Coaches -- Next step (Enter your roster)

April 10, 2022



Your next step is to enter your roster into League Lineup.  You will need to log in as an admin using your email address.  This was set up during scheduling, so if you find that yours is NOT working, please text (preferred) 812-589-1670 or email Heather ( with your team info (Division, Park, Team) and your email address.


When you select FORMS > RULES & INFORMATION, the first available item is the login guide.  Please take a look, as this guide will walk you through logging in as an administrator to enter your team info.  We're asking that rosters be entered before your first game, but no later than April 20. You must enter the full name of the player and their uniform number.  (If uniforms are not available until just before the first game, please go ahead and enter the full name and add the uniform number when it is available.)