Sunday, February 16, 2025
Start Time:
9:00 AM
End Time:
2:30 PM
Hart Middle School (HMS)
4433 Willow Rd, Pleasanton, CA 94526
Short Directions:
Pleasanton, CA
Hart is one of our main practice facilities. To get to Hart, take 680 to the Stoneridge exit and go East (away from the hills). Cross Hopyard and go 2 more blocks to Willow. Go right onto Willow. The school is about 4 blocks up on your left side.
4433 Willow Rd, Pleasanton, CA
2025 Spring & Year Round Reg & Eval Day -
* 9 to 10:15 AM - 2nd to 4th Grades Workout
* 10 to 10:15 AM - Informational Parent Mtg
* 10:30 to 11:45 AM - 5th & 6th Grades Workout
* 11:30 to 11:45 AM - Informational Parent Mtg
* 1 to 2:15 PM - 7th & 8th Grades + HS Plrs Workout
* 2 to 2:15 PM - Informational Parent Mtg
Note, All Players need 1 parent to attend 1 Parent Informational Mtg
* 9 to 10:15 AM - 2nd to 4th Grades Workout
* 10 to 10:15 AM - Informational Parent Mtg
* 10:30 to 11:45 AM - 5th & 6th Grades Workout
* 11:30 to 11:45 AM - Informational Parent Mtg
* 1 to 2:15 PM - 7th & 8th Grades + HS Plrs Workout
* 2 to 2:15 PM - Informational Parent Mtg
Note, All Players need 1 parent to attend 1 Parent Informational Mtg