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Contact Us / KPRA Board

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Beth Theobald


1) Shall provide Leadership for Kennworth Park Girls Softball.
2) Shall preside at all meetings of Kennworth Park Girls Softball.
3) Shall act as an ex officio member of all committees.
4) Shall vote only to break a tie.
5) Shall sign all contracts of Kennworth Park Girls Softball with the exception of those contracts reserved for the Treasurer.
6) Shall not override the duties of other officers and Executive Board members, unless lack of action would place Kennworth Park Girls Softball in jeopardy.
7) Shall be authorized to suspend or warn any member, including officers, Executive Board members, managers, and coaches until review by the Executive Board of Directors at a called meeting within seven (7) days of suspension or warning and to bar the suspended person attendance at league fields or activities.
8) Shall be responsible for notifying the Executive Board of Directors in the event he/she will not be available to perform the duties of the office.
9) Shall secure field use contracts (for all game and practice fields) with the appropriate Cobb County Departments.
10) Shall be responsible for all communication to: ASA, Cobb County Parks and Recreation Department, and other sanctioning organizations.
11) Shall be responsible for reserving the location as to where the monthly Board Meetings are to be held. With this being said, is also responsible for picking up and dropping off the key to this location.