Upper Perk Youth Basketball Saturday Morning League


We are always looking for volunteers to help run our program! If you are interested in becoming a Coach for our Saturday Rec / In House League Program, you will receive a full refund at the end of the season!

*All Volunteers must sign in every Saturday and have all clearances on file - please reach out the upyouthbball@gmail.com with any questions

Upper Perkiomen Youth Basketball will be following the Upper Perkiomen School District policy for Volunteers needing to submit criminal (Act 34), child abuse (Act 151) background check and a FBI Fingerprint (Act 114) if you have not resided in Pennsylvania for the past 10 years. Please visit the school website at www.upsd.org or find necessary information under volunteer forms.

UPYB is currently accepting Paypal payments and Venmo payments (offline option)
Insurance Waiver / Hold Harmless Clause: The Upper Perkiomen Valley Youth Basketball League is made up solely of volunteers with the purpose of helping the youth of the Upper Perkiomen Valley learn about basketball and learn the basic skills of the game. There is no form of medical insurance coverage provided for participants of the Upper Perkiomen Valley Youth Basketball League. By registering, the parent/guardian of the participant(s) agree to hold harmless all volunteers of the Upper Perkiomen Valley Youth Basketball League, all members of the Upper Perkiomen School Board, all coaches and administrators for the loss of any material, equipment, and injury which may occur while using the facilities of the Upper Perkiomen School District while participating in the Upper Perkiomen Valley Youth Basketball League. In addition, the parent/guardian and participant agree to hold harmless all parties identified, above, for all acts of negligence.
Please give initials to show acceptance of waiver.

* indicates required fields