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East Bridgewater Little League Welcomes You!

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Visit our new website for updated Information!

Monthly Meeting

Join us on Tuesday December 8th at 7:00pm for the next EBLL meeting.

**We will be holding this meeting via ZOOM anyone interested in attending please email for the link to attend. 

New members are always welcome!


Thank you!



As we make our way through the first full week of games for EBLL, we would like to quickly remind all Families to follow proper safety protocols from state and local health organizations. We all need to do our part to make sure everyone stays healthy and safe so that play can continue this summer. 

Social Distancing: 

All players, coaches, volunteers, independent contractors, and spectators will practice social distancing of six feet wherever possible from individuals not residing within their household, especially in common areas. For situations when players are engaging in the sports activity, more information will be provided in the on-field guidance section. 



Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): 

All managers/coaches, volunteers, umpires, etc., will wear PPE whenever applicable and possible, such as cloth face coverings. 

Players will wear cloth face coverings when in close contact areas and in places where recommended social distancing is challenging or not feasible, such as in dugouts. Players will not wear protective medical gloves on the field during game play. 

Players, especially at younger divisions, are not required to wear a cloth face covering while on the field during game play. 

Players will be permitted to wear a cloth face covering on the field during game play, if physically able to do so, based on any directive of a medical provider or individual determination of the player/parent/guardian. 


Dugouts: (not applicable to all divisions – younger divisions will not be in the dugouts) 

Managers/coaches and players will be assigned spots in the dugout or on the bleachers so that they are at least six feet apart and must be placed behind a fence. 

Players are to stay at their assigned spots when on the bench or while waiting their turn to bat.

Players and managers/coaches will wear a cloth face covering while in the dugout. 



Limiting Spectator Attendance: 

All spectators will follow best social distancing practices — stay six feet away from individuals outside their household; wear a cloth face covering; avoid direct hand or other contact with players/managers/coaches during play. 

We may choose to minimize the exposure risk to spectators by limiting attendance to only essential volunteers and limited family members. 

Spectators will bring their own seating or portable chairs when possible.

A spectator with any of the following conditions will not attend a practice or game until evaluated by a medical provider and given clearance to do so: 

◦Active COVID-19 infection 

◦Known direct contact with an individual testing positive for COVID-19 

◦Fever ◦Cough 

Those at higher risk for severe disease will consider consultation with their medical provider before attending a game and will ensure the strictest adherence to guidelines regarding face coverings, distancing, and handwashing. Such groups include: 

◦Those with a serious underlying medical condition, including heart disease, morbid obesity, diabetes, lung disease, immunocompromised, chronic kidney disease, and chronic lung disease.

◦Those currently residing in a nursing home or long-term care facility

◦Those over 65


Please refer to our safety plan for full details. 

Thank you all for your cooperation!


EBLL is excited to announce that Fall Ball 2020 Registration is now open! Make sure to sign up today, registration will close on 8/31/2020. After our successful summer season we are excited to see what the Fall Season will look like for EBLL. Stay safe and enjoy the rest of your summer vacation. 

Updates Regarding Coronavirus

Little League Baseball and Softball

Dear Little League Volunteer,

This is much bigger than Little League®.

The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic is rapidly changing the way that we, as global citizens, think, act, gather, learn, and live our daily lives. And, yes, that also means how we play Little League.

With the most recent guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Little League International Board of Directors and staff is now strongly advising all its local Little League programs to suspend/delay their Little League seasons through no earlier than Monday, May 11. We implore you to follow this recommendation and suspend all Little League activities through no earlier than May 11.

We recognize that this is the heart of the traditional Little League season, and we share in the great disappointment that many are feeling surrounding this additional pause in the 2020 season. However, it is our hope that by doing this, we will all play a small, but important part in flattening the curve in the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

We will continue to consult with appropriate medical advisors, government health officials and our volunteer leaders around the world, and we are committed to doing the best we can for the safety and wellbeing of our players, families, volunteers, and fans.

As this situation evolves, Little League International is committed to sharing the best guidance possible for all of our 6,500 leagues in more than 84 countries. It is our sincere hope that we can find ways to bring everyone back to the Little League fields this season, whether that’s later this spring or throughout the summer.

Currently, Little League International is working through all possible scenarios for the 2020 Little League International Tournament and tournament eligibility for our leagues and players in our various divisions of play.

Little League will continue to provide additional guidance on the impact of delaying the season and has developed a series of FAQs available at We are committed to sharing information as it becomes available on issues like player eligibility and tournament participation, charter and insurance status for the year, and A Safety Awareness Program plan deadlines.

We also will be sharing guidance on how to resume operations when appropriate, best practices for handling the financial implications, and how you can communicate with parents and families in your communities about this delay in Little League activity. This information will continue to be developed and shared on and through all of our communications methods.

There are countless resources available, and we urge you to follow the information available through World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), your state’s public health department (click here for a listing of state public health departments ), and other county and/or local authorities including precedents set by area school districts and government agencies.

We encourage you to stay in touch with Little League and share any additional feedback or questions from your local communities by emailing

Thank you all for your support, understanding, and community leadership. We will be thinking of our global Little League community during this difficult time.


Stephen D. Keener

Stephen D. Keener
Little League President and CEO


** All baseball and softball clinics are cancelled until further notice**


Baseball Skills

When:  Friday Night March 6th, 2020

           5:30-6:30pm for All Players Age 7,8,9, & 10

           6:30-7:30pm for Majors ( Age 11 & 12)

Where: The East Coast Eagles Baseball Training Center

            612 Plymouth St. East Bridgewater, MA 02333

            Rear Building - Unit 8

Softball Skills 

When:  Sunday Afternoon  March 8th, 2020

           1:00-2:00 Minors

           1:30-2:30 Majors

Where: The East Coast Eagles Baseball Training Center

           612 Plymouth St. East Bridgewater, MA 02333

           Rear Building - Unit 8

We're always looking for volunteers to help at the clinics each week!