Contact Information

Head Coach Ronda Lockett-Morton

11th yr, disciplines: sprints, throws, horiz jumps


I am an an athletics enthusiast and enjoy sports of all types ranging from rugby and sumo to outrigger and golf.

I have been involved in track and field since the age of 3 and would list it as my favorite sport of all time. Some of my favorite memories as a child were watching my dad run the 440 and 880's back in his Marine Corps days.

When I am not doing something athletic related I am usually trying to catch up on some sleep.

My favorite athlete is my son, Kaiser, for obvious reasons. I enjoy attending his Little League baseball games and I also coach him in any sport I can sign him up for that doesn't run in the spring time, although that changed with Arena Soccer in 2009.

I cheer for the San Diego Padres, San Diego Chargers, and the Boston Celtics. Last but not least: GO BEACH, 'BOWS, PANTHERS and of course FIGHT ON!

This spring is my 12th season with the Wildcats and my fourth as the Head Coach.

What started out as a single season adventure turned into over a decade of coaching at my high school alma mater. Despite regular trials, I look forward to another solid season with amazing young adults and working with Coach Buckles.

my faves:
band - red hot chili peppers and ekolu
singer - patsy cline & anita baker
food - seafood, specifically whole crab
restaurant - depends on my mood, probably Crab Pot
fast food - saimin on my stove in less than 2 min
beverage - hansens cherry vanilla cream
sport - rugby
sport i wish i was better at - golf
movie - legends of the fall
tv show - the wire
guilty pleasure - revenge