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Los Angeles Baseball League
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Los Angeles Baseball League Rules & Responsibilities
1. RULES PRIORITY (If something is not covered, go to the next level of rules)
Los Angeles Baseball League Rules (Do not go by NABA rules in scorebook)
Major League Baseball Rules (If not covered by Los Angeles Baseball League Rules)
A. Uniforms:
Players must wear a complete matching (best as possible) uniform with each player having their own jersey number. Should such items not be available due to shipping delays, a numbered jersey must be worn. Fall/winter team uniforms are not required to match. All team names must be approved by the league. Failure to adhere to these rules may lead to forfeiture of games.
B. Helmets:
Batters and runners must wear approved batting helmets. Single flapped helmets worn properly are acceptable. Cracked or taped helmets are not acceptable.
C. Catcher's helmets:
Catchers must wear a protective helmet, unless a waiver is on file with the league office.
D. Cleats:
Players can wear any type of cleats or shoes at any field except at fields with synthetic turf. At synthetic turf fields metal cleats are
E. Bats:
Wood bats only.
Only wood bats are permitted. No bats containing any type of metal are allowed. So called "composite" bats are permitted, so long as they contain no metal. Players that use illegal bats are subject to be called out or subject to ejection. A manager must protest the use of an illegal bat prior to the first pitch to the next batter. Failure to do so will render the at bat legal with no detrimental consequences to the batter. Upon a proper protest, the first time a batter uses an illegal bat during a game, he will be ruled out for that AB and all runners will return to their bases at the time of the AB. The 2nd time a batter uses an illegal bat during a game, he will be ejected from that game. For this purpose, an AB is valid after one pitch has been thrown to that batter.
F. Base coaches
Base coaches are required to wear double flapped batting helmets while coaching the bases.
A. Game start time:
The game start time will be the published start time. However, especially in the second or third game at a particular field, a later start time may be warranted by field prep managers, umpire circumstances (a
of 30 minutes between games), or any other unforeseen circumstance, so be aware, and be patient.
B. Game length:
All games shall be nine (9) innings, with no new inning starting after three (3) hours of time. If after 9 innings of the play the score is tied and time remains, play will continue until the tie is broken, or until the time limit is reached, whichever comes first (no extra umpire charges). Innings in progress when the time limit is reached must be completed. If any extra innings (only to break a tie score in a playoff game) are played after the time limit, the umpires will be paid $10 per team per inning. The three hour time limit shall commence from the scheduled start time unless circumstances prevent the game from starting at that time (i.e. - previous game in progress, late arrival of umpires, etc.). The umpires time is the official time (sync your timers). Any inning that begins before three hours shall be completed. The definition of a new inning for timing purposes is - the second after the last out is recorded in the previous inning.
C. Grace period:
There will be a ten (10) minute grace period from the scheduled game time to allow for the late arrival of players to constitute the minimum number of players to play. The grace period will not extend the three hour time limit which commences from the scheduled start time.
D. Called game:
Any time a regulation game would be called early, we use the "drop dead" rule for game score and stats:
a) If the home team is ahead at the moment the game ends, the score and stats of the game are the score and stats at that moment.
b)If the visiting team is ahead at the moment the game ends, the score and stats of the game are the score and stats at the last completed inning.
c) If the score is tied at the moment the game ends, and the home team was tied or behind at the end of the last completed inning, then the score and stats of the game are the score and stats at that moment.
d) If the score is tied at the moment the game ends, and the home team was ahead at the end of the last completed inning, then the score and stats of the game are the score and stats at the last completed inning.
E. Mercy rule:
There is no mercy rule in the Los Angeles Baseball League. However, no new inning will start after two (2) hours and fifty (50) minutes of time should either team have at least a 12-run lead in any inning. And, any team losing by 12 or more runs after their opponent has batted 7 times may opt to call the game (mercy), but this is not a requirement.
F. Time between half innings:
The maximum time allotted between innings shall be no more than two minutes, and a pitcher may throw up to 8 pitches within those two minutes. Additional time shall be allotted for catchers that were batting or base running. This rule shall be enforced by the umpires. In case of injury, a pitcher may have as many warm up pitches as necessary.
