- BYSA Board Welcomes You!
- District Rep- Cody Young
- Treasurer-Robyn Bohl
- President- Gary Shepherd
- Vice President-Nikki Allen
⚽Fall Soccer Registration⚽
Is Now Closed
First year players will be asked to provide a copy of their birth certificate, before being placed on a team
Payment Options: After Registering players must be paid one of three ways prior to being added to a roster.
Fall Soccer FYI-
Starts August 24 for regular season
Tournament Starts Oct 12, double elimination format
Recent Rule Changes!
U7 Birth Year
All players in the U7 division will have a birth year of 1/1/2018-12/31/2018. All of CCSA will be transitioning to birth year as our age brackets starting with U7. This change to birth year took effect in Fall of 2023
U8 and U9
U10 and U11
Visitor Counter: 0 8 8 0 7 8