BLAZE Launches Teens in the Driver Seat Program on May 27th!



North DeKalb Blaze Track & Field Club is proud to be part of a national program called Teens in the Driver Seat. Teens in the Driver Seat® is a peer-to-peer safety program, primarily for middle and high schoolers, raising awareness about how teens can be safer drivers and passengers.  Car crashes kill more teens than any other cause, accounting for about 3,500 teen deaths per year. Teens in the Driver Seat raises awareness about the most common causes of teen driving crashes. Combined with a lack of driving experience, the top five dangers are: 

  • Driving at night
  • Speeding and street racing
  • Distractions, such as cell phones/texting and too many teen passengers
  • Low seat belt use
  • Alcohol and drug use

North DeKalb Blaze is very excited to join the Teens in the Driver Seat Program and champion teen driver safety during the summer track season. Below are pictures from our first Teens in the Driver Seat outreach at the 11th Annual Mark Trail Memorial Day Invitational Meet on May 27th.