G. Field maintenance:
Teams are not to attempt any field preparation unless given permission to do so by the league and the field prep crew. This includes watering, dragging or raking of the field. Failure to adhere may result in disciplinary action against a team, which may include forfeiture of games.
H. Dugout upkeep:
Teams are responsible for keeping and leaving all dugouts and fields clean, especially the last game of the day. We are guest at these fields, so we must clean up any mess. Failure to adhere may result in disciplinary action against a team, which may include forfeiture of games.
I. Umpire fees:
There will be two umpires for each game. Each team will pay $110 in cash prior to the start of each game for the umpires. In the rare occurrence that only one umpire is present for any game, each team will pay that umpire $60 ($120 total). Should both teams be present for a game and one team does not have enough players to start the game which results in a forfeit, the forfeiting team shall be responsible for
umpire fees.
J. Dugout designation:
The home team shall always occupy the 3rd base dugout, and the visiting team shall always occupy the 1st base dugout (for double-header purposes, other arrangements may be made). Exception: At Roybal Learning Center the home team shall occupy the 1st base dugout. When the Culver City Cubs or the iTCH Athletics play at Culver City HS, they will always occupy the 3rd base dugout. When the Santa Clarita Athletics31 play at Dunsmore Park, they will always occupy the 3rd base dugout.
A. Age requirements for the
All players must at least reach their 25th birthday by December 31, 2023,
a) each team may roster under age players (an underage player must have reached their 18 birthday before playing in any game), however, each team may play no more than 4 underage players (rostered or otherwise), in any one game. (REMINDER: Pool players must be announced at the pre-game managers' meeting, those players must be legal pool players, and must adhere to all pool player provisions).
b) underage players are not allowed to pitch in this division,
c) each team may designate 1 underage player that is at least league age 22 as a pitcher (pitching a maximum of 5 innings per game), and that pitcher must be designated by the team manager to the league president (Dave Becker) by at least 10:00 PM the night before any game played and may only be changed a maximum of three (3) times during the season, but not after the roster freeze date. And, whoever that pitcher is at the roster freeze date, will be the pitcher that will have exempt status for your playoff roster (if that player plays in at least 1/2 of your team's games).
d) Acquire a written age exemption from the league president (rare, or grandfathered players, and provisions may be applied by the league president with such exemptions).
-- Failure to adhere may result in disciplinary action against that player and his team; which may include forfeiture of games.
A. Age requirements for the
All players must at least reach their 35th birthday by December 31, 2023,
a) each team may roster under age players (an underage player must be at least league age 25 for fall season, age 30 for summer season), however, each team may play no more than 3 underage players (rostered or otherwise), in any one game. (REMINDER: Pool players must be announced at the pre-game manager's meeting, those players must be legal pool players, and must adhere to all pool player provisions).
b) underage players are not allowed to pitch in this division without a written pitching exemption from the league president.
c) Acquire a written age exemption from the league president (rare, or grandfathered players, and provisions may be applied by the league president with such exemptions).
-- Failure to adhere may result in disciplinary action against that player and his team; which may include forfeiture of games.
A. Age requirements for the
All players must at least reach their 35th birthday by December 31, 2023,
a) each team may roster under age players (an underage player must be at least league age 25 for fall season, 30 for summer season), however, each team may play no more than 3 underage players (rostered or otherwise), in any one game. (REMINDER: Pool players must be announced at the pre-game manager's meeting, those players must be legal pool players, and must adhere to all pool player provisions).
b) underage players are not allowed to pitch in this division without a written pitching exemption from the league president.
c) Acquire a written age exemption from the league president (rare, or grandfathered players, and provisions may be applied by the league president with such exemptions).
-- Failure to adhere may result in disciplinary action against that player and his team; which may include forfeiture of games.
B. Roster size:
Each team roster may only have a maximum of 20 active players on their roster at any point in time. Players may be released to create room on their roster to accommodate. Any player that had been released from that team's roster may only be re-added one time (not multiple times).
C. Roster freeze:
ONLY APPLIES TO SUMMER LEAGUE .. No new player may be added to your team's roster after 2/3 of your team's games have been played. (Exception: the league president may allow roster freeze waivers for teams in need, to prevent forfeitures; usually with restrictions - ie - no pitching, batting last, etc.) Purpose of the roster freeze: to prevent teams loading up at the end of the year with blue-chip players that can help them get into the playoffs, or improve their playoff position. And remember, of course, any and all players must play in at least 1/2 of that team's games to qualify for the playoff roster.
