

  3. Scorekeepers are requested to frequently confer with one another to confirm pitch counts (no less than once per inning).  If a discrepancy occurs between the visiting and home pitch counts that cannot be resolved, the scorebook of the home team shall be the official book.

  4. It is required that a representative of the school must record pitch counts for their players in MaxPreps, prior to the team’s next regularly scheduled contest.  Note: PIAA recommends using Game Changer, as it is a free app for Apple products and can be easily synced into MaxPreps.


If a baseball player pitches more innings than are permitted under the "restriction" the school is using an ineligible player (pitcher) and shall forfeit the Contest. Violations of this "restriction" may subject the school to other penalties under ARTICLE XIII, PENALTIES, of the PIAA By-Laws. As is the case with all provisions of the Constitution, By-Laws, Policies and Procedures, and Rules and Regulations of PIAA, it is the responsibility of the Principal to make sure that the baseball Coach and players comply with the PIAA baseball pitching restriction (6-1-6).