This site has not been updated and will be removed from the LeagueLineup network shortly. If you'd like to keep the site active please log in to the administration section.

Elk Grove Babe Ruth

P.O. Box 1626
Elk Grove, CA 95759
Phone: 916-747-6252

Name Position Phone Profile EMail
Joe Matlen President 916-747-6252
Scott Gormley Vice President 916-717-2923
Jon Reise Treasurer 916-690-2480
Doug Penney Secretary/Publicity 916-607-3131
Larry Stone Scheduling/Fundraising 916-430-9962
Rich Hudson Umpires and Ethics 916-475-2151
Brent Tetlow Equipment Manager 916-416-9206
John Ryan League Liason 916-895-3373
Chuck Arthur Website/Technical 916-202-5627