The season is underway. Participation results are listed below. Upcoming scheduled games and a link to the full schedule is shown at the bottom of this page.
Girls Varsity teams - 1 combined team from Saint Leo & 1 combined CYAA team
Girls Intermediate 1 - no teams
Girls JV - 1 team from Saint Leo & 1 combined CYAA team
Girls Intermediate 2 - 1 team from Saint Leo & 1 team from Our Lady of Angels
Girls Novice
- 2 teams from Saint Leo (to be scheduled within the Harrisburg Girls CYO League schedule)
- 1 combined CYAA team (to be scheduled within the Harrisburg Girls CYO League schedule)
- 1 team from Our Lady of Angels (to be scheduled locally and not within the Harrisburg Girls CYO League schedule)
Links to grade school roster files and our season safety plan are below
Grade School Roster (adobe)
Grade School Roster (excel)
Season Safety Plan