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JV Information
1. All coaches must be accredited or they are disqualified. Assistant coaches must also be accredited. All coaches MUST complete the Safe Environment Program prior to the conclusion of the season.


a) A player in fifth or sixth grade may play for their Junior Varsity team. Players may not be 13 years old before November 1 of the current school year.

b) A sixth grader may play for their parish Varsity team ONLY if their parish does NOT have a Junior Varsity team. No Sixth grader may play for BOTH J.V. and Varsity.

c) Fifth grade girls are NOT allowed TO PLAY VARSITY under any circumstances.

d) A player in seventh or eighth grade may play only for their varsity Team. Players may not be 15 years old before November 1 of the current school year.

e) All players are to be members of the parish they represent. Unless she attends the parish school, no non-parish resident is permitted to participate.

f) If a public school student is a Catholic and a registered member of the parish, she is eligible to participate in CYO. It is recommended that she attend CCD.

g) Any member of a public/private school team IS eligible to participate with a CYO team.

h) Students attending private schools are to participate with their school that they attend if the school fields a CYO team, unless permission to play for the parish team is, granted by the REGIONAL ATHLETIC MINISTRY BOARD.

i) If the private school does not field a CYO team in basketball, private school students may be team members only if they belong to the parish they represent.

j) Private/Public school students MAY play for both their private/public school and their parish.

k) Non-Catholics attending a parish school may participate with the parish-school team.

l) A girl who attends a parish school other than her registered parish may participate with the school team. However, once she establishes a preference, she may not play for another parish for the remainder of the school year, unless the preferred choice does not offer that sport.

3. Unless amended or superseded here, or in the CYO Athletic Handbook, PIAA rules shall apply to Region 25.

a) Length of Game – 4 – 7 minute quarters, overtime will be three minutes in length, no sudden death
b) Clock - will stop on all whistles if the 7 minute quarter option is selected. The official will handle the ball before it is put into play.

c) The use of the smaller women's ball (28-1/2") is to be used.

d) Five timeouts will be permitted per game, including three (3) full timeouts (1 minute) and two (2) 30-second timeouts. There will be one additional timeout awarded for overtime. All timeouts may be used at any point during the game, Including overtime. Timeouts must be called verbally by a player or by the coach. The official will verify the length of the timeout with the Coach.

e) Alternating possession - the alternating possession will take the place of the jump ball except to START THE GAME and to START ANY OVERTIME PERIODS. Ball will be brought in at half-court line to begin other periods.

f) Foul Shots - One and one will be shot on the seventh foul of each half. TWO SHOTS are to BE AWARDED BEGINNING WITH THE 10th TEAM FOUL OF EACH HALF. Players may not enter the lane area following a foul shot until the ball has made contact with the basket/backboard. FOUL SHOTS MUST BE TAKEN BEHIND THE FOUL LINE BUT THE HOME TEAM MUST PROVIDE TAPE 6” IN FRONT OF THE LINE, THE SHOOTER CAN CROSS OVER THE FOUL LINE BUT NOT OVER THE TAPE. ALL FREE THROWS ONLY 6 PLAYERS (4 DEFENSIVE, 2 OFFENSE) MAY OCCUPY THE LANE AREA

g) A Coaches Box will be in effect. It will consist of the area bounded by the players, bench, sideline, and extension of the hash mark and end line. Head coaches may stand (or kneel) to coach their team. They may NOT stand to protest an official's decisions. TECHNICAL FOULS FOR THIS WILL BE GIVEN BY THE OFFICIALS WITHOUT A WARNING.

h) Three point shots will be played where available. The distance is 19'9" from the center of the basket.

