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Mike Goodrich
Player Agent
(626) 354-4792
Player Agent Responsibilities:
The player agent has the task of developing the League Registration Flier, registration forms/contacts, including the copying and distribution to various school districts, preschools, etc. Also coordinates the registration process, dates, times, et. Conducts annual tryouts, is in charge of player selection, assists the president in checking birth records and eligibility of players and generally supervises and coordinates the transfer of players to or from the Minor Leagues according to provisions of the regulations of Little League Baseball. Separate player agents may also be selected to oversee individual divisions within the league. Following a registration, processes the registration forms, ensuring the various pieces get to the board members responsible for their further tasks. I.e. snack bar deposit/contract to Snack Bar scheduler, Registration payment to treasurer, fundraiser contract to fundraiser chairman, The player agent is responsible to coordinating and overseeing the Draft. The player agent organizes and conducts the Annual Home Run Derby and Coaches/Parent Softball Game. The player agent is involved with All-Star forms, payment and certification process as well.