
Winter 2025 Season


Spring Softball: We will tentatively begin our "Short Season" on May 1st or May 5th, and play for about 12 games, ending either on June 9th or June 12th.  If you are interested in playing, and/or Managing, let your Manager or one of the Commissioners know.  The Player's fee will be between $10 and $20 depending on the number of teams and fields that we need to rent.

League Picnic: We will be having our Season Picnic on Monday, March 31st following the games.  Beer, Soda, Water, Pizza and Meatballs will be served.  This is free to all players.

Make up Game: The game that was postponed on February 24th will be made up on Monday, March 31st as part of a double-header.  Both games will be 5-innning.  The first game will start at 9:00 am.

Umpires:  Now that we have a BYE Team each week, we are asking that anyone who has a BYE that day come and Umpire.  This will provide consistancy in the calls and keep the games moving along.  If possible, we are asking for a Home Plate Umpire and a Base Umpire.

5-Team Format: Effective Monday, March 3rd, we have modified the league to 5 teams due to injuries and other reasons.  The Navy Blue Team is being disbanded and every team will receive 1 to 3 players.  Players will be assigned in a manner based on the team's needs, roster loses due to injuries, current records, and other factors.  In general, the final roster adjustments were designed to make the teams more balanced and competitive.  Managers are advised to keep the Commissioners informed of further changes to your rosters due to injuries and snowbirds leaving.

Replacing Players:  Now that we have a "BYE" Team each week, any team that falls below 11 players can pick up a player from the BYE Team according to League Rules, Rule #3, Replacing Players.  Remember, you can ONLY pick up a substitute if you have less than 11 players, no matter who is missing.  This restriction has been lifted as of March 3, 2025.  Now, a team can replace any missing players from the BYE Team even if they have 11 or more players.  But remember that you can only replace a player with someone EQUAL TO or BELOW the draft order of the player(s) you are replacing.  For example, if you are missing your #3 and #7 players, one replacement must be a #3 or below, and the other player must be a #7 or below.  And let the opposing manager know who is missing (the draft #s) and who you are placing them with (the draft #s).  And, replacement players from the BYE team can BAT anywhere in the batting order and PLAY any position.

Running to 2nd Base:  Runners are still required to avoid contact, and get out of the basepath on a thrown ball, on a force play at 2nd or 3rd base by "veering" off.  Effective March 6, 2025, on a ball fielded by and infielder who throws to SECOND BASE, the following rule change is in effect:

1.  If the ball is dropped by the defensive player covering the bag, the runner from first base going to second base will automatically be declared SAFE at second, regardless of where the runner was when the ball was dropped.  A ball is consider "Dropped" when it touches any part of the fielder or his glove AND hits the ground IN THE INFIELD.  A bobbled ball that is caught is not a "Drop".  The ball is still in play and runners can continue to advance at their own risk.  The fielder can pick up the ball and throw other runners out, including the batter.

2.  If the fielder throws the ball wild to second base, the ball is live and the play contines as normal.  All runners advance at their own risk.  It is NOT a dropped ball if it "flicks" off the body or glove of the fielder convering 2nd base and lands in the outfield.

3.  This "dropped ball rule" only applies to 2nd base.

INFIELD FLY RULE:  Effective March 6, 2025, the traditional Infield Fly Rule is no longer in effect.  Going forward, if a popup is hit, no "Infield Fly" will be called.  The batter will no longer be automatically called out.  This change is to avoid the judgmental confusion of whether a batted popup can be "routinely" caught or not.  Now, the situation will speak for itself as follows.

1.  If the popup is caught, runners advance at their own risk.  

2.  To prevent a fielder from intentionally "dropping" the ball to confuse the runners so that a double-play can be made, the following applies.  If the ball is "muffed" by a fielder while standing on the infield dirt, or falls on the infield dirt without being caught, it is a live ball and only ONE runner can be thrown or tagged out.  All other runners will be allowed to advance at least one base.  There can be no double play on the hit ball until all other runners advance one base.  If a runner runs beyond the one base, he then is in peril of being thrown out.

Pinch Runners: Effective Monday, February 17th, we have modified the pinch-runner rule as follows:

Any player can pinch-run ONCE per inning and more than 3 times a game.  A pinch-runner can be substituted, but if he is on base when it's his turn to bat, he is out.  If that results in the 3rd out of the inning, he will be the lead off batter in the next inning.