I) TECHNICAL FOULS - TWO UNSPORTSMANLIKE fouls will result in AUTOMATIC EXPULSION from the game. Player must remove herself from the bench area and coach MUST LEAVE the premises immediately or forfeit the game. In addition, any player/coach who receives TWO TECHNICAL FOULS OR IS EJECTED FOR UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT IN A LEAGUE GAME will BE AUTOMATICALLY SUSPENDED FOR THE FOLLOWING LEAGUE GAME. Technical are one shot and possession of the ball.

j) Teams CAN PRESS IN THE SECOND AND FOURTH QUARTER. No press if a team has a 15+ point lead. Teams should allow 3’ at half court before picking up their half court defense.

k) Players must be in team uniforms. If teams have the same color uniforms home team wears the piney

I) No barrettes, beads or jewelry of any kind (plastic or metal) are permitted.

m) FIVE SECOND VIOLATION (CLOSELY GUARDED RULE). If the offensive player (with the ball) is closely guarded for 5 seconds this will result in a loss of possession for the offensive team, once the ball has crossed the half court line.

n) Once the ball is secured by the defensive team, they are safe to pass the ball in the backcourt without defense in the second and fourth quarter. They must cross over the half court line by 10 seconds or it is a violation. If a team continues to interfere with the safe passage area then a delay of game warning will be issued to the offending team. A technical Foul can be issued at the discretion of the officials.

4. YOU ARE LIMITED TO A 30 GAME SCHEDULE. Each tournament game, except for Regional playoffs or archdiocesan tournaments, count as game for game. You are also permitted four scrimmages.

5. GAMES MAY NOT BE CANCELED FOR ANY REASON except for hazardous weather conditions or loss of gym. If a game must be postponed due to weather conditions, THE ASSIGNOR MUST BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST 90 MINUTES BEFORE THE GAME TIME. THE HOST TEAM MUST ALSO NOTIFY THE VISITING TEAM. BOB ADAMS OUR ASSIGNOR #610-636-8382.

6. Bring your own manually operated clock to games when you are the home team in a game not played on your home court. This is a precaution just in case the clock is not available or a wall clock is not operating properly.

7. The WINNING TEAM will call or email Jeff Carty @ (610) 517-6695 or stbernadettes.jvgirlsbb@gmail.com game results after each game.

8. The HOST TEAM is responsible to appoint a parent or responsible person to monitor Lavatories, hallways, etc. where the game is being played. Visiting teams are also asked to appoint someone to patrol those areas.

9. EACH TEAM is responsible to tell their fans NOT TO BRING BALLS INTO THE GYM.

10. In case of LATENESS, the coach is to have the team ready no later than 15 minutes past the official starting time or forfeit the game. Any team which forfeits a game will be responsible for all referee fees.

11. PROTEST PROCEDURE - Game protests are to be filed on the basis of RULES interpretation, not judgment, and are to be filed in accordance with the rules stated in the Archdiocesan Athletic Handbook.

12. The HOME TEAM shall provide the OFFICIAL timer and scorekeeper. They are to be of HIGH SCHOOL AGE or OLDER. The visiting team shall provide a spotter for the scorer and the timer. In some gyms, it is required that the HOST TEAM keep the clock.

13. The Official Scorekeeper shall be responsible for the Alternate Jump Ball. He/she will use an arrow indicator to inform the referee which team will be awarded the ball. The arrow should point toward the basket.

14. Officials have been instructed by the commissioner to call a flagrant foul on any player or coach using foul language or for taking the Lord's name in vain. This will be done without warning. YOU ARE BEING WARNED NOW. The Player and/or Coach will be immediately disqualified from that game, as well as the subsequent league game.

15. Refer to the Archdiocesan Athletic Handbook for the Code of Conduct.

16. The final closing date for basketball is February 9, 2023. No games other than Archdiocesan Tournament can be played after that date.

17. All Region 25 league games must begin with players/coaches for both teams participating in a prayer at half court.

18. Each team will be responsible for the behavior of their fans/parents. If a fan becomes abusive or is singled out by a referee, the coach will be responsible to control the fan, even if it requires ejection. Inability to control the fan may result in forfeit.

19. Social Media: Use of social media to taunt or intimidate other teams by coaches, players or fans is strictly forbidden. If such an incident occurs, it will be presented to the Regional Athletic Board and action will be the following, suspension of coach, player or fan from the next game(s) or removal from the league. This is your warning.


This is what "we" do here.

Building community through prayer

Healthy spectator involvement

League monitoring of coach & player behavior