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Message Board Guidelines
While The West Mound Stars and/or its moderators may monitor or review postings, we are NOT under any obligation to review every forum and post, or even ANY forum or post. We expect you to be mature, courteous and thoughtful in your postings to our board.
The West Mound Stars reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to edit, refuse to post or remove any material submitted to or posted on any interactive forum without notifying the author. Furthermore, you understand that West Mound Stars is under no obligation to remove that which offends you.
You acknowledge that West Mound Stars may remove any user and/or posting privileges from its message boards for any reason without notice or explanation. Posting on our boards is a privilege, not a right.
please consider the following before you post:
1. Does your message have anything to contribute in a positive way to the thread?
2. Would you say it to the person if she were standing right in front of you? Would you say it to your best friend or loved one? Are you calling someone names?
3. How would you feel and react if faced with the same message from someone else? If it would anger or upset you, you might consider re framing your thoughts in a less objectionable tone. People are much more likely to see your point of view when it is sweetened with honey. Most people tend to shut down their minds to any different ideas in the face of condescension, insults or anger.
4. Message boards, unlike face-to-face conversation, lack tone and other nuances of expression. Be aware that when you post, what you mean and what others read may be very different! This is why "smileys," or emoticons, were created.
Keep it positive!