Pinch Running: Effective Monday March 10, we will be reverting to the rule that a pinch runner can only run ONCE per inning and up to 3 times a game in the first 7 innings.

Pitching arc:  The low arc is the height of the battter.  The high arc is 12 feet.  Effective Monday, March 10th, umpires will resume calling an illegal pitch AFTER the ball lands.  This is to avoid "late" calls for an illegal pitch and relieves the batter from guessing if a pitch will be called illegal.  The burden is on the batter to swing or take the pitch at their discretion.  If the umpire feels the pitch was illegal in that it was either below the head of the batter or higher than 12 feet, then the umpire will issue a warning for the first illegal pitch from that pitcher.  On subsequent illegal pitches from the same pitcher, it will be called a ball after it hits the ground.


Here are some important notes!  

  • Games that were postponed on January 20th and January 23rd will be made up on April 24th and April 28th.
  • If you haven't paid yet or signed the Player Agreement, please do so by the first game.  The player fees for the Winter 2025 season is $40.
  • Players are asked to review the rules, especially Rule 7: Pitcher's Screen; Rule 9: Running the Bases; and Rule 10: Disputed Calls.
  • If you can't make a game, let your Manager know as soon as you can.
  • Check this website for any game cancellations or announcements.

All games are at Carmalita Park, 2605 Carmalita St, Punta Gorda, FL 33950.

All games will begin at 9:30 am and should end by 11:00 am.

We thank Layne Stevens, David Chamberlain and Jay Franco for stepping up to Manage this season.  If you are interested in managing in the future, or have any questions, let one of the Commissioners know.  Salary is negotiable.


League Commissioners

Gary Feige             717-808-4572                

Bill Abbatematteo   941-740-1660

Paul Giles              702-343-5908


Official Rules for Punta Gorda 55+ Morning Softball League

Winter 2025


1.     Length of Game/Choosing Dugouts:  One 7 inning game will be played, unless both Managers agree to a shorter game, for example, bad weather or other reasons.   Dugouts will be chosen by whichever teams arrives first and choses their dugout.

2.     Defensive Positions:  Teams will field 11 fielders as follows:  Pitcher, catcher, 5 infielders and 4 outfielders.  All infielders, including the middle fielder, must be positioned on the infield dirt until the pitcher’s release of the ball.  All outfielders must be behind the white line in the outfield. They may move in only on the pitcher’s release of the pitch. 

3.     Replacing Players:  Teams must be able to field a minimum of 7 players from their roster and can pick up 2 - 3 players as substitutes including players from the opposing team, and must field a minimum of 10 players, if not they forfeit the game.  Defensive players can play any position as determined by the Manager of the team in the Field.  When teams only have 11 players, they are allowed to rest one player defensively each inning and ask the opposing team to provide a defensive player.

        Any Substitute Player must be the same or lower draft number(s) as the missing player(s).  Example:  If a team is missing their #3 draft pick, they can only substitute with a #3 or lower draft pick.  If a team is missing their #3 and #5 draft picks, one substitute must be a #3 or lower and the other substitute must be a #5 or lower, and so on.  You can ONLY replace a player when you get below 11 players, no matter who is missing.

        Managers who obtain a Substitute Player must let the opposing Manager know PRIOR to the game starting, who they are missing, including their ranking in the, and who they are replacing any missing player(s) with, including that player(s) ranking in the draft number.

        Any player(s) picked up from the opposing team for the entire game (because they have extra player(s) available, must bat at the bottom of the lineup.  This applies when the player is put "on" that team for the entire game.  If the defensive team just needs a fielder each inning, the opposing team will provide a fielder(s) but they don't bat. 

4.     Starting Count:  The at bat begins with a one ball - one strike count.

5.     Runs per Inning:  Teams will be allowed to score 5 runs per inning until the last inning, and extra innings, which is unlimited.

6.     Pitching Arc Rule:  There is no official upper arc limit, but Pitchers must attempt to keep the arc below 12 feet from the ground.  Please use discretion and don't violate the spirit of the game.  The lower arc of a pitched ball must go higher than the batter’s head, while in his normal stance, at the high point of the arc.  A “flat” pitch that doesn’t go higher than the batter’s head is an illegal pitch and shall be called “flat” by the Umpire.  Such “flat” pitches are a “ball” for purposes of the count, unless the batter chooses to swing at it.  If so, then the pitched ball is in play.  If the batter swings and misses, then it is a strike.

