Welcome to the Home of the

Bethel Youth Soccer Association


⚽Fall Soccer Registration⚽ 

Is Now Closed 

First year players will be asked to provide a copy of their birth certificate, before being placed on a team

Payment Options: After Registering players must be paid one of three ways prior to being added to a roster. 

  1. By Mail: Payable to BYSA and mailed to PO Box 402, Bethel
  2. PayPal:  paypal.me/BYSA01
  3. Venmo: @BethelYouth-SoccerAssociation


Fall Soccer FYI-

Starts August 24 for regular season

Tournament Starts Oct 12, double elimination format


Recent Rule Changes!

U7 Birth Year

All players in the U7 division will have a birth year of 1/1/2018-12/31/2018. All of CCSA will be transitioning to birth year as our age brackets starting with U7. This change to birth year took effect in Fall of 2023


U8 and U9

  • Game length will be 4, 12 min quarters for both U8 and U9 (this is a time change for both ages)
  • Both U8 and U9 will use a size 4 ball (previously U8 used a size 3)
  • No second throw in. If the first throw in is incorrect, the ball will turn over to the opposing team.

U10 and U11

  • Goal kicks do not have to exit the goal box to be a live ball in play. The opposing team must line up outside the box until the first kick is made from the goal kick line. It does not have to leave the box, in order to play it. Once the ball is kicked, the opposing team can enter the box to play it (this is how U12  and U14 play as well as Ohio HS).


  • Will play 2, 30 min halves, instead of 4, 15 min quarters.
  • Change to a size 5 ball.