Tigers Registration Form





I, the undersigned parent/guardian of the individual named below, a minor, do herby agree to allow the individual named herein to participate in the aforementioned team and authorize the organization and/or coaches as agents for the undersigned to consent to medical, surgical, and/or dental examination, in addition to any and all other treatments that may be deemed necessary by medical personnel. It is understood that this activity involves an element of risk and a danger of accidents and knowing those risks, I hereby assume those risks. In addition, I understand that by signing this agreement, I hereby release and discharge the NJ Tigers, along with any other coaches in the organization from any and all liability resulting in injury associated with the participant’s participation in this activity. I agree that pictures taken may be used for future promotional purposes. In the absence of a parent/guardian’s signature below, payment of fees and participation in the program shall constitute acceptance of the conditions set forth in the release.
*** Insert your waiver information here ***

* indicates required fields