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Open Position

Football Director

Football Director – The Football Director shall provide football league information to the Board for the purpose of selecting Leagues for the football teams for the Fall League and the Arena League. The Football Director shall ensure that the football coaches and players have everything required to attend practices and participate in the scheduled games. This includes coordinating coach training. The Football Director shall act as weigh-master/book-checker or appoint another to do so, shall conduct the required weigh-ins and birth certificate checks, and shall complete all necessary paperwork prior to the certification process for The Fall League and The Arena League for all football teams. The Football Director shall be responsible for the football coaching staff and act as a liaison between football teams, football coaches, and the Board of Directors whenever necessary. The Football Director shall get MPR volunteers and is also responsible for training the MPR volunteers. The Football Director shall create and update the GYFA Football Coaching, Training, and Playbook Guidelines to be used by all the GYFA football teams. These Guidelines are to help train football players in a progressive way from the youngest team to the oldest team. The Football Director and the Cheer Director are responsible for all aspects of player registrations. Assist, to the extent possible, with all functions of The Association.