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Sarah Darden
Darden Education Consulting Services
Sarah T. Darden is the President/CEO of Darden Education Consulting Services. Mrs. Darden along with her dynamic team of teachers, assist K - 12 students with their academic subjects while providing the mentoring many need, especially during this pandemic.
The focus of the high school program is helping students master the skills needed to pass high stakes tests and prepare to pass the ACT test with a remediation free score. Helping them earn the score to meet the requirements of the college of their choice is the goal. Providing tutorial support for homework help in an effort to improve grades and raise GPA ,is a priority as well. This support includes a COVID safe learning environment as well as virtual learning using Zoom, Facetime, Google Classroom, or in person assistance .
For the K-8 students, remediation and skill maintenance is the focus. Coupled with counseling and mentoring, the program, complete with newly established 'learning Pods', has proven to be popular with those who access all that is offered. Her passion for teaching, learning, and young people in general is evident in all that she does.
Prior to starting her consulting business, she spent 30 years as an educator in the Dayton Public School system. She began her career as a paraprofessional and then advanced to a classroom teacher with a concentration in Mathematics. While serving as a high school teacher, she discovered her skill for assisting students who needed help in passing high stakes tests needed to receive their diploma. Prior to retiring in 2003 she put a team together and through the Dayton Urban League (DUL) started an after school program to help students pass the Ohio Proficiency Test and then the Ohio Graduation Test. The success of these programs led her to form her own company In 2008.
Darden Education Consulting Services acted as a consultant for DUL, along with other clients. She continued with test preparation under her own company's name when Dayton Urban League closed in 2010. She expanded her services to provide academic enrichment, remediation, and general homework help to all school age students while continuing to serve students needing to pass OGT or OPT to earn their high school diploma..
She and her staff of qualified teachers have created a model for teaching and learning that has proven to be beneficial to students for passing tests and improving their grades. Since she started she has helped over 1200 students earn their diploma and now is helping her former students/children. Her motto is: "Failures and mistakes are simply prejudged outcomes that give you the information you need to succeed."