Welcome - Girl Youth South Central Wisconsin

Windmill Fastpitch Softball


Windmill Director Meeting - Feb 26, 2025

Recreation and Softball Program leaders! Please plan on joining us on Wednesday, February 26 at 7:00p for a Windmill Director meeting to discuss our 2025 summer season. It will be a virtual session using Zoom. If you have not received an invite, please contact Barb or Ken at windmill_softball@hotmail.com for the information and link on how to join.

This meeting is an organizational meeting for Recreation and Softball Program leaders in our area communities. Coach meetings, by age groupings will take place in March.

2025 Windmill Team Registration


  • League Registration
    Monday, January 12, 2025 – Monday, March 31, 2025
  • "click" here to register
    Register Team Now
  • Rosters Due

Wednesday, April 9, 2025 (before 5pm)

In addition to League registration, players and coaches must register online with USA Softball by using the USA Softball online registration system. A copy of the registration is to be submitted to the league before the 5pm deadline with a minimum of 10 players.

The last day to add players to league rosters is June 15, 2025 (contact to request exceptions). Rosters are to be submitted electronically to windmill_softbll@hotmail.com

  • Schedules Posted Online
    Thursday, May 1, 2025
    (Coaches will be notified if schedules are available earlier)
  • Season Begins
    Monday, May 26, 2025 (tentative)


$90 per Live Pitch team

$70 per Mach Pitch Team 

CLICK HERE if need a  team to play on (All Ages)


  • 10U - Mondays 
  • 12U - Tuesdays 
  • 8U / 16U (HS) - Wednesdays
  • 14U - Thursdays 

16 regular season games over a 10 week period plus a post season tournament. DH'ers each week.  

Lady Junior Warrior Softball

2025 Lady Junior Warrior Softball

Lakeside softball is open to all girls attending one of our Lakeside federation schools or the public schools within the federation school's community. Games are held by age group at various parks in participating communities.

Our goals are to further develop each girl's skills through quality instruction and help each one gain confidence in her ability to contribute both offensively and defensively, to provide competitive opportunities to challenge each girl, to encourage each girl to continue playing at the high school level, and to have fun while building Christian friendships.

A player's age as of August 31 of the preceding year determines the age in which the player is eligible to play. The youngest player in our program is age 5 as of 8/31/24 and would play in the U8 age group.

  • A parent or guardian may request an exception to age so that their daughter may play on more than one team or play with an older age group by contacting Ken Walters.
  • Exceptions will be reviewed after the deadline when final numbers are determined for each level.

The deadline for registration and the payment of fee is Sunday, March 23, 2025.

Signup Link


The 2025 E.O.Y Tournament will be held on the following weekend:

August 1-2-3, 2025


The last three weeks each year a few teams in our U10 Mod Division play crossover games with our U10 USA Division teams. Attached is a sample of the rules one could expect to play by. In comparing the mod rules to the league rules for USA, they are largely similar. and these rules could be tweaked somewhat so we are open to suggestions. Please express your interest in doing so by emailing windmill_softball@hotmail.com

Rule Sample


Parents / Grandparents: 

The following are the designated game nights for each age group.

  • U10 games are played on Monday
  • U12 games are played on Tuesday
  • U8 / HS are played on Wednesday
  • U14 are played on Thursday

The EOY Tournament is August 2-3-4


The Pre-Season Board Member meeting is Sunday, April 21 at 7:30p.

Invitations will be extended to those responsible for the scheduling of softball games for their community's Recreation or Independent Softball Program participating in the Windmill Fastpitch Softball League, The meeting will be on-line. Barb will set up a conference call and email the instructions.

If you have not received an invite by Sunday morning, please contact us and include your name, contact phone / email, and program name.

mailto: windmill_softball@hotmail.com

2023-24 WIAA Softball Tournament

Important End-of-School Softball Dates (home field use)
Regionals:  (D2-D5) - May 16, 21 & 23    (D1) - May 21 & 23 
Sectionals:  May 28 & 30 
State:  June 6-7-8

Softball Opportunities

Our JWP and Tri-City Softball Teams have a couple of open opportunities for players at the 12U and 14U levels. Come give us a look. Contact Ken or Barb at windmill_softball@hotmail.com for more information!

Registration Closes on March 24

We have heard that some player registration periods have just closed or will be closing soon.

  •  If you need more time to put together your teams, let us know. 

2024 Competitive Softball Team (REV)
Parents, do you have any interest in forming a competitive softball team for 2024. Looking for 3 pitchers, two catchers and 6 utility players. All age 10U thru 12U as of 8/31/23 and attending a school located in, or bordering a city in Jefferson County. All-Around Athleticism and/or players who have tried out for a club team but were not selected. Every player needs to know how to throw, catch, swing the bat, and field ground balls.
This team would practice in Lake Mills and play competitively at the 12U level on Tuesdays in the local Windmill league. This way the ten year old player may also play with their friends, if they choose, in league play on Mondays at the 10U level.
Please click here to express interest. https://www.leaguelineup.com/formpreview.asp...

League Ball Specs

Please note the exact specs on all the Windmill league game balls.

·         Age 12U and Up - Dudley 12" ASA leather softball SB-12L #4A311Y

·         Age 10U Live - Dudley 11" ASA Fastpitch Softball SBC11Y #4Y611

·         Age 8U Live – Diamond 11” DRC-11RFPSC Reduced Compression Yellow FP softball

All of the above are stamped ASA

·         Age 8U Machine Pitch - Diamond DFPM 12 Diamond Dimple Green Foam Ball 12"

·         Age 10U Machine Pitch – B2020 JUGS Sting Free Yellow Dimpled 11 inch Softball


Soft Toss from the Side - Ripken Baseball




Sliding foot first into a base accounts for 23.3 percent of injuries among girls across all age ranges, but only 11.9 percent of injuries among boys. Not surprisingly, the body part among girls most frequently injured is the ankle, at 21.4 percent. Fingers and thumbs come a distant second at 11.4. percent.  It’s important that players are taught the basic or “Figure Four” method of sliding, where one leg is positioned straight ahead to reach the base, and the other leg is bent and foot tucked under runner so as not get in the way. The video below demonstrates the proper sliding technique.




Fastpitch Power

Power Drive Drill