Opening Day

August 29, 2015

Opening day is upon us.  I have been going through alot of personal turmoil this year and I am behind in setting up league.  Here are some last minute items:

First off welcome back all the old teams and a special welcome to the new team Moe's.  Lets make them feel comfortable.  

This is a tough week for all teams involved with vacations,  we could talk about next year waiving this week and playing a scheduled saturday game. 

All fees must be paid before the second week of the season.  You must seek me out.  

Email me a tentative roster at so I can get a jump start in setting up teams on website. 

Since attendance was light for rules meetings, I have made the following decisions:

1) I have reverted back to two courtesy runners except for injury.  

2) Tie breakers are as follows: Head to head,  run differential in head to head games, run differential in total games.

3) Playoffs are as follows Top 8 teams  1vs 8 2 vs 7 3 vs 6 4 vs 5.  We will reseed in the second round in case of upset

4) Top seed gets the choice of field and time.  Second seed the third seed.  In the second round the top seed picks the field (games are at 9am) The other game will be at the other field. 

5) Finals are at 75 

6) Be aware that these are public fields and they can be taken from us, so clean up your mess (dont let the custodian get pissed), kids go to this school so dont bring glass to the fields, do not block someone's drive way. 

Lastly, THERE is no fighting on the field. I dont care if its after/before or during the game.  If there is a fight at field there will be a suspension for the first incident.  If it happens again the suspension will be indefinite.  

Have a great season.  Call me with any questions.

My number is 718-679-3134