• Congratulations to EOT Ministries, the 2024 FCCSL playoff and regular season champions!
  • Congratulations to Cove Run FM, the playoff and regular season runner-up!
  • Congratulations to Jimmy Matlick and Bob Robinson, the 2024 FCCSL Hall of Fame inductees.
  • We hope everyone has enjoyed this season. We look forward to next year!!!
  • Congratulations to Mandy Harshman of EOT, the 2024 Ronnie Wadsworth Sportsmanship Award winner!


The Fayette County Church Softball League (FCCSL) is an unlimited arc, slow pitch softball league that plays in Markleysburg, Mt. Braddock, and Whitehouse. This season, there are 7 teams in the league. Play runs from mid-May until mid-August. We play every Monday, with each team playing a doubleheader. 

Our league is based on Christian fellowship, and we stress sportsmanship and good clean fun. A prayer is said prior to every game, and all players are expected to represent Christ throughout the contest. At the same time, the brand of ball is very competitive and usually quite exciting. You are invited to come out and enjoy the games and see how much fun church league softball can be!

Enjoy our web site! We have complete schedules, results and standings, as well as a complete rundown of our league rules. Also, be sure to check the ticker that runs at the top of this page for the latest news and updates. You can also find out who our past team champions and individual league leaders have been on the League History page. A new addition to our site in the Hall of Fame page, where we honor someone of the greatest participants to play in the FCCSL. And don't forget to chime in with your opinions by voting in our on-line poll. Plus, if you would like to learn more information about the churches that participate in our league, as well as the denominations they represent, go to our Links page. Once there, you can also visit the official ASA softball site, or get the latest weather forecast!

If you want more information or have any suggestions on how to improve the site, contact website administrator Chuck Durso at 724-317-7471, or e-mail him at ctd82064@gmail.com.
Thank you for visiting our web site, and may God richly bless you and your loved ones this summer and always!