D. Ex-professional players:
All players must be out of any level of professional baseball (excluding Independent Leagues) for three complete Los Angeles Baseball League seasons after his last year played, or have a written exemption from the league president to participate.
E. Player Registration:
All players must fill out and submit a player registration form by at least 10:00 PM the night before any game played with accurate, factual information to the league through the online player registration form, or have league approval before game participation. Should a non-registered, or non-approved player play in a game, the opposing manager may report that player to the league president via email no later than 11:00 AM on the Tuesday after the game in question. That manager will be asked to submit the opponent's lineup card as presented at the pre-game meeting at home plate, or show proof of the non-registered, non-approved players participation. Use of a non-registered, or non-approved player may result in disciplinary action against that player and his team; which may include forfeiture of games, and/or suspensions.
F. Switching teams:
Players may not switch teams during the season without the permission of that player's existing manager and the league. A player must fulfill all financial obligations with his manager or the league before switching teams. Should permission not be granted, that player may still leave his existing team, but will be subject to a re-entry draft as prescribed by the league president. For playoff qualification purposes, games played with a previous team are not transferable.
G. Free agency:
At the end of each season all players become free agents, and remain free agents until they register for any other season with a team.
H. Tryouts / Draft:
The league may hold free agent tryouts before each season for teams in need of players. The draft will take place at some time before the season, however, the league may bypass the draft for any reason. At some point after the tryouts, the league will have a player draft. The draft order will be based on the team standings (not solely) from previous years and the leagues updated knowledge of participating teams. For the purpose of the draft; the Saturday and Sunday divisions are separate drafting entities. Higher level divisions always will have some draft priority over lower level divisions. Any eligible player who participates in a league tryout and is drafted must play for the team that drafted him (unless that manager releases said player back to free agency), although that player may choose which team he plays for, should he be chosen by a Saturday and Sunday team. Should said player not be drafted, he becomes a free agent eligible to play for any team.
I. Multiple rosters:
A player may only be rostered on one (1) Saturday team roster, and/or one (1) Sunday team roster. Any exceptions must be approved in written form by the league president.
J. Game played definition:
To be credited with a "game played", a player must have signed the "game sheet", and do at least one of the following:
a) Have at least 1 plate appearance, and appear in the website box score.
b) Face and finish pitching to at least 1 batter, and appear in the website box score.
c) Play at least 4 innings in the field at any position; appear in the website box score, and have the umpire(s) verify that fact on the "game sheet".
d) Start the game in either the batting of fielding lineup; get injured before qualifying; appear in the website box score, and have the umpire(s) verify that fact on the "game sheet".
e) If a player attends the game, and stays for the whole game and does not get into either the offensive or defensive lineup due to manager's decision or because of injury. The plate umpire must verify the player's whole game attendance, by placing his (the umpire's) initials on the "game sheet" next to the player's name after the game, and that player must appear in the website box score. And, the manager must email an explanation of any such players appearing in the boxscore with all zeroes to Dave Becker via email at in a timely manner. This game played credit may only be used up to a maximum of 4 times during the season.
f) A player may get credit for game played should a scheduled game result in a game day forfeit. To get credit for this game, each player present must sign the "game sheet", the lead umpire must sign the "game sheet" to verify the players' presence, and then the "game sheet" must be sent to and received by the league president. And
to the next scheduled game, the game played stats must be input into the league website boxscore for that game.
g) A player may get credit for game played should a scheduled game result in a non-game day forfeit. To get credit for this game, each rostered player at the time of the forfeit from the non-forfeiting team gets credit for a game played simply by checking off the Game Played box for that game in the league website boxscore for that game.
h) A player may get credit for a game played should a scheduled game result in a game day postponement if the players are at the field. To get credit for this game, each player present must sign the "game sheet", the lead umpire must sign the "game sheet" to verify the players presence, and then the "game sheet" must be sent to and received by the league president. And, any player that was present for the postponed game, but not present for the makeup of the postponed game shall be input into the league website boxscore for that makeup game with a game played credit.
