14U/ 16U Seniors (spring) Information

Seniors 14U/16U Travel Babe Ruth

The senior league division is designed for girls aged 13 to 16 who are either preparing to play in high school, for those who do not wish to play in high school but want to continue playing in a more relaxed environment, as well as for those high school players who wish to continue playing after their high school season has ended.
Games consist of seven innings, have a 7-run per inning limit, allows unlimited stealing and the drop third strike rule is in effect. Players use a 12" ball, and pitching distance is extended to 43".
Templeton Recreation Softball participates Babe Ruth, North Central Mass Softball Regional League, which will contain further rule modifications and allows for a post season playoff tournament and an interleague all-star game.

All players must attend our annual Free Clinic for player evaluations to ensure proper placement.

2 Games per week are played on Saturday and/or Sunday at either 4pm or 6pm, with double headers typical thru the first week of June. After the first week of June games will likely be scheduled on Fridays as well. Makeup games could be any day of the week.

One practice will be held per week starting in early April and continuing thru the end of the season. The days of the practices are the decision of the head coach and can fluctuate during the season.

Home games will be played at Gilman-Waite Field.

Away games will be played in either Ashburnham, Ayer, Fitchburg, Athol/Orange, Shirley or Winchendon, Townsend/Ashby, Pepperell, and Shirley, Gardner.

Players will need to provide their own glove (required), cleats (required), Black sliding pants (required), belt and Field Mask (required).

helmet w/mask & Bat (provided use of if needed)

Meet & Greet Picture Day held in April on a Saturday TBA.

End of Season Thank Pins

$140 per player, (provided numbered jersey, socks)