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CSYL Board Members

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The Catlin Summer Youth League!

Westwood Dr
Catlin, IL 61817
Phone: 217427-2628

Name Position Phone Profile EMail
Bob Wright (217) 419-5327
Jordan Spezia President & Scheduling Coordinator (217) 474-6660
Mike Bromley Vice President & Fields & Maintenance Committee
Jeff Fauver (217) 799-8167
Jeremy Hiser Secretary
Tricia Richardson Chief Team Coordinator
David Jones Equipment Coordinator (217) 637-8109
Korry Smith Fields & Maintenance Committee (217) 304-5722
Kyle Dines Fundraising Committee (217) 274-0459
Rob Dahlenburg Fields & Maintenance Committee
Brock Taylor Fundraising Committee (217) 474-9109
Steve Remole Uniforms Coordinator
Cole Wear Treasurer
Nick Miethe Fields & Maintenance Committee
Open Position Umpire Manger
Open Position Field Manager
Open Position Asst. Field Manager