K. Free Agents:
Any player that is not on a Los Angeles Baseball League roster for a particular day (Saturday divisions / Sunday divisions) is considered a free agent, and the league shall maintain a free agent player list. This list consists of available players who have indicated they are ready to join a team full-time. This list is for teams that may need players to join their roster as a rostered player any time before or during the season.
The league shall maintain a pool player list. This list consists of available players for teams that may need substitute (pool) players for any given game or games. The purpose of the pool list is to prevent forfeits,
to obtain a competitive advantage.
A legal pool player is any player on the league's published free agent / pool player list, OR, any currently rostered Los Angeles Baseball League player (all rostered players are also pool players), OR, any player pre-approved by the league president.
b) A rostered player's first obligation is ALWAYS to his regular team.
c) Any pool player may only play in a maximum of three (3) games per team per season.
d) Rostered players may play ONLY for a team NOT in the division of the regular team unless both managers involved in that game agree otherwise. Example: A rostered National division player may not play as a pool player on another National division team unless both managers involved in that game agree to allow it.
e) Any number of pool players may be used to prevent a forfeit. As an example, a legal pool player may be the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th or 11th player to start a game and must adhere to all other pool player rules. A pool player may not be the 12th, 13th, etc. player. Should a regular member of your roster show up after the game has begun, you must insert that player into the batting lineup (add to the bottom), but you may keep the pool player in the game if so desired.
f) Pool players must bat last in the batting lineup to start the game and all healthy rostered players must bat if available.
a pitcher that normally does not bat (a player that is primarily a pitcher and has no more than a total of 1 plate appearance on average per his games played). The team manager must write "NBP" on the game lineup card next to the non-batting pitcher and continue to be used in such a manner.
g) Pool players may play any position in the field
other than pitcher
(unless a waiver is granted by the league president).
h) If you are using a pool player, it is your responsibility to notify the opposing manager and the umpires before the start of the game, and to note such players on the "game sheet".
i) When playing a pool player, or pool players, that team must input those stats under "Pool Players" and must email Dave Becker with the names of each pool player used by the Wednesday after the game is played. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action, which could include forfeitures of games.
j) Pool players must meet the age requirements of the division (Ex: 35+ divisions may only use qualified 35+ pool players, 25+ divisions may only use qualified 25+ pool players), OR, underage pool players may be used, so long as the game day total number of underage players on any particular team (rostered players and pool players combined) does not exceed 3 under age players.
k) Failure to adhere to any and all pool player rules may result in disciplinary action against that team; which may include forfeiture of games.
l) The purpose of using pool players is to prevent forfeits,
to obtain a competitive advantage. Should the use of pool players be deemed by the league as an attempt to obtain a competitive advantage, your team will be subject to forfeiture of that game.
M. Lineup Cards:
Lineup cards must be given to the opposing manager and umpire before each game. The lineup card must show the starting batting lineup (including any courtesy runners, A/B system batters, pool players) and any and all substitute players or non-batting pitchers.
The lineup card must show each player's last name and number.
N. Game Sheets -
Game sheets are the game scorecard, player waiver of liability release, and player attendance verification which is to be signed by all members
(proxy signatures are not valid)
from both teams of any particular Los Angeles Baseball League game or practice. The home team will provide the game sheet for each game. No game can be started until all players from both teams have signed it. Once signed, it will be given to the umpires or home team to keep the official score. After the game, the umpires and managers sign the game sheet as the official scorecard, and the home team manager takes it. The home team manager then forwards (by mail or email, no faxes) that game sheet to the league president (Dave Becker) before the next scheduled game. Failure to do so may result in a $25 fine per offense, and/or possible cancellation of further games.
O. Minimum players per game:
Teams must field no less than eight (8) players. If a team only has nine (9) players, all players must bat.
a pitcher that normally does not bat (a player that is primarily a pitcher and has no more than a total of 1 plate appearance on average per his games played. The team manager should write "NBP" on the game lineup card next to the non-batting pitcher) may continue to be used in such a manner, and the team may only bat 8 players. Substitute players may be utilized from the pool player listing. A team with less than eight (8) players in the batting lineup, and in the fielding lineup ten minutes after the scheduled game time shall constitute a forfeit. The forfeiting team shall pay all umpire fees for the game ($100 per umpire) or use the team bond. The bond must be repaid before that team may participate in its next game.