7.     Pitching Screen: The pitching screen is mandatory.  The purpose of the screen is to protect pitchers and should not result in aiding the defense.  

    • Therefore, all pitchers MUST use the screen AND step behind the screen after every pitch (Both feet must be behind the screen).  The first failure to do so will result in a WARNING from the Umpire.  And further violations will be called a ball (umpire judgment) if the pitch is taken.  Pitchers will be allowed to field a ground ball or line drive ONLY AFTER first stepping behind the screen and remaining there until the ball reaches the plate.  If in the Umpire's judgment, the pitcher failed to step behind the screen, or stepped out too soon, and fielded a ground ball or a line drive, the umpire shall call a Dead Ball Single for the batter and all runners will advance one base if forced to do so.  
    • Managers should remind all pitchers AND umpires of this rule.  

    • The edge of the screen closest to the pitcher must be placed in front of part of the pitcher's rubber.  Once the screen is in position it becomes part of the field and may not be tipped over or thrown aside to accommodate a throw from the outfield.

    • A ball thrown by a fielder that makes contact with the pitcher’s screen will be considered “live” and in play, same as if it hit a base or an umpire.  A batted ball that hits the screen will result in a dead ball and automatic strike on the batter.

    • If a batter has two strikes and hits a foul ball the batter will be called out on strikes.  If the batter has two strikes and hits the pitching screen it will be considered a dead ball and the count will remain the same.  If during the same at bat, if the batter hits the pitching screen a second time with two strikes on him, the batter will be called out on strikes.  

8.     Alternate First Base:  When running to first base, players must use the outside base on any potential defensive play at that base.  Also, to avoid collisions and injuries, if there is no potential play at first, the First Baseman shouldn’t remain on the bag.

9.     Running the Bases:  Umpires and runners are cautioned that when runners are going into 2nd or 3rd base on a force out at that bag, any runner who interferes with the fielder covering the bag, or goes hard into that fielder causing a collision, can be called OUT by the umpire for Interference, if the runner's action resulted in the fielder not being able to make the play.  Furthermore, the umpire can call a double play if the umpire thinks that the interference with the fielder or the failure to get out of the base path on a thrown ball, prevented an obvious double play from being made.  Even if the collision doesn't prevent the fielder from making the play, going into the fielder hard can result in Unsportsmanlike Conduct and the runner can be called out or ejected from the game by the Umpire.  Remember, this is a Recreational league and we want to have Fun and prevent Injuries from happening.

10.   Umpire Authority/Disputed Calls:  The umpire will have the FINAL say on any call, with exceptions noted below.  ONLY a Manager is allowed to talk to the umpire to question a call or an interpretation of the rules. 

        NOTE: However, in the spirit of good sportsmanship, the Managers of both teams can confer and “overrule” the Umpire’s call, especially if the Umpire failed to make an obvious call that is spelled out in the rules or when the Umpire’s call was just incorrect.  An example is when an Umpire fails to make an obvious Infield Fly Rule call.  Remember, an Infield Fly is not automatic on a popup to the infield.  It must “catchable”, in that it must be hit in the vicinity of a defensive player.

        Please respect the players who volunteer to umpire by not arguing with them.  Any misconduct on the part of any player is subject to review by the League and the imposition of sanctions, from a warning up to, and including, a lifetime ban.  Fielders and players in the dugouts are cautioned NOT to call an “infield fly” or any other call, until after the Umpire makes that call.  Doing so when the call has not been made by the Umpire made be considered unsportsmanlike conduct by the Umpire, and could result in baserunners being awarded the next base or not being tagged or forced out, if it causes confusion with the runners.

11.   Alternate Home Plate:  To score, the runners must touch the alternate home plate. Touching the plate at the batter's box will result in the runner being called out. The Home Plate line is NOT being used.

12.   Commit Line:  Runners must go home after touching or crossing the commit line and cannot be tagged out after touching or crossing the commit line.  After the runner touches or crosses the commit line, the player covering home plate must catch and control the ball while touching the home plate by the batter's box for the runner to be called out.

