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Board of Directors

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Sierra Madre Little League • P.O. Box 944 • Sierra Madre, CA 91025

Name Position Phone Profile EMail
Scott Clauson President 626-484-7480
Dave Mysza Vice President 714-264-0701
Kelly Kriebs Secretary 626-355-4060
Nick Latshaw Treasurer 626-590-3112
Russ Meek Player Agent 626-827-5011
Tony Ohannessian Information Officer / Registration
Gary Vlcek Coaching Coordinator 626-261-2927
Matt Carrillo-Vincent Farm & T-Ball Coordinator
Kristen Sullivan Team Parent Coordinator 626-893-5378
Tim Shepard Fall Ball Coordinator
Meesh Montygierd All-Star Coordinator 818-926-2914
Brian Carroll Field Maintenance 818-425-0212
Derek Podrebarac Uniform & Equipment Manager 626-818-7046
Martin Boskovich Scheduler 626-676-8834
Jon O'Brien Safety Officer 626-255-9354
Walker Haynes Fundraising 310-722-6156
Kim Darlas Diner Manager
George Hynes Umpire Liason 626-485-4273