A team may begin or end a game with eight (8) players if no other players are available. This team will play the game with no "out" penalty to begin, first time after or to end a game.
There is no "out" penalty for playing a game with eight players, even if due to ejection.
This is allowed only twice during the season. Should a third instance occur, a forfeit may exist. Both teams involved in an eight player game should always notify the league for monitoring purposes.
P. Player re-entry:
A player that is out of the game, having been substituted for earlier, may re-enter the batting lineup to replace any injured player if that team is not able to bat the minimum number (8) of players without the replacement.
Q. Player early removal:
Any player that must leave a game for injury or a scheduled commitment (which should be conveyed to the opposing manager prior to the game) must be batted for in that player's position by an available substitute (
a pitcher that normally does not bat may continue to be used in such a manner). If no substitutes are available, then the deleted player shall be removed from the batting lineup and all other batters move up in the lineup (crunching) with no "out" penalty to the affected team.
IMPORTANT: That player must also be removed from the defensive lineup (which includes pitching) should he be removed from the batting lineup.
There is no "out" penalty for legally crunching of the batting order even due to ejection.
If a player is ejected during his AB and there is no substitute available to come in to complete that AB, the batter will be ruled out for that AB only. This rule, like many others are in place to help players with issues. This rule is not in place to give any team a competitive advantage, and should not be used to gain a competitive advantage.
R. Emergency player / manager rule:
Any player may be designated as an 'emergency player' and must be on the lineup card with other substitute players, and listed as
. This player may only be used if needed due to injury, ejections, or other unforeseen circumstances which deems this player being used as the 9th fielder, and/or the 8th batter. This player is not to be used as any other type of substitute, and may only be used in an emergency situation to prevent a forfeit.
S. Lineup provisions:
Each team may bat as many players as desired in the initial lineup, but not less than nine (9),
as provided in rule 4O. The team may add players to the bottom of the lineup as desired. If a player is batted or run for (except under courtesy runner rules) by another player he must be taken out of the batting lineup but may remain in the fielding lineup or pitch.
T. Offensive / Defensive lineup separation:
Each team has a batting lineup and fielding lineup that are independent of each other. Players may play in either lineup or both. All players may substitute freely within the fielding lineup with no effect on the batting lineup.
U. Batting changes (additions and/or subtractions):
All batting lineup changes must be reported to the opposing team and the umpires before those changes occur. Failure to adhere to this rule may subject the offending team to all penalties under major league rules.
V. A/B Lineup:
A team may utilize the A/B batting system (which allows two players to occupy the same spot in the batting lineup and alternate AB's).
a) This A/B system must be instituted at the start the game and must be on the lineup card furnished to the opposing team and umpires.
b) The A/B system is allowed anywhere in the batting lineup in as many batting slots as desired.
c) If the A/B system is used, it must continue throughout the remainder of the game.
d) If a player is batted or run for, that new player will now occupy that part of the A/B.
e) If an injury, ejection or scheduled commitment should occur, that player will be replaced by an available substitute. Should no replacement player be available, the other ½ of the A/B will now occupy that spot in the batting order for each subsequent AB with no penalty.
f) The A/B system may not be used if a pool player is in the lineup.
W. Division placement:
The league reserves the right to place all teams in ability appropriate divisions before any season, or move any team during the season if warranted. Any team that has won their division championship, and/or post season tournament in consecutive summer seasons must move up to at least the next higher skill level division (if available within the appropriate age division) the following year. A team must play in consecutive seasons for this rule to apply.
A. Re-entry:
Any pitcher removed from the game may return to pitch only one (1) time during the course of the game, but not in the same inning. Same inning is defined as "the last inning that he appeared".
B. Equipment:
Pitchers may not wear white or gray pitching sleeves, wrist bands, or any color batting gloves while pitching.
C. Hit batters:
Any pitcher must be removed as a pitcher after he has hit three batters with a pitch in any one game. The umpire also has the discretion to eject any pitcher from the game if in the umpire's judgment that pitcher deliberately and flagrantly threw at any batter. Any pitcher brought in to pitch after the above removal is allowed as many warm up pitches as desired.
D. Intentional walks:
An intentional base on balls may be given by the defensive team by having its catcher or coach request the umpire to award the batter first base. This may be done before pitching to the batter or on any ball and strike count. The ball shall be declared dead before making the award.
