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  • Players Needed in All Age Groups. Contact to schedule a tryout!
  • Open Try Outs being help on Sunday, January 29th from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
  • Please contact Blaze President, Brian Usrey with any questions 812-369-0774

Congratulations to our 16u Blaze team on their 4th place finish at the 2016 SEAA World Series in Pigeon Forge, TN!

Edgewood Blaze Motto

What wins ball games? Effort!
What wins ball games? Smart Play!
What's the most important thing? Teamwork!
1 2 3 Blaze!

The Edgewood Blaze motto is chanted by every Blaze team from 8u to 18u. It is the embodiment of our organizations goal: to take talented, committed girls and develop natural and learned skills through practice and hard work to achieve their highest potential.

The purpose and mission of Edgewood Blaze, Inc. is to foster, promote, develop and regulate competitive girls fastpitch softball.  To achieve this purpose, Edgewood Blaze, Inc. shall strive to create an atmosphere of informed instruction of the solid fundamentals of girls' softball, encourage and demonstrate sportsmanship and competition.