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18U Recreational Division Information

18U Recreational Division

Participants must be at least 14 but no older than 18 years old (with the exception of a senior in High School that is 19) before Jan. 1st of season year to play.
Under special circumstances a girl who is 13 may be allowed or required to participate in 18U. Approval from both 13U and 18U division mangers is required. Girls 19 who still attend high school may also play in 18U.

  1. Pitching distance shall be 43 feet.
  2. Base distance will be 60 feet.
  3. Size 12 softball will be used.
  4. Games shall be 70 minutes in length except:
    a.When a team is ahead by fifteen (15) runs after three (3) innings
    b.When a team is ahead by twelve (12) runs after four (4) innings
    c.When a team is ahead by eight (8) runs after five (5) innings
    d.A new inning will not be started with five (5) or less minutes left. An inning that has already been started when time expires will be finished by both teams as long as the outcome of the game can be changed by finishing the inning. Once the outcome of the game cannot be changed by continuing the inning the game will be called over.
    e.If the score is tied at the end of regulation time, one (1) additional “tiebreaker” inning will be played. The player that batted last the previous inning will be placed on 2nd base to start the tie-breaker inning. Should the score remain tied after the one (1) additional inning, the game will be scored as a tie.
  5. A minimum of seven (7) players are needed to field a team.
  6. Teams will be allowed five (5) minutes after the posted game time to field a team. The game clock will start at the scheduled start time. At the end of five (5) minutes, a forfeit will be declared if seven (7) eligible players are not present. Forfeits will be scored 1-0.
  7. There will be a maximum of one (1) minute between each half inning. No intentional delays are allowed.
  8. Each player must play at least two (2) innings in the field and cannot sit back to back innings:
    a.She must be available, able to play and the coach does not have just cause to withhold her from play. A player who refuses to play in the field cannot bat.
    b.If a game is terminated for any reason (including 15 run rule) before 4 innings have elapsed, failure of either team to use all of its players shall not be a violation of this section.
    c.All players present shall be included in the batting order and bat in each batting rotation.
    d.A player arriving after the start of the game will be added to the bottom of the lineup.
    e.When a player leaves the game for any reason other than injury and misses her turn in batting rotation, an out will be recorded for each time that player comes up in the batting order. Re-entry will not affect the batting order, as all players are included in the batting order.
    f.Only players listed on the team roster and approved by the division head may play in the game.
    g.The penalty for willful noncompliance of this section shall be a forfeit.
  9. After seven (7) runs have been scored by any one (1) team in any given inning, that team will be given two (2) outs and only one (1) additional out must be made to retire the side. A maximum of ten (10) runs will be allowed per inning by the batting team.
  10. The maximum number of players on the field shall be ten (10) for the defensive team.
  11. After the 1st inning, the pitcher will only take one (1) warm-up pitch to the catcher.
  12. After coming to a complete stop, the pitcher may take a step backwards prior to delivering the pitch, and the pivot foot must remain in contact with the pitching rubber until delivery of pitch. The pitcher's hands shall be separated when she steps onto the pitching plate and will stay that way until she has taken a signal or simulated taking a signal, then she can bring her hands together to start her pitch. Failure to do so can be called an illegal pitch.
  13. Bunting is permitted.
  14. Stealing of bases is permitted with liability to be put out, however the ball must leave the pitchers hand before the runner can leave the base.
  15. Base runners may advance, with liability to be put out, on all overthrown balls.
  16. Base runners must advance to the next base or return to previous base as soon as the pitcher has control of the ball inside the pitchers circle. Runners already on base when the pitcher controls the ball inside the circle may not leave until the next pitch.
  17. Infield fly rule will apply. The batter will be called out on a fair fly ball, which can be caught with ordinary effort by any infielder, when first and second; or first, second, and third bases are occupied when there are less than two (2) outs. On a caught infield fly, the runners must tag up and may attempt to advance with liability to be put out. If the infield fly falls to fair ground untouched, or is touched and dropped, runners do NOT need to tag up.
  18. No outfielder will position themselves on the skinned portion of the infield. They must start in the outfield (grass portion of the field) for every pitch. They are allowed to back up plays on the infield once the ball has been put into play by either a hit ball or an attempt to throw out a runner on a pick-off attempt by the pitcher or catcher. They may be involved in putouts being made on runners when this occurs.
  19. The catcher must hold onto the third (3rd) strike. If the catcher drops the third (3rd) strike and first base is unoccupied or there are two outs, the batter is not out until put out by the defensive team.
  20. All batters and base runners MUST wear a NOCSAE approved batting helmet with a NOCSAE approved face mask and chin strap.
  21. Catchers MUST wear chest protectors, shin guards, and head gear that has been provided for them.
  22. Tennis shoes, turf shoes, or rubber cleats only…NO metal spikes, metal cleats or soccer shoes allowed.
  23. All jewelry worn by players (ie...rings, ear rings, bracelets, necklaces) must be removed before the start of the game and cannot be worn during any part of the game. Placing tape of any sort or band aides over jewelry is not allowed. Medical alert necklaces or bracelets are not considered jewelry, but if worn must be taped down to the body so they are not loose.
  24. All offensive players not on base must remain in the dugout with the exception of the batter and the on-deck batter. Only the coach and assistant coach will be allowed on the field. The coach may appoint one (1) team parent to assist players in the dugout. This team parent must remain in the dugout and cannot enter the field. All equipment shall be kept in the dugout except when in use.
  25. Any base coach eighteen (18) years or younger must wear protective head gear.
  26. Protests must be made by the coach immediately (before the next pitch) to the plate umpire and opposing coach. A $50.00 fee must be paid and a written protest filed with the Protest Committee (consisting of the board President, head umpire, and division manager) on the same night as the incident in question. Judgment calls can NOT be protested.
  27. If a player throws the bat, the following sanctions will apply:
    1st occurrence, player will be warned
    2nd and each additional occurrence, player will be declared out.
  28. If the league score keeper finds a player batting out of order no out will be given. If discovered while at bat, the correct batter will come to the plate, assume the current count and complete their turn at bat. If the discovered after their turn at bat is over all actions stand and the player following the incorrect batter is now the correct batter. However, if the discovered by either team without the assistance of the league score keeper, USA rules apply.

The standings in each division will be based on each team's win-loss-tie record. Ties in the standings will be decided 1st by previous head-to head competition between the teams tied and 2nd by head-to-head run difference between those same teams. The 3rd tie breaker, if needed, will be total runs allowed for the season. Trophies will be awarded to the top three placing teams at the conclusion of the season.
Please remember that this is a recreational division and that GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP is a MUST The Head Coach/Team Manager is responsible for the sportsmanship of the parents and fans of their team. Continued bad conduct on their part after the plate umpire has warned the Head coach/Team Manager could result in the ejection of the fan and the Head Coach/Team Manager.
Each team is expected to pick up their own trash from the dugout at the conclusion of each game.
Absolutely NO smoking and/or profanity by coaches in the dugout or on the field during the game.