Blazers Take Two, Undefeated in Pool ROund, Await Our Fate

November 1, 2017

Scott Donelick went the distance against the Oakville Golden A's as the Blazers cruised to victory, then Ruben Correa and Joey Neira pitched the good guys into the playoffs in the nightcap in the stadium against the Chicago Knights with an unblemished 5-0 record. What that means is beyond the pay grade of this intrepid writer. Suffice it to say that it will be problematic to come up with a lineup for the championship quest, as it seems just about everybody on the team is hot with the bat!

Great games by too many to count hitters, and I'm tired. I'll give some nods tomorrow sometime. Stay tuned for our first round opponent in the playoffs. I would expect that we will be playing at 10 AM Friday morning, but that remains to be seen. Congratulations Blazers, you were as good as it gets through the pool round, here's hoping for more, wherever they put us.