13.   Sliding:  No sliding into 1st base or home plate.  Penalty: Dead ball and runner out.

14.   Stepping Off:  If a player wants to step off the corner bases into foul territory he must notify the umpire.  The runner must be perpendicular to the base and retouch the base before advancing.

15.   Minimum Play:  All players must play a minimum of 3 innings defensively per game, if they choose to.

16.   Mercy Rule:  If either team is behind by 15 runs or more after batting in 6 innings, the game is over.

17.   Extra Innings:  If the game is tied after the 7th inning, the 8th inning with start (and 9th if necessary) with the last batter on 2nd base.  This runner may not be pinch run for until he reaches 3rd base.  If he cannot physically run for any reason, he will be declared out, and the 2nd to last batter from the previous inning will take his place.  Games will be called a tie after 9 complete innings.

18.   Overthrown Balls:  If a ball is thrown and goes out of the area of play (into a dugout or over the fence) the base runners automatically get to advance to the bass they are going to plus one extra base.  If the gate on the dugout of the team batting is not closed, the team batting will gain no advantage (no player advancement) for a ball that goes thru the gate area into the dugout.  Instead it will be considered a dead ball.

19.   Courtesy Runners:  A designated pinch runner may run pinch run there times during regulation play, but only ONCE per inning.  Players may pinch run ONCE per extra inning regardless of how many times they pinched ran during regulation play. There is NO pinch running for another Pinch Runner except if a pinch runner is on base and it’s his turn to bat.  He can then can be pinched run for and he will be allowed to bat.  If a player is pinch run for, it is NOT required that he be pinch run from that point on.  It is the Manager’s discretion to determine if and when pinch runners will be used. 

20.   Silver Alert:  When an 80+ player comes up to bat, the umpire will announce “Silver Alert”, meaning an 80+ player cannot be doubled up at 1st base.

21.   Throwing to First Base:  Outfielders may not throw to first base on a batted ball (includes any relays to first base). The only time they may throw to first base 'is if the batter has safely reached first base and has made an attempt to advance to 2nd base.

22.   Fake Tags:  Fake tags are prohibited.  Penalty:  All runners advance one base.

23.   Age Requirement:  For purposes of joining the league (minimum age 55) or players benefitting from 80+ rules, age is determined on a calendar year basis.  For example, if he will be 80 on November 21, he is considered to be 80 on January 1.

Upcoming Games/Practices
Monday, March 31, 2025
Winter 2025
Team 3 - Carolina Blue @ Team 6 - Maroon
Team 4 - Yellow @ Team 2 - White
BYE @ Team 1 - Red
Thursday, April 3, 2025
Winter 2025
Team 2 - White @ BYE
Team 1 - Red @ Team 3 - Carolina Blue
Team 6 - Maroon @ Team 4 - Yellow
Monday, April 7, 2025
Winter 2025
Team 4 - Yellow @ Team 1 - Red
Team 6 - Maroon @ Team 2 - White
Team 3 - Carolina Blue @ BYE
Thursday, April 10, 2025
Winter 2025
Team 2 - White @ Team 3 - Carolina Blue
Team 1 - Red @ Team 6 - Maroon
BYE @ Team 4 - Yellow
Monday, April 14, 2025
Winter 2025
BYE @ Team 6 - Maroon
Team 3 - Carolina Blue @ Team 4 - Yellow
Team 1 - Red @ Team 2 - White
Thursday, April 17, 2025
Winter 2025
Team 2 - White @ Team 4 - Yellow
Team 6 - Maroon @ Team 3 - Carolina Blue
Team 1 - Red @ BYE
Monday, April 21, 2025
Winter 2025
Team 3 - Carolina Blue @ Team 1 - Red
Team 4 - Yellow @ Team 6 - Maroon
BYE @ Team 2 - White
Thursday, April 24, 2025
Winter 2025
BYE @ Team 1 - Red
Team 3 - Carolina Blue @ Team 6 - Maroon
Team 4 - Yellow @ Team 2 - White
Monday, April 28, 2025
Winter 2025
Team 2 - White @ BYE
Team 1 - Red @ Team 3 - Carolina Blue
Team 6 - Maroon @ Team 4 - Yellow
View Full Schedule