E. Mound visits:
The manager may make one mound visit per pitcher per inning without needing to remove that pitcher from the game as a pitcher. If the same pitcher is visited twice in one inning, that pitcher must be removed from the game as a pitcher (not the defensive or offensive lineup). And, that pitcher still may re-enter the game under rule 5A if so desired. The manager has an unlimited amount of trips to the mound per game.
F. Batters faced:
Pitchers must face a minimum of 1 batter, or record one out.
G. Win:
For the purpose of crediting a win to a starting pitcher in an Los Angeles Baseball League game, the pitcher must pitch at least 5 innings in a 9+ inning game, or 1/2 of the innings played in a game that is less than 9 innings.
A. Decoys:
No player shall decoy an opposing batter / runner to slide unnecessarily. In the event this occurs, the runner, and all other runners will be awarded two bases from where they were at the time of such decoy. Should that same fielder commit this infraction more than once in the same game, that fielder shall be ejected from that game and possible suspension by the league.
A. How many:
Each team will be allowed up to three (3) non-runners
per game. If using A/B lineup slots, either or both of the A and B slot players may be designated as a non-runner, and such usage will only count as one (1) non-runner used.
B. Notification:
If you are using non-runners, it is your responsibility to notify the opposing manager and umpires on the lineup card
. Otherwise the opposing manager has the right to refuse such non-runners.
C. Who:
The last batted out must be the courtesy runner. In the case of an inning ending fielder's choice, the batter is considered the last batted out. If the last batted out is also a non-runner, then the next to last batted out that is not a non-runner must be the courtesy runner.
D. Additional runner(s):
Once the game begins and the full complement of non-runners has not been used, an additional non-runner may be added
due to injury
. This provision is not in place to give any team a competitive advantage, and should not be used to gain a competitive advantage.
E. Injury additions:
In the event that a player becomes injured during the game and the full complement of non-runners has been used (3), an additional non-runner may be used. This provision is not in place to give any team a competitive advantage, and should not be used to gain a competitive advantage.
F. Loss of runner:
If a batter who is designated as a non-runner elects to run or forgets to utilize the courtesy runner, he will lose his non-runner rights for the remainder of the game.
G. Pitchers and catchers:
Pitchers and catchers receive no special treatment in regards to courtesy runners.
H. Scoring:
In the Los Angeles Baseball League, the rule on scoring for courtesy runners is very simple. All stats earned - runs scored, stolen bases, caught stolen bases, etc. will be credited to the batter that the courtesy runner is running for.
A. Intentional collision:
No player shall intentionally collide with any other player.
B. Runners:
All runners must either slide or give up their right to a base (avoid a collision by stopping or leaving the base path) if the defensive player has possession of the ball, is in the act of receiving the ball, or is about to immediately receive the ball and will be able to make an apparent play on the base runner. Under such circumstances, the runner shall be responsible for avoiding a collision. If a collision does occur under these circumstances the runner will always be considered out and all other obstruction rules shall be enforced.
C. Fielders:
If a defensive player is not in possession of the ball, or is not in the act of receiving the ball, or is not about to immediately receive the ball, he cannot block the base (e.g. Home plate) or be in the base path so as to impede or obstruct the baserunner's right to that base. Under such circumstances, the defensive player is responsible for avoiding a collision. If a collision does occur under these circumstances the runner will always be considered safe and all other obstruction rules shall be enforced.
D. Ejection:
In addition to the above, the runner or fielder who creates an intentional collision may be ejected at the umpire's discretion.
E. Unintentional collision:
Please note: contact, which, in the opinion of the umpire(s) is incidental, accidental, unintentional or otherwise unavoidable is NOT considered a collision with consequences as described in the preceding.
A. Games needed:
A player must play in 1/2 of his team's games (the lower number if an odd number of games played - ex: in a 21 game season a player must play in 10 games) to qualify for playoffs with that team. Rule 4H defines a "Game Played".
B. Waivers:
There will be no medical or special circumstances playoff waivers.
C. Conditional pool player:
If the manager does not have enough eligible players for a playoff game, then he should first ask the league president for "conditional pool player" status for players that have played with the team during the season, but did not qualify with enough games played. These "conditional pool players"* must be approved by the league president and adhere to all other playoff pool player rules, i.e. the team does not have enough qualified rostered players available, pool players may not pitch, must bat last, etc).
D. Game pool players:
Important -
unlike the regular season (in which a pool player may be up to the 11th player), playoff pool players may be used ONLY up to, and including the 10th player.
A conditional pool player may be the 11th player used under either of the following conditions: 1) If a qualified rostered player can
bat (and not play defense) due to injury, then a conditional pool player may play in the field, but
bat, OR, 2) If a qualified rostered player is a pitcher that normally does not bat (a player that is primarily a pitcher and has no more than a total of 1 plate appearance on average per his games played) during the regular season, a conditional pool player may bat, but
play in the field until that pitcher is removed from the game and that pitcher does not play in the field. 3) Should a regular member of your roster show up after the game has begun, you must insert that player into the batting lineup (add to the bottom), but you may keep the pool player in the game if so desired. 4) Should a playoff-rostered player need to leave the game due to bona fide injury, need to leave the game early for a bona fide reason announced by his manager at the pre-game meeting with the umpires, or need to leave the game early due to a family emergency or other unforeseen occurrence, a pool player may enter the game as the substitute for the departing player. A maximum of two reserve conditional pool players may be on any playoff game day roster. They can only be used as a substitute for injured or departing player(s) and must bat in the departing or injured player's spot in the lineup. Furthermore, these reserve players must be conditional pool players and, therefore, must be the first available non-qualified player(s) on a team roster with the most regular season games played. And remember, all conditional or regular pool players must be approved before the game by the league president, Dave Becker.
E. Conditional Pool Player Criteria:
Players on a team's regular season roster, but who have not qualified, may be considered conditional pool players, so long as the following is adhered to and the manager obtains the approval of the league president prior to the start of the game in question. If for example a manager only has 7 players confirmed, his first conditional pool player would be the player on his roster with the most games played (but, less than half the team's total), and the second and final conditional pool player would be the player with the second-most games played. If either or both of these players are not available for the game in question for reasons the manager should be prepared to share with the league president, then the manager selects the player(s) with the next most games played, and so on.
F. Pool players:
If, after exhausting the methods above, a manager still cannot field a 9 player team, then he may access the general pool player list, subject to restrictions published by league rules (player may not come from the same division, etc.).
G. Approval:
Any manager needing additional players and who must access the general pool player list, must obtain written approval from the league president as to which player(s) he intends to use from the list.
The purpose of using pool players is to prevent forfeits, and or to prevent further injury,
to obtain a competitive advantage. Should the use of pool players be deemed by the league as an attempt to obtain a competitive advantage, your team will be subject to forfeiture of that game.
Remember: All pool players, conditional as first choice, regular pool players as second choice must be approved for play by league president Dave Becker.
A. Alcohol:
No alcoholic beverages or illegal substances are permitted on the field or the premises of the field. Failure to observe this rule may result in immediate ejection from the game and/or league.
B. Drugs:
No illegal substances are permitted on the field or the premises of the field. Failure to observe this rule may result in immediate ejection from the game and/or league.
C. Tobacco:
Smoking or tobacco products are forbidden on any field, in the dugout and at most premises of the fields (see individual fields for rule). Failure to observe this rule may result in immediate ejection from the game and/or league.
D. Game ejections:
Players ejected from a game shall not participate in that game in any way after the ejection. This includes commenting to the umpire in any way. An ejected player must leave the field grounds and shall not be heard or seen. If the player does not comply, the umpire shall give one warning to the team of the ejected player that a forfeit shall occur if the ejected player does not comply. Then if that player has not complied, the umpire may call a forfeit.
E. Suspensions:
A player and/or manager ejected from any game is automatically suspended for that team's next game;
regular season game or playoff game
. And, that player and/or manager may not "pool play" on the day(s) of his suspension. Additionally that player and/or manager may receive additional disciplinary action for his ejection from the league president in the form of additional games, probations, or expulsion from the league based on circumstances (severity of violation and past indiscretions). Some examples of longer suspensions and/or expulsion from ejections are; multiple ejections, fighting, physical contact with an umpire among other violations of conduct, the league president will solicit opinions from the league panel on all suspensions of more than 1 game. The player or team manager may file an appeal of this suspension with the league president. And per guidelines; an ejection is only official if an umpire report has been made by the ejecting umpire to the league president in a timely manner.
F. Protests:
All game protests shall be lodged in writing via email with the league president within 48 hours of the game. Should you lose your protest a $50 dollar fee will be imposed upon your team.
G. Verbal abuse:
Verbal abuse of opposing teams or umpires will not be tolerated. The umpires have been instructed to warn and/or eject players for verbal abuses.
H. Equipment throwing:
Throwing of equipment will not be tolerated. The umpires have been instructed to warn and/or eject players for abuses.
I. Notifications:
League decisions against players and/or managers for disciplinary reasons, including all ejections shall be emailed to all affected managers in a timely fashion with the name and team of the player and the action taken.
J. Appeals:
A manager may challenge any decision made by the league president by filing an appeal to the league president, which will then be reviewed by the league panel. A $50 bond must be posted by the appealing manager with the appeal, which will be refunded only if the appeal/challenge is upheld. The appeals panel shall be comprised of three members (mangers or umpires), excluding any members from the same division of the challenging manager.
K. League Counsel / Panel:
The league counsel / panel will be a group of at least three members comprised of league managers, league umpires, or other league affiliates that will have the best interest of the league at heart.
A. Uncovered situation:
Any situation that may arise during the game that is not covered by any of the above rules shall be resolved by the managers of the game or by the home plate umpire if said managers are unable to reach an agreement. The circumstances of such an event shall be reported to the chief umpire and the league president.
B. League president power:
The league president has the power to override, overrule, or change any rule or decision if he deems his actions as; "in the best interest of the league".
A. Game sheets:
Game sheets are the game scorecard, player waiver of liability release, and player attendance verification which is to be signed by all members
(proxy signatures are not valid)
from both teams of any particular Los Angeles Baseball League game. After each game the home manager must make sure that the game sheet is signed by the umpires and both managers, and then forwards (by mail or email, no faxes) that game sheet to the league president before the next game. Failure to do so may result in a $25 fine per offense and/or possible cancellation of further games.
B. Dugout upkeep:
Dugouts must be cleaned of trash after the game. This includes sunflower seeds.
C. Manager's responsibilities:
Each manager is responsible for having updated rosters, inputting game boxscores, game summaries and team statistics.
D. Player registration:
Each player must be registered with the league via online registration by 10:00 PM the day prior to your next game. Only registered, rostered players may participate in any games (other than legal pool players).
E. Pool player registration:
Any non-rostered pool player or player that is not already on the pool player list must be added to the pool player list prior to game time.
F. Roster upkeep:
All rosters must be current and up to date. The league has monetary and player eligibility penalties for failure to perform this task.
G. Stats:
It is the winning team's minimum responsibility to keep a scorebook for both offense and pitching stats, input the game linescore (runs, hits, errors for both teams), completed game, innings and game headlines. A summary of the game is also preferable. This must be done by 11:00 AM on the Monday following that week's game (of course most of the managers input the day of the game). The losing team should input the linescore, completed game and innings if they are the first team to input. The losing team may add to the summary of the game is so desired. The league has monetary, standing points, and player eligibility penalties for teams failing to perform these tasks.
H. Boxscores:
Boxscores for each game
(including pitching stats - if you do not have that information, get it from the opposing manager)
must be posted for each team by 12:00 PM on the Wednesday following that week's game (most of the managers input this much sooner). Boxscores are important for four reasons: 1) It validates participation in the game, which is cross referenced to the blue sheet. 2) It automatically updates the season statistics for that team. 3) The updated statistics allow for opponents to get a clearer picture of an opponent's roster and of the abilities of their opponents. 4) It provides a more organized and presentable league.
Penalty for non-compliance: If a team is more than 1 week late with any stats and does not have a valid reason for such lateness, that team can be penalized a point in the standings for each infraction. And, the players on the offending team will be notified why they are losing a point.
A. League President:
Dave Becker - The best form of contact is via email (questions, concerns, ideas, etc.) at, a timely response will follow. The next best form of contact is via text (questions, concerns, ideas, etc.), at (310)850-7388, a timely response will follow. The worst way of contact is by voice - I usually am not able to talk right then and there, but will contact you back.
B. Head of umpires:
Alfonso Garcia - Should you have umpire issues you can email him at (please cc: Dave Becker).
